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1、 经济学家读译参考经济学家读译参考 Translated now the g_(C) is more than sevenfold. Of the 10,000 Taiwanese who migrated to Paraguay, many of them in the 1980s, only half remain. Taiwanese investment comprises little more than an ailing2 industrial parkpartly because skilled labour is short. (2)Taiwanese experts hav

2、e passed on technical advice, but their lessons were ignored, says Carlos Paris, a trade official. 然而,巴拉圭没能将这种施舍转变为一种发展伙伴关系(没有与台湾一起实现同步发展) 。1990 年,台湾 人平均收入是巴拉圭人的 3 倍,现在差距已经超过 7 倍。移民到巴拉圭的一万名台湾人中,许多都是上世 纪 80 年代去的,如今只剩半数还继续留在巴拉圭。台湾的投资也大多集中在一个工业园,现已每况愈下, 部分是因为缺乏技术熟练的劳工。贸易官员卡洛斯巴黎说,台湾专家提供了很多技术方面的建议,但是 却没有

3、传授任何经验。 (“pass on”意为“传递” ,在本句中是指“先后”有很多专家前往巴拉圭进行技术指导,也就是技术援助。 “be ignored”的主语也应该是“台湾专家” ,就是说,这些台湾专家只给巴拉圭从技术方面建言献策,但他们“忽视了”介绍自身工作积累的一些经验和教训,于是乎,没有前车之鉴,巴拉圭就难免总是摔跟头了。意思是明白了,语言组织是一件难事,凑合着看吧。) (3)Meanwhile, China looms larger. Last year, it supplied a quarter of Paraguays imports, second only to Brazil.

4、It buys much of the countrys soya crop. For some Paraguayans, such as Jorge Samaniego, whose factory a_(D) Chinese motorcycles, lack of diplomatic ties is becoming a problem. It makes it harder for his Chinese suppliers to visit. 经济学家读译参考经济学家读译参考 Translated opposite to “slump”) NOTES(LONGMAN) 1homag

5、e n. something you do to show respect for someone or something you think is important 尊崇,效忠(pay homage to 对毕恭毕敬) 2ailing adj. an ailing company, organization or economy is having a lot of problems and is not successful困难重重的(公司、组织、经济);境况不佳的 3voracious adj. eating or wanting large quantities of food 贪

6、吃的;贪婪的;狼吞虎咽的 如:Kids can have voracious appetites.小孩会很贪吃。 TIPS rice payments cost taxpayers almost $10 billion between 1995 and 2004, and rich farmers round Stuttgart in Arkansas County (an efficient and politically shrewd group) took in $21.2m in subsidies in 2004 a_(E). 反对人士担心,工程不但会给环境造成诸多威胁,而且将导致稻

7、农可能放弃现已采用的储水改良方法,反对人士担心,工程不但会给环境造成诸多威胁,而且将导致稻农可能放弃现已采用的储水改良方法, 最终受益的将是那些用水大户,这是不公平的。最终受益的将是那些用水大户,这是不公平的。他们还反对说,这一工程意味着,政府对抽水灌溉农作物 提供了补贴,可用水人却不需缴任何费用。水稻是美国重点扶持的农作物之一,1995 年至 2004 年间纳税 人为购买大米支付了将近 100 亿美元,阿肯色县斯图加特(一个高效的、有着精明政治头脑的集体)附近 的富裕农户,仅从 2004 年一年的政府补贴中就赚得 2120 万美元。 QUIZ 1翻译划线部分英文:翻译划线部分英文: 2根据单

8、词英文释义和首字母提示填入恰当单词:根据单词英文释义和首字母提示填入恰当单词: (A)e_(adj. animal or plant not existing any more; dying out) (B)f_(vi. to become covered by water and spread water over the land) (C)U_(adv. unluckily) (D)i_(n. someone who is thought to represent an important idea) (E)a_(adv. without including anything else;

9、merely) NOTES(LONGMAN) 1sbs/sths claim to fame a place or persons claim to fame is the reason why they are famousoften used humorously to mention something that is not very important (某地或某人)出名的原因(诙谐用语,形容一些无足轻重的事物) 如:My main claim to fame is that I once shook Elviss hand. 跟 Elvis 握手让我出了名。 2death blow

10、 an action or event that makes something fail or end = death knell: (令某事失败或终止的)行动或事件 如:His decision to leave the show has delivered a death blow to the series. 3aquifer n.蓄水层 4destitute adj. 1)having no money, no food, no home, etc. 一无所有 如:The floods left many people destitute.洪水让许多人缺衣少食,无家可归。 2)be

11、destitute of sth.一点也没有 如:a man who is destitute of mercy 毫无同情心的人 KEY TO QUIZ 1 翻译参见译文,不妥之处欢迎商榷。翻译参见译文,不妥之处欢迎商榷。 2 (A)extinct 灭绝,绝种; (灭绝,绝种; (B)floods 闹水灾,涨水; (闹水灾,涨水; (C)Unfortunately 不幸地; (不幸地; (D)icon 代表 人物,标志性人物,公认代表; (代表 人物,标志性人物,公认代表; (E)alone 仅仅仅仅 经济学家读译参考经济学家读译参考 Translated the film version o

12、f the novel, which is being r_ around the world on May 19th, will reach millions more; and yet Mr Browns message is about as heretical as you can get. “The Da Vinci Code” holds that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered a daughter; that the Bible was put together by a fourth-century Roman

13、 emperor with a thing against women; that the Catholic Church is a criminal conspiracy. 美国的教堂脑筋极为灵活。 (“nothing if not”一般用于强调某人或某物的品质“尤其” , “极为”)也许你以为他们将与 达 芬奇密码 干戈相向了。 丹 布朗这部小说十分畅销, 已经被翻译成 44 种语言, 印数超过 4000 万册; 根据小说改 编的电影 5 月 19 日将在全球首映,必定引得更多人瞩目。 然而,从布朗的小说中你所能看到的不外乎是一种异教论。 达芬奇密码认为,耶稣娶玛丽玛德琳娜为妻,生了 一个

14、女儿; 圣经是四世纪一位罗马皇帝(即君士坦丁) 怀着对女性敌视的思想捏造出来的; 天主教堂隐藏着一个犯 罪阴谋。 Roman Catholics are c_ up in arms. The Vatican has urged the faithful to boycott the film. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a documentary and a website, J. The American Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Propert

15、y is organising prayer-vigils3 at cinemas. The film is the most flagrant4 example of American anti-Catholicism, some say, since the Know Nothings(2) of the 19th century. 罗马天主教肯定是要怒目以对的。梵蒂冈罗马教廷已经敦促信徒们抵制这部电影。美国天主教主教集会发 布了一部纪录片,并推出一个网站(http:/www.J) 。美国传统、家庭与财产保护协会正组 织在电影院举行静坐守夜抗议活动。有人说,该片是自 19 世纪的“一无所知党”以来,美国反天主教最 为明目张胆的例证。 But many other Christians, particularly evangelicals5, are taking a different approach. For them the film provides a golden opportunity to get people talking about Christian subjects. So


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