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1、学 位 论 文面向对外汉语教学的汉字部件研究 目 录中文摘要1英文摘要2引 言4第一章 汉字部件研究概况6第一节 偏旁与部件6一、偏旁及偏旁教学概说6二、汉字部件的定义7三、偏旁与部件的区分9第二节 汉字部件的拆分10第三节 对外汉字教学中部件研究概况11一、汉字部件本体研究11二、部件学习规律的研究12三、部件教学法的研究16第二章 对汉字大纲中部件系统的描写和拆分细则18第一节 “象意部件+象意字”系统19第二节 象声部件系统23第三节 对大纲中象意部件和象声部件的初步调查结果28第三章 部件在对外汉语教学中的应用31第一节 象意部件应用31一、象意部件与系联法教学31二、象意部件与汉字有

2、理性教学33三、象意部件与汉字文化教学35第二节 象声部件应用36一、象声部件与系联法教学36二、象声部件与汉字有理性教学38第三节 部件构形的应用38一、部件形体与系联法教学39二、部件位置、变形教学40三、部件的拆分、组合练习41结 语43附表144附表251参考文献55致 谢62发表论文63扬州大学学位论文原创性声明和版权使用授权书64中文摘要中文摘要汉字教学是汉语作为第二语言教学与其他第二语言教学的重要区别之一,是整个对外汉语教学的一个重要环节,也是一个比较突出的难点。几十年来(尤其是最近20多年) ,国内外对外汉语教学界围绕汉字教学的研究和讨论越来越多,给日益发展的对外汉语事业注入了

3、新的活力。部件是汉字结构的重要一级单位,是研究汉字和教授汉字的主要着眼点,各位专家学者对此进行了大量有价值的研究,然而有关部件的界限等一些问题仍然没有明晰,其在对外汉语教学中的使用也缺乏统一标准,给教师和学生都造成了一些困扰。笔者试图通过整理前辈学者的论述,从实用的角度对汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲中的2864个汉字(不包括附加字)进行考察,整理出适合教学使用的部件表,并提出一些具体操作意见。论文共分为三章。第一章为“部件研究概况” 。简述了偏旁和部件的发展,比较分析了其异同。总结了部件拆分的两种基本依据:从形拆分和从义拆分。对目前所见的有代表性的部件研究材料作了整理,从汉字部件本体研究、部件学

4、习规律的研究和部件教学法的研究三个方面概述了研究情况。第二章为“对汉字等级大纲中部件系统的描写和拆分” 。描写了汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲中的两个部件系统:“象意字+象意部件”系统和象声部件系统。侧重从认知角度出发,明确了面向对外汉语教学的部件确定细则,对汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲中的2864个汉字进行分析、统计、归纳和整理,得出了“象意字+象意部件表” 和“象声部件表”两个部件表(附表) ,并把两个表反映出来的问题用表格的形式量化,得出初步结论。第三章为“部件在对外汉语教学中的应用” 。根据第二章确定部件的原则,在目前已有的研究基础上,结合平时的教学经验,对象意部件、象声部件和部件构形在教学

5、中的应用问题分别作了阐述。关键词:对外汉语教学;象意部件;象声部件;部件表;部件应用AbstractAbstractTeaching of chinese characters is one of the major differences between TCSL(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)and teaching other languages as second languages,its also an important link and a predominantly difficult point in a chain of TC

6、SL.For dozens of years(especially in the recent 20 years),more and more researches and discussion on teaching of chinese characters are made in the field of TCSL,at home and abroad,filling the continuously developing enterprise of TCSL with fresh vitality.Component as an important unit of character

7、structure,draws major attention to research and teaching of characters.Although a great number of valuable researches on this matter have been done by experts and learners,there are still some problems left unclear,such as the demarcation between components,the use of which in the practice of TCSL a

8、lso lacks uniform standard,making troubles for teachers and students.The author attempts to observe,from a practical angle,the 2864 characters (excluding supplementary characters) in order to work out a table of components suitable for teaching,and propose some concrete operational suggestions.This

9、thesis is composed of three chapters.Chapter 1 A survey of the researches on components.This chapter briefly introduces the development of radicals and components,and compares the two.Two bases of component division are summarized here:division by shape and division by meaning.This chapter also disc

10、usses in brief the researches on components from three aspects as noumenal researches on components,researches on the rules of components learning and the researches on teaching methods of components,on the basis of the arrangement of securable representative researches on components.Chapter 2 Discr

11、iption and division of the component system in the outline of the grades of characters.Two component systems are discribed:the system of “ideograph + ideograghic component” and the system of phonetic component.This chapter clarifies the detailed rules of determining components that serve TCSL,largel

12、y from the cognitive view.And such two appendixes as table of “ideograph + ideograghic component”and table of phonetic components are worked out through the analysis,statistics, generalization and the arrangement of the 2864 characters.Furthermore,some problems reflected in the two appendixes are fi

13、gured in forms,and tentative conclusion is drew.Chapter 3 The application of components in TCSL.According to the rules clarified in chapter 2,on the basis of securable research outcome,and combining with teaching practice,this chapter sets forth respectively the application of ideograghic component,

14、phonetic components and shapes of components in teaching practice.KeywordsKeywords: : TCSL;ideograghic component;phonetic components;table of components;application of components引引 言言我国的对外汉语事业从上个世纪50年代起步以来,前期的教学研究基本以西方语言学和语言教学理论为指导,汉字教学未能引起足够的重视,比较而言,对外汉字教学和相关研究历史短、基础弱。此外,汉字体系庞大,形体结构复杂,形体与读音、读音与意义联系不大,教和学难度确实较大,一些教师和学生都有意


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