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1、Di gi tal News Report 2017 Foreword by Davi d A. L. Levy 5Methodology 6Authorshi p and Research Acknowledgements 7SECTION 1 Executive Summary and Key Findings Ni c Newman 8SECTION 2 Viewpoint: We Broke the News Meli ssa Bell, Vox Medi a 28SECTION 3 3.1 Payi ng for News 343.2 Polari sati on i n the N

2、ews Medi a 383.3 News Avoi dance 413.4 Soci al Medi a and Inci dental Exposure 433.5 Parti ci pati on and Onli ne News 453.6 Comparati ve Brand Analysi s and New Countri es 47SECTION 4 Analysi s by Country 50 Eur ope 4.1 Uni ted Ki ngdom 54 4.2 Austri a 564.3 Belgi um 584.4 Croati a 604.5 Czech Repu

3、bli c 624.6 Denmark 644.7 Fi nland 664.8 France 684.9 Germany 704.10 Greece 724.11 Hungary 744.12 Ireland 764.13 Italy 784.14 Netherlands 804.15 Norway 824.16 Poland 844.17 Portugal 864.18 Romani a 884.19 Slovaki a 904.20 Spai n 924.21 Sweden 944.22 Swi tzerland 964.23 Turkey 98Amer i cas 4.24 Uni t

4、ed States 1024.25 Argenti na 1044.26 Brazi l 1064.27 Canada 1084.28 Chi le 1104.29 Mexi co 112As i a Paci fic 4.30 Australi a 1164.31 Hong Kong 1184.32 Japan 1204.33 Malaysi a 1224.34 Si ngapore 1244.35 South Korea 1264.36 Tai wan 128Postscript and Further Reading 130ContentsMethodologyThi s study h

5、as been commi ssi oned by the Reuters Insti tute for the Study of Journali sm to understand how news i s bei ng consumed i n a range of countri es. Research was conducted by YouGov usi ng an onli ne questi onnai re at the end of January/begi nni ng of February 2017. The data were wei ghted to target

6、s based on census/i ndustry accepted data, such as age, gender, regi on, newspaper readershi p, and soci al grade, to represent the total populati on of each country. The sample i s reflecti ve of the populati on that has access to the i nternet. As thi s survey deals wi th news consumpti on, we fil

7、tered out anyone who sai d that they had not consumed any news i n the past month, i n order to ensure that i rrelevant responses di dnt adversely affect data quali ty. Thi s category was lower than 1% i n Fi nland, averaged around 3% but was as hi gh as 9% i n Australi a. A comprehensi ve onli ne q

8、uesti onnai re1 was desi gned to capture all aspects of news consumpti on. A number of face-to-face focus groups were held i n the US, UK, Fi nland, and Spai n to explore i ssues relati ng to payi ng for news and di gi tal adverti si ng. These were conducted by Kantar Medi a.Our survey was conducted

9、 usi ng establi shed onli ne panels run by our polli ng company YouGov and thei r partners. Because thi s i s an onli ne survey the results wi ll under-represent the consumpti on habi ts of people who are not onli ne (typi cally older, less affluent, and wi th li mi ted formal educati on). Where rel

10、evant, we have tri ed to make thi s clear wi thi n the text. The mai n purpose i s to track the acti vi ti es and changes over ti me wi thi n the di gi tal space as well as gai ni ng understandi ng about how offli ne medi a and onli ne medi a are used together. A fuller descri pti on of the methodol

11、ogy and a di scussi on of non-probabi li ty sampli ng techni ques can be found on our websi te. Along wi th country-based figures, throughout the report we also use aggregate figures based on responses from all respondents across all the countri es covered. These figures are meant only to i ndi cate

12、 overall tendenci es and should be treated wi th cauti on.1 The full questi onnai re can be accessed at www.di gi talnewsreport.orgCountryCountry codeFinal sample sizeT otal populationInternet penetrationUSAUSA2,269324m90%UKUK2,11265m92%GermanyGER2,06281m89%FranceFRA2,00065m86%ItalyITA2,01162m63%*Sp

13、ai nSPA2,00646m77%PortugalPOR2,00710m68%IrelandIRE2,0024.9m94%NorwayNOR2,0565.1m96%SwedenSWE2,0219.7m95%Fi nlandFIN2,0075.5m92%DenmarkDEN2,0115.7m96%Belgi umBEL2,00911m88%NetherlandsNLD2,00617m96%Swi tzerlandSUI2,0058.2m87%Austri aAUT2,0008.6m83%HungaryHUN2,0049.8m81%Slovaki aSVK2,0025.4m83%Czech Re

14、publi cCZE2,00311m88%PolandPOL2,01338m68%Romani aROU2,02920m56%Croati aCRO2,0054.2m74%GreeceGRE2,00211m65%TurkeyTUR2,00578m60%JapanJPN2,000126m94%South KoreaKOR2,00251m89%Tai wanTWN1,01723m88%Hong KongHK2,0157.4m82%Malaysi aMYS2,10831m70%Si ngaporeSGP2,0005.7m81%Australi aAUS2,00423m92%CanadaCAN2,00

15、035m93%Brazi lBRA2,003206m68%Argenti naARG2,00144m79%Chi leCHL2,00518m80%Mexi coMEX2,003123m56%Please note that i n Brazi l, Mexi co and Turkey our samples are representati ve of urban rather than nati onal populati ons, whi ch must be taken i nto consi derati on when i nterpreti ng results. Source:

16、 Internet World Stats http:/www.i i nternet populati on esti mate 2017. *Italy data from Internet World Stats 2016.Section 1 Executi ve Summary and Key Fi ndi ngs9/8 The i nternet and soci al medi a may have exacerbated low trust and fake news, but we find that i n many countri es the underlyi ng dri vers of mi strust are as much to do wi th deep-rooted poli ti cal polari sati on and percei ved mai nst



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