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1、http:/ and number. 根据教师读句子的顺序给图片标号。1. - Whos that woman?- Shes my mother. 2. - Whos that girl?-Shes my friend,Amy.3. - Whos that boy? - Hes Tom. 4. - Whos that man? - Hes my father. 二、Listen and tick or cross. 听音判断对错。1. ice-cream2. ice3. hotdog4. hamburger5.brother三、Listen and number. 听音标号。1. ABC,lo

2、ok andsee2. EFG,have a seat 3. ABCDE, read afterme4. CDR,draw a tree5. GHI,fly a kite 6. EFGHI,say“goodbye“.四、Listen and number. 听音标号。1.- Comeon,BaiLing. Lets watch TV. - Great!2.- Whosthis boy?- My brother.- Cool! 3.- Whosthis girl?-Oh! Shes mysister.-Really?4. - Look! Thisismy mom.And thisismydad.

3、PEPPEP 小学英语三年级下册第一单元测试小学英语三年级下册第一单元测试听力部分听力部分(40)(40)(40)(40)一、一、 听录音,找出你所听到的字母或是单词。(听录音,找出你所听到的字母或是单词。(20202020 分)分)1 A.BbB. AaC.Eehttp:/ b cB. a dC. c a3.A. pearB. appleC. ant4.A. studentB. boyC.friend5.A. welcomeB. backC. again6.A. meetB. girlC.from7.A. CokeB. coffeeC. bread8.A. bagB. boyC. book9

4、.A. whereB. whatC. we10.A. teacherB. studentC. duck二、二、 听录音听录音, , , ,找出你所听到的句子找出你所听到的句子.(20.(20.(20.(20 分分) ) ) )() 1. A. Good morning.B. Good eveningC. Goodafternoon.() 2. A. We have a new friendB.Ihave two new friendsC.Ihave many friends.() 3. A.Im from China.B.Im from America.C.Im fromCanada.() 4

5、. A. My name is Amy .B. My name is Black.C. My name is John.() 5. A.Im a teacher .B.Im his teacher.C.Im the teacher.笔试部分笔试部分(60(60(60(60分分) ) ) )三、字母小精灵的好朋友到哪里去了三、字母小精灵的好朋友到哪里去了? ? ? ?请你把它们写出来。请你把它们写出来。(10(10(10(10 分分) ) ) )http:/ 找朋友找朋友, , , ,按问和答按问和答相对应的相对应的关系找朋友关系找朋友(10(10(10(10 分分) ) ) )1.Hello!

6、A. Good afternoon.2.Good afternoonB. Its OK.3.Goodbye!C.Im from China.4.Im sorry.D. Hi!5.Where are you from?E. Bye-bye!五、选出下列汉语的正确翻译五、选出下列汉语的正确翻译(15(15(15(15 分分) ) ) )()1.你来自哪里?AWhere are you from?BWhere is he from?()2.今天我们这儿来了一位新朋友.AWe have a new friend todayBWe have an oldfriend today.()3.很高兴遇见你.A

7、Nice to meet youBWhats your name?() 4.跟我学A.Followme.B.Go and follow me()5. 妇女节 A.Teachers DayB. Womens Da()6 “欢迎!”翻译为:A. Hello!B. Welcome!六、小小翻译家六、小小翻译家(10(10(10(10分分) ) ) )1.Good morning2.Whats your name?3.Watch out!http:/ a boy.5.Im from China.七、读一读,并判断。Girl: Hello! Im Amy, Whats your name?Boy: My

8、 name is Mike. Im from Canada. Where are you from?Girl: Im from America. Nice to meet you!Boy: Nice to meet you, too!()1. Amy is a boy.()2. Amy is from China.()3. Mike is a girl.()4.Mike is from Canada.三年级英语下册第四单元三年级英语下册第四单元一、听录音,把听到的信息用前面表示的字母填在括号内,每个句子听两遍(5)( )1、A、peachB、pearC、orangeD、apple( )2、A、

9、pinkB、greenC、redD、yellow( )3、A、peachesB、grapsC、pearsD、bananas( )4、A、strawberry B、watermelon C、ice-cream D、cake( )5、A、antB、appleC、atD、cat二、听录音,把你听到的字母圈出来。(5)1、bp2、OQ3、KJ4、td5、lS三、录音中有五组对话,根据你听到的内容,从 A 或 B 中选出正确答案填在括号内,每组对话听两遍.(5)()1、A、Ilike pears .B、Ilike grapes.( )2、A、No, thanks.B、Yes, please!( )3、A

10、、Certainly!B、Sure. Here you are.( )4、A、Chen jie likes bananas.http:/ jie doesntlike bananas.( )5、A、OK! B、Thank you.四、根据录音读的顺序,把下列句子按读音顺序排列。(5)()1、A、Ihave some fruits.( )2、B、Do you like oranges? Yes,Ido.( )3、C、Idontlike bananas.( )4、D、Lets have some peaches and pears.( )5、E、CanIhave an apple ,please?

11、 Certainly!五、听录音,将所听到的问句的答句填写在提前括号内(5)()1、A、Yes,Ido.( )2、B、Yes, here you are.( )3、C、No, he doesnt( )4、D、Shes my friend, Amy.( )5、E、Im from America.笔试部分一、写出下列字母的大写或小写(10)T_ H_ J_ E_ G_ L_ Q_ M_ I_ R_b_ d_ o_ k_ n_ p_s_ c_ f_a_三、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在提前括号内。(10)()A appleB bananaC pearD milk( )A blueB grapeC b

12、rownD green( )A sevenB nineC seeD eight( )A pencilB peachC rulerD eraser( )A bikeB birdC pandaD tiger四、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在提前括号内。(20)( )1、Draw _ apple,pleasehttp:/ )2、_you like this queen?A. CanB. Do( )3、Listen _me .A. tooB.to( )4、Have some_A. moreB.many( )5、Clap_ meA.withB. and( )6、Let me _ with you .A.

13、 haveB. share( )7、Im_ China.A. toB. from( )8、How many_A. applesB. apple( )9、Pour the _A. orangeB. orange juice( )10、He can _ a rainbow.A. drawB. picture六、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在题前括号内。(10)( )CanIhave a pear , please?A. No,Idont.( )Do you like grapes ?B. Eleven( )Have some watermelon,Mike ?C. Certainly!(

14、)How many bananas can you see ?D. Good idea!( )Lets share.E. Thank you .七、把下列句子按正常的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。(10)()1、Thank you .Miss White .()2、Do you like pears,John ?()3、Certainly!()4、Have some fruits , John .http:/ an apple , please ?八、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(10)Hello!Iam Wang Hong .Ilike peaches very much .Idontlike grapes . My fatherlikes watermelons . He doesntlike strawberries . My mother likes bananas . Shedoesntlike pears .()1. Wang Hong likes apple .()2. Wang Hong doesntlike grapes .()3. Her father likes watermelons .()4. Her mother likes bananas .()5. Her mother



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