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1、 大家论坛法律英语板块 http:/ 1.法律英语考试相关用书1.法律英语考试相关用书,pdf格式,方便下载、使用; 2.法律英语所涉领域相关资料,包括专业词汇、短语、pdf格式,方便下载、使用; 2.法律英语所涉领域相关资料,包括专业词汇、短语、句 型、常用术语等专题解读句 型、常用术语等专题解读; 3.法律英语扩展阅读材料, 包括3.法律英语扩展阅读材料, 包括英文报刊选读、 专业音频、 视频推荐英文报刊选读、 专业音频、 视频推荐下载;下载; 4.法律英语学习词典,包括:4.法律英语学习词典,包括:布莱克、朗文、新汉英、剑 桥布莱克、朗文、新汉英、剑 桥等;等; 5.法律英语职业展望,包

2、括各种涉外及其他5.法律英语职业展望,包括各种涉外及其他法律职业相关 信息的汇集法律职业相关 信息的汇集。 。 着迷英语900句 (第三集) LAURA: Hi, Bill. 嗨, 比尔你好. BILL: Hi, Laura. How are you today? 嗨, 罗拉. 你今天怎么样? LAURA: Awful. I resigned. 糟透了! 我辞职了. BILL: You resigned? Why?你辞职了? 为什么? BILL: You liked the job, didnt you? 你不是蛮喜欢那份工作吗? LAURA: Yes and no. I never like

3、d my boss. You know that. 喜欢也不喜欢. 我始终都不喜欢我的老板, 这个你是知道的. BILL: Yes. But it was an interesting job, wasnt it? 对, 可是那份工作不是蛮有趣的吗? LAURA: Yes. 是的. LAURA: We handled all the advertising and promotion for the Fair. 我们负责万博会所有的广告与宣传促销. BILL: Well, what are you going to do now? 那么, 你现在打算怎么样. LAURA: Find anoth

4、er job. Do you need a secretary? 找新工作. 你需不需要一个秘书? LAURA: I type sixty words a minute.我一分钟可以打六十个字. BILL: No, not today. But did you look in the newspaper? 今天不需要. 不过你可曾在报纸上找过? LAURA: Yes. Nobody needs a secretary this week. 找过了, 这个礼拜那里都不缺秘书. BILL: What about the employment office here at the Fair? 万博会

5、的人事处如何呢? BILL: Did you check with them? 你到那边问过没有? LAURA: No, I didnt. 没有, 我没有. BILL: Why not? 为什么不去呢? LAURA: Because they arent going to help me. 因为他们不会帮助我的. LAURA: I resigned from a good job! 我已经辞掉一份很好的工作! BILL: Maybe youre wrong. 也许你错了. LAURA: Oh, Bill. You need recommendations to get a good job.

6、Mr. Crawford isnt going to give me a recommendation. 噢, 比尔, 要找一份好工作, 非有以前雇主的推荐不可. 郭佛先生不会帮我写推荐函的. BILL: Look. 我跟你讲, BILL: Mr. Crawford is difficult to work for, right? 替郭佛先生作事很艰难, 你说是不是? LAURA: Right. 是. BILL: Well, maybe the employment office knows it, too. 也许人事处里也知道这个情形. LAURA: Is that possible? 有那

7、个可能吗? BILL: Of course, its possible! Maybe youre his seventh secretary in two years! 当然有可能! 说不定你是他两年来第七任秘书! LAURA: Maybe. Thanks, Bill. 也许吧. 谢谢你, 比尔. BILL: Dont mention it. Good luck. 不足挂齿, 祝你成功! MRS.CRAWFORD: Hi, dear. How was your day?嗨, 亲爱的, 你回来啦! 今天过得好吗? MR.CRAWFORD: Oh, the same. 噢, 老样子. MRS.CR

8、AWFORD: Hows your secretary? Does she come in on time now? 你那个秘书怎么样? 她最近准时上班吗? MR.CRAWFORD: Yes. well, in fact, she resigned today. 是的. 嗯, 事实上, 她今天已辞职了. MRS.CRAWFORD: Laura? Resigned? Why? 罗拉? 辞职了? 为什么? MR.CRAWFORD: I dont know. Maybe because I criticized her typing. 我不知道. 也许是因为我批评她打字技术不好. MRS.CRAWF

