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1、 http:/ 雅思口语 part1 话题之小吃 雅思口语考试很多时候,大家更加注重第二部分的备考,而往往忽略 part1,今天我们为大家带来雅思口语 part1 兴趣爱好类话题的介绍,下面我们来看看雅思口语 part1 话题之小吃的相关内容,希望大家能够关注。 What is your favourite snack? My favourite snack would have to be baozi, I think in English you would call them steamed buns or dumplings. Theyre delicious and best of

2、all theyre cheap!They are served all over the place so you can pick a bag up on-the-go and you can get all sorts of different fillings. My personal favourite is pork with white cabbage. 我最喜欢的小吃必须是包子,我觉得用英文你会叫它们“蒸面包”或者“饺子”。它们很美味而且最好的是它们很便宜!它们哪里都有卖所以你可以拿一个袋子带走而且你能吃更种馅儿。我个人最喜欢的是猪肉白菜。 What kind of snack

3、 is popular in your country? China has a wide range of snacks, some savoury and some sweet. I think they are very specific to our country and sometimes to the local region you are in. In Beijing the pastries from Daoxiangcun are very popular. They are eaten by locals, but are also bought as souvenir

4、s by visitors. 中国有很多小吃,一些咸味的,一些甜味的。我觉得它们仅限于我们国家而且有时候是你在的本地区域。在北京稻香村的面点很受欢迎。它们是当地人吃的,但也会被游客当做纪念品购买。 When do you usually have snacks? http:/ I tend to eat 3 main meals a day, but I also like to graze on snacks in between meals. Ive gotten into the habit of having elevenses, which I picked up from a fo

5、reigner I used to work with. It usually involves a cup of tea or coffee, with a cake or some biscuits at around eleven AM. 我倾向于一天吃三次主餐,不过我也喜欢在饭间吃零食。我已经养成习惯吃午前茶点,这个习惯是我从以前一起工作过的一个外国人那里学来的。它通常需要一杯茶或咖啡,配着一个蛋糕或者一些饼干在大概上午 11 点的时候。 What are the benefits of having a snack? I find that snacks perform differ

6、ent roles depending on when I have them. A mid-morning snack is an excuse for a little break and can be a bit of a pick me up if Im feeling sleepy. A snack in the afternoon keeps my hunger at bay and helps tide me over till dinner. 我发现小吃扮演着不同的角色取决于我什么时候吃。半上午吃零食是小憩片刻的一个很好的理由,而且如果我有点困还可以起到一点提神的作用。下午的零

7、食可以顶饥,帮我撑到晚餐。 Who prefer snacks, men or women/ the young or the old? I think women wouldnt like to admit it, but they probably snack more than men. It isnt necessarily always snacks that are bad for you, I think they also eat more fruit between meals.As for the young or old, I think young people mus

8、t snack more, partly because there are more snacks aimed at young people, but also because I think young people eat more than old people in general. http:/ 我觉得女人不会喜欢承认这一点,不过他们确实比男人吃更多的零食。零食不一定是对你有坏处,我觉得她们在饭间吃的水果也更多。至于年轻人或者老年人,我觉得年轻人一定吃的多,一部分因为有更多瞄准年轻人的零食,不过也因为我觉得年轻人总体来讲比老年人吃的更多。 以上就是雅思口语 part1 话题之小吃的问题及答案汇总,希望对大家有帮助。更多雅思口语part1 话题解析供大家参考,大家可以继续关注前程百利雅思考试频道。



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