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1、http:/ 1 2010 年 12 月 4 日 PMP 考试反馈分析:本次分析是汇聚了北京几所著名培训机构的近 50 名 考生的反馈意见汇总而成,目的是为了帮助更多的人以更快的速度顺利通过 2011 年 3 月 26 日的 PMP 考试。 总体而言,2010 年 12 月 4 日 PMP 考试较以往做出重大调整。就出题的形式而言,以往的 考试都会保留之前考试(即历史数据或者试题库)的 30以上,也就是说,200 道考题中会 有超过 60 道以上的考题都是之前考过的, 甚至是上次考过的。 例如 2010 年 10 月 24 日的考试中,很多试题都是 8 月和 6 月的试题。但是 2010 年

2、12 月 4 日的考试则不同,采用试题库 的题目数量不超过 10 道,也就是说其中 190 道题目都是 PMI 全新创造而成的。对于众多考 生而言,大多数都是参加了培训班,或者做了一些模拟题,而后上战场的,因此,12 月 4 日的考试一下子显得难度增加了不少。 再说这次的题目,直接考察输入输出工具(ITO)的有 30 道,直接考察变更流程(提交申 请评估影响通知客户提交 CCB)的也有 30 道左右,考察挣值管理的计算题在 20 题 左右。总体而言,这次的题目大量集中在成本管理,质量管理和风险管理上,希望同学对这三个领域多加注意。 最后说一下计算题。这次的计算只有挣值和 PERT。而合同和沟通

3、渠道一道也没有考。也许, 这是 PMI 的一个趋势,但是对于合同和渠道我们不能掉以轻心,因此之前两者的分数在 10 分左右。 以后有时间,我会将 2010 年 12 月 4 日 PMP 考试 试题 分批 分享,供参考。 79 Which of the following is not true for a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) 对于 RAM 而言,以下说法错误的是:: A. Defines what project member is responsible for each activity 定义了每个项目团队成员对哪 项活动负责 B.

4、 Defines responsibilities for each WBS component 定义了每个 WBS 包的责任归属 C. Defines all people associated with each activity 定义了所有活动与人员之间的关系 D. Text description of roles, responsibilities, authorities 描述了角色,责任和职权 http:/ 2 80 Management reserves are normally defined as a % of the total budget. As a project

5、progresses, the project manager wants the $ value of management reserve to _, whereas the customer wants the management reserve to _. 管理储备常常定义为总预算的某个百分比。 随着项目的不断进行,项目经理希望管理储备_而客户希望管理储备_。 A. Increase, increase. 增加, 增加 B. Increase, decrease. 增加, 减少 C. Remain the same, return to customer. 保持不变,归还客户 D.

6、Decrease, increase. 减少, 增加 81 Reserve Analysis a technique not used in: 储备分析不能用于: A. Estimate Costs 成本估算 B. Estimating Activity Duration 活动历时估算 C. Control Costs 控制成本 D. Determine Budget 制定预算 82 A Project with a total funding of $70,000 finished with a BAC value of $60,000. What term can best describ

7、e the difference of $10,000? 项目的资金总需求是 70,000,而在项目完成时 BAC 为$60,000,两者相差的$10,000 可以解释为: A. Management Contingency Reserve 管理储备 B. Cost Variance 成本偏差 C. Schedule Variance 进度偏差 D. Management Overhead 间接管理费用 http:/ 3 83 You are the project manager for a new website for the local zoo. You need to perform

8、 Qualitative Risk Analysis. When youve completed this process, youll produce all of the following as part of the risk register update output except which one? 作为项目经理,你要为当地一家动 物园开发网站。目前,你正在进行定性风险分析。当你完成该活动后,风险登记册中的以下方面都会更新,除了: A. Probability of achieving time and cost estimates 在既定时间和成本内完成项目的可能性 B. W

9、atch list of low- priority risks 低优先级风险的观察清单 C. Priority list of risks 风险的优先级列表 D. Risks grouped by categories 分类的风险清单 84 You are a contract project manager. Your latest project involves rewriting the Department of Revenues income tax system. As project manager, you have taken all the appropriate ac

10、tions regarding confidentiality of data. One of the key stakeholders is a huge movie buff, and she has the power to promote you into a better position at the conclusion of this project. Shes reviewing some report data that just happens to include confidential information regarding one of her favorit

11、e movie superstars. What is the most appropriate response? 你最近从事的项目是为税务 部门开发税务系统。作为项目经理,你有责任处理所有机密信息。项目的一个关键干系人是 一个电影迷,而且她有权对项目的成败做出评价。当她浏览你发给她的状态报告时,发现了她喜欢的一位影星的个人信息。这时候,你应该: A. Do nothing, because she has the proper level of access rights to the data and this information showed up unintentionally.

12、 不做什么,因为她有权接触这些报告,而且这些信息并非故意呈现 B. Request that she immediately return the information, citing conflict of interest and violation of confidential company data. 要求她马上归还这些报告,并指出这可能导致利益冲突 C. Request that she immediately return the information until you can confirm that she has the proper level of access

13、 rights to the data. 要求她马上归还这些报告,直到你能确认她有权接触这些数据 D. Report her to the management team. 报告管理层 85 Make payment to seller is done in _ . 向供应商支付款项发生在哪个过程? http:/ 4 A. Plan Procurements 规划采购 B. Conduct Procurements 实施采购 C. Administer Procurements 管理采购 D. Close Procurements 结束采购 86 All of the following st

14、atements are true regarding the RBS except for which one? 以下对于RBS 的描述都是正确的,除了: A. The RBS is similar to the WBS in that the lowest levels of both are easily assigned to a responsible party or owner. RBS 和 WBS 类似,最底层易于分配给相关方 B. The RBS is contained in the risk management plan. RBS 包含在风险管理计划中 C. The l

15、owest level of the RBS can be used as a checklist, which is a tool and technique of the Risk Identification process. RBS 的最底层可以用做核对表,而核对表可以用于识别风险过程 D. It describes risk categories, which are a systematic way to identify risks and provide a foundation for understanding for everyone involved on the pr

16、oject. RBS 描述了风险的分类,这是系统化识别风险的方法,从而为每个人理解风险奠定基础 87 Failure costs are also known as which of the following? 失败成本也称为: A. Internal costs 内部成本 B. Prevention costs 预防成本 C. Cost of keeping defects out of the hands of customers 防止缺陷落入客户手中的成本 D. Cost of poor quality 低质量成本 88 According to Herzberg, which of the following is a motivational factor? 根据赫茨伯格,以下哪项是激励因素? A. Working conditions 工作环境 http:/


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