9、ORD: Shes a good typist, isnt she? 她是一位好打字员, 对不对? MR.CRAWFORD: Yes, usually. 是, 通常是打得不错. MRS.CRAWFORD: Well? 怎么讲? “MR.CRAWFORD: “Usually“ isnt “always.“ “通常“ 是不等于 “经常“ 的.“ MRS.CRAWFORD: You are too critical, dear. 你太挑剔了, 亲爱的! MR.CRAWFORD: Please. Its my business. 拜托, 那是我的事情. MRS.CRAWFORD: Dont talk

10、to me that way. And dont forget, it was my fathers business. Youre too critical of everything and everyone; of me, of the boys. 不要这样对我说话,你也不要忘了,公司本来是我爸爸的.你对每一个人,每一件事物都太挑剔, 包括我, 我们的儿子. MR.CRAWFORD: Jane, please, dont bother me. 珍, 我求你不要烦我. MRS.CRAWFORD: Look, Gary, I live here, too. They are my sons,

11、 too. 贾瑞你听我讲, 这个家也是我的, 儿子也是我的. MR.CRAWFORD: Im tired, and I dont want to talk about it. 我很累, 我不想讨论这些. MIGUEL: What a mess! 这里乱透了! PEDRO: You sound like my mother. Watch out! 你讲话像我妈妈一样. 小心啊! PEDRO: Dont step on that sweater. 别踩了那件毛衣. MIGUEL: Hey, thats my sweater. 嘿, 这件毛衣是我的! PEDRO: Uh, yes, I guess

12、it is. 这个. 好像是. MIGUEL: Youre a slob, Pedro, but youre a great photographer. 你是个大垃圾虫, 佩德罗. 可是, 你却也是个第一流的摄影师. MIGUEL: Some of these pictures could be in magazines. 这些照片可以登到杂志上去. PEDRO: Thanks, Miguel. 谢谢你, 米盖尔. MIGUEL: Hey, heres an old picture of you. You had a mustache! 嘿, 这里有一张你以前的照片. 你留了小胡子! PEDR

13、O: Let me see. 给我看. MIGUEL: Youre standing with a guy with long blond hair. He looks American. 你跟一个金黄长发的家伙站在一起, 他看起来好像是美国人. PEDRO: Yes, he is. He was my first good friend here. A very creative guy. 是的, 他是我来这边以后的第一个好朋友, 是一个很有艺术创作力的年轻人. PEDRO: I met him at the art school downtown. 我是在市中区那间艺术学校认识他的. MI

14、GUEL: Whats his name? You never talk about him. 他叫什么名字? 你从来没提过他. PEDRO: His names Michael. 他叫麦可, PEDRO: He was in love with this woman. 他跟这位小姐相恋, PEDRO: He wanted to marry her. She was beautiful, but crazy. 他想娶她. 她很漂亮, 但是有点神经兮兮的. “MIGUEL: What do you mean “crazy?“ 你说她神经兮兮的, 是什么意思? PEDRO: One day, sh

15、e came to my door. She didnt love Michael anymore. She fell in love with me. 有一天 她来到我家门口. 她不再爱麦可了, 她爱上了我. MIGUEL: Just like that? 就那样吗? PEDRO: Well, sure, I flirted with her, but I flirt with everyone! 这个. 当然罗, 我有逗过她, 可是我谁都逗. MIGUEL: What happened? 结果怎么样? PEDRO: You know I cant resist a pretty face.

16、 你是知道的, 我没办法抗拒漂亮女孩子的魔力. MIGUEL: And Michael? What did he do? 那么麦可呢? 他的反应怎么样? PEDRO: He never spoke to me again. About a year ago I tried to call him, but he hung up on me. 他跟我断绝来往了. 大概一年前我给他打电话, 可是被他挂断了. MIGUEL: What happened to the girl? 那个女孩怎么样了? PEDRO: We saw each other a few times. 我们彼此见了几次面, PEDRO: Then she moved to Florida. 然后她搬到佛罗里达去了. PEDRO: She has a sister there. Things like that don



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