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1、毕业设计(论文)正文题 目基于 PRO/E 的四缸内燃机凸轮配气机构的结构设计及运动仿真分析专 业机械设计制造及其自动化基于基于 PRO/EPRO/E 的四缸内燃机凸轮配气机构的结构设计及运动仿的四缸内燃机凸轮配气机构的结构设计及运动仿 真分析真分析摘要:摘要:配气机构作为内燃机的重要组成部分,其设计合理与否直接关系到内燃机的动力性能、经济性能、排放性能及工作的可靠性、耐久性。随着内燃机高功率、高速化,人们对其性能指标的要求越来越高,要求其在高速运行的条件下仍然能够平稳、可靠地工作,因而对其配气机构提出了更高的要求。配气凸轮型线是配气机构的核心部分,配气凸轮型线设计是配气机构优化设计的重要途径

2、之一。模拟计算和实验研究是内燃机配气机构研究两种重要手段。运用多体力学的方法对配气机构进行了动态仿真分析,采用数字多体程序的方法,建立了配气系统的理论模型,进行配气机构的运动学、动力学分析,除了得到气门的升程、速度、加速度外,还考虑了摇臂与气门之间的碰撞,以及摇臂支座的柔性。因此得到气门与摇臂之间的碰撞力,摇臂支座的柔性衬套的受力,气门弹簧力,凸轮轴支座反力,气门座反力及凸轮与摇臂之间的压力角等。为凸轮型线、摇臂形状和整个配气机构的设计改进提供了重要依据。利用pro/e强大的分析仿真功能, 对凸轮式配气机构的运动特性以及弹簧刚度对系统运动的影响进行了仿真分析, 得出弹簧刚度与气门振动的关系图,

3、 为改善系统动力学性能和关键零部件设计提供了依据。利用计算机软件仿真, 有利于降低研发成本并缩短产品的开发周期。关键词:关键词:内燃机;配气机构;凸轮型线;优化设计;汽车;发动机;配气系统;顶置凸轮;动态仿真Based on the PRO / E four cylinder internal combustion engine cam mechanism design and motion simulation analysisAbstract:The valve train is one of the most important mechanisms in a internal comb

4、ustion engine, whether the performances are good or bad, that affecting the power performance, economic performance, emissions performance of the engine, as well as affecting the reliability and wear performances of the whole engine. Along with the requests of the engines high power, super-speed, pe

5、ople demand a higher index. That is, when the engine runs under a high speed, it can still work steadily and dependably, which demand that the valve train system should have a high performance. Cam profile is the hard core of the valve train, which design is one of the important ways to carry out va

6、lve train optimal design. Simulation calculation and experimentation research are two important ways to carry out research and development on valve train of internal-combustion engine.Valve-train has been dynamically simulated by the multi-body method.A theory model has been built for the valve trai

7、n by using the digital multi-body program.Not only the lift height,speed and acceleration of valve but also the collision between valve and rocker and the flexibility of rocker support are taken into account.Therefore, the collision force between valve and rocker ,loading on the flexible bearing of

8、rocker support, valve spring force, can support counter - force, valve ring counter - force and direction angle of acting force between cam and rocker have been carried out. The important basis on design improvement for cam profile, rocker form and valve form and valve train have been provided.This

9、paper analyzed the dynamic characteristics of a cam-type valve t rain and the influence o f the spring stiffness on the systematic mot ion by using Pr o / E .The relationship between stiffness of spring and vibration of valve was got ten. The work ha s provided a basis for improving the systems dyna

10、mic char act eristics and designing the key components. T hereby , computer simulation can cut down the pro duct cost and shorten the development cycle.Key words: Internal combustion engine; Valve train; Cam profile; Optimal design;Automobile Engine Valve -train system Overhead camshaft Dynamic simu

11、lation 目目 录录1 1 绪论绪论 .6 61.1 本课题研究的目的和意义 .61.2 配气机构优化设计的目的及意义 .62 2 基于基于 PRO/EPRO/E 的配气机构的结构设计的配气机构的结构设计.7 72.1 配气机构总体骨架设计 .82.2 凸轮轴设计.92.3 凸轮的设计92.4 挺杆的设计92.5 推杆的设计92.6 气门杆的设计102.7 弹簧的设计102.8 使用 PRO/E 创建配气机构的相关元件113 3 配气机构的装配配气机构的装配 .15153.1 首先装配凸轮轴并准确定位 153.2 装配平底从动件163.3 装配弹簧173.4 装配汽门挺杆184 4 四缸内

12、燃机凸轮配汽机构动态仿真分析四缸内燃机凸轮配汽机构动态仿真分析.2 20 04.1 内燃机凸轮配汽机构运动仿真准备工作204.2 内燃机凸轮配汽机构运动仿真分析215 5 本文总结本文总结 .2828参考文献参考文献.2929致致 谢谢 .3 30 01 1 绪论绪论1.11.1 本课题研究的目的和意义本课题研究的目的和意义 现代内燃机不断向高速高强度方向发展 . 作为内燃机三大机构之一的配气机构, 如果设计不当 , 势必产生很大的冲击、振动、噪音 , 严重时, 气门会产生反跳与飞脱 , 这将严重影响到内燃机的动力性与经济性 . 同时, 由于速度的提高 , 凸轮机构的润滑与磨损也成为一个不可忽视的问题 . 现代大功率柴油机普遍采用下置凸轮轴式配气机构 ,配气机构的好坏又对柴油机的性能指标、可靠性及寿命有着很大的影响,其设计是否优良直接影响柴油机的性能指标。通过对配气机构的动态模拟可以知道各零件的真实运动情况和载荷变化规律, 可以知道配气机构出现飞脱、气门反跳等不正常现象的条件, 判断机构设计是否合理, 工作是否安全可靠。因此, 进行配气机构动力学分析与研究是一项十分必要的工作。作为发动机的重要组成部件,配气机构的研究内容从最初单纯的凸轮经验设计,发展到常将配气机构传动链当作完全刚



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