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1、张仕平硕士论文电子版 保密级别 内部 学位级别 法学硕士 论文提交日期 2001 年 5 月 8 日 论文答辩日期 2001 年 6 月 5 日 论文中文题名 论社会支持与农村老年人养老 论文英文题名 Study on Social Support and the rural Aged Support 作者及所在单位 张 仕 平 吉林大学东北亚研究院人口研究所 指导教师及所在单位 王 胜 今 教授 吉林大学东北亚研究院 分类标识 C92- 05 中文主题标识 社会支持 农村老年人 养老 英文主题标识 Social Support the Rural Aged Providing for the

2、 elderly 总页数 44 页 开本 16 开 图 2 表 2 论 文 摘 要 农村养老问题是关系到占全国人口 70%的农村人口的老年生活保障,并进而关系到社会稳定和发展的大问题。目前农村养老保障面临的重重困难以及现有农村养老问题研究的不足使从新的角度对其展开深入的研究成为必然。 养老,实质上是老年人口与社会之间基于生活保障的获取与供给的一种互动过程。对老年人而言,是养老资源的获取及消费的过程;对社会而言,则是养老资源的供给过程。从这个意义上讲,养老是一个系统工程。为此,我们提出“养老保障系统”的构架,并用之于农村老年人养老的分析。我们认为,养老保障系统涵盖社会支持和老年人需求两个子系统,

3、两个子系统之间的互动即是养老保障的实现过程。同时,系统功能的发挥又受到系统外部环境及其变迁的制约。在养老保障系统中,老年人的养老需求是系统存在的基础;老年人社会支持是系统的主要方面,包括个人行为支持、社团和社区支持、经济领域支持、国家支持。老年保障系统要处于良性运行状态,需要各子系统充分发挥各自功能并能相互协调,同时亦需要良好的外部环境。 农村老年人的养老需求具有三个特点: (1)需求缺省; (2)需求的差序格局; (3)养老需求扩大及增龄变化。农村老年人的社会支持系统是不完善的。目前国家支持主要体现在法律支持、舆论支持、行政支持等方面,经济支持一直处于缺省状态。经济欠发达、集体经济薄弱的地区

4、的农村老年人根本得不到集体经济的支持。社团支持在广大农村地区尚未萌芽。社区支持仅限于人情往来,不具有经常性。基于传统孝道文化和法律约束的个人支持承担着农村老年人养老的重任。 农村养老保障的现状肇因于下述各因素: (1)人口老龄化及人口迁移变动。 (2)经济社会发展水平低下。 (3)公民社会权利即公民享受经济福利和保障的权力未获充分重视。 (4)建国以来长期实行“工业优先、城市优先”的非平衡发展战略。 (5)城乡社会相互隔离。 (6)依靠家庭成员主要是子女养老的传统支持观根深蒂固。 本文在上述分析的基础上得出如下结论:其一,国家、集体经济组织、社团和社区、个人等是农村老年人社会支持的平等主体。只

5、有充分发挥各主体的功能,农村养老保障才能得到很好解决。其二,农村老年人的经济需求单靠家庭难以满足,国家和集体经济组织对农村老年的支持,首要的和主要的应是经济支持,这是国家和集体经济组织的义务。其三,社团和社区服务如同其自身组织一样在农村需要强化,这既是改变农村老年人服务需求完全依赖家庭成员的现状的途径之一,又是未来农村老年人服务需求获得满足的条件。其四,重视和提高公民的社会权利,实施平衡发展战略,解决城乡之间的制度性壁垒,更新养老观念,对于各社会主体充分发挥支持功能至关重要。 本研究在已有研究的基础上,首次提出“农村养老保障系统”的概念及框架, 明确界定了农村老年人养老的社会支持主体及其地位和

6、作用,从制度的角度分析了农村养老保障现状的成因,从而为农村养老问题的研究及解决提供了一个新的视角。Abstract “Providing for the elderly in rural areas” is a problem of the living assurance of population ,making up 70% of the whole population, in their late years, consequently it has great effect on the stability and development of a society. Present

7、ly as far as all kinds of difficulties in the rural elderly s living assurance and the lack in its research are concerned, it is necessary to undertake a deeper investigation from a new dimension. Providing for the elderly in essence is a interacting process between the elderly and society s supply

8、and want, which base on the living assurance. For the elderly, it is a process of getting and resuming the resources of keeping the elderly; for the society, it is a process of supplying In that case, keeping the elderly is a system project, Therefore, we put forward the framework of “ The Assurance

9、 System of Providing for the Elderly” and apply it for the analysis of the problem of keeping the elderly in rural areas. We regard that “ The Assurance System of Providing for the Elderly ” covers up two subsidiary systems: the social support and the elderly s supply so the process of realizing the

10、 assurance of keeping the elderly is the interaction between these two . Meanwhile, the system s function is limited by the outer surroundings and its changes. In the system of “ the Assurance of Providing for the Elderly” system, the base is the demand of keeping the elderly on themselves, the main

11、 aspect is the social support towards the elderly, including the individual action support, the society and community support and the support from the economic field and the states.“The Assurance of Providing for the Elderly” system can work in good order, if every subsidiary system gives full play

12、to their respective function in harmony with a good outer surrounding The demand of providing for the elderly towards the old people in rural areas has three features: (1) the lack of demand (2) the gap pattern of the demand (3) enlargement of the demand and the change in increasing ages. The social

13、 support system towards the old people in rural areas is imperfect. Now the states supports are mainly shown in law support , publication support and administration support, but is short of the economy support. In the areas of less- developed economy and vulnerable collective economy, the aged in ru

14、ral areas can t receive the support from the collective economy, since the social support has not germinated in the vast rural areas and the community support there is just confined to the communication between the individuals, not performed regularly. In view of traditional filial duty and legal re

15、strain, the individual takes on the burden of providing for the elderly in rural areas. The present situation of providing for the elderly assurance in rural areas is resulted from the following factors: (1) The aging and the migration of the population; (2) the low level of the development of the e

16、conomy and the society; (3) the citizen s right , namely, their right of receiving economic welfare and assurance has not been fully emphasized; (4)since the foundation of the country, the unbalanced developing tactics of “ industry and city first” ; (5) the isolation between the rural society and the city society; (6)The stubborn conventional opinion of providing for the elderly by the family member, especially by the offspring.


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