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1、2016 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研招生目录,考研参考书,历年真题笔记贸大英语翻译基础书目推荐2016 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研招生目录,考研参考书,历年真题笔记贸大英语翻译基础书目推荐1、庄绎传,英汉翻译简明教程。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002。2、叶子南,高级英汉翻译理论与实践。北京:清华大学出版社,2001。3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,大学英汉翻译教程,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。5、金融时报官方网站:双语时评。6、网站:http:/www.project-syndicate.org/7、外贸、金融、经济学、世贸组织

2、等英语专业术语。8、张曦,口语与口译 300 题,上海交通大学出版社。9、金焕荣,商务英语翻译,苏州大学出版社。10、赵军锋,商务英语口译,高等教育出版社,2009.11、2015 年度国家领导人出席的国际会议:演讲稿中英对照。12、三笔、二笔相应题材的文章。百科知识和汉语写作书目推荐百科知识和汉语写作书目推荐1、卢晓江.自然科学史十二讲.中国轻工业出版社(2007)(矿大)2、叶朗.中国文化读本.北京:外语教学与研究出版社(2008)3、杨月蓉.实用汉语语法与修辞.重庆:西南师范大学出版社(1999)(北大)4、金元浦.中国文化概论. 北京:中国人民大学出版社(2007)5、庄锡昌. 西方文

3、化史. 北京:高等教育出版社(2011)6、林青松.中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南 .南京: 东南大学出版社 (2005)7、张元忠.张东风. 经济应用文写作与评析 .武汉: 华中科技大学出版社 (2008)9、俞纪东. 经济写作. 上海:上海财经大学出版社10、张文. 外贸文秘写作全书. 中华工商联合出版社11、郑孝敏. 商务应用文. 东北财经大学出版社12、柯琳娟. 公司(企业)常用文书写作格式与范本. 企业管理出版社13、邵龙青. 财经应用写作. 东北财经大学出版社14、伟业管理咨询公司编著. 商务文书模板速查手册. 中国言实出版社(贸大)15、李玉珊. 商务文案写作. 高等教育出版社1

4、6、岳海翔. 商务文书写作要领与范文. 中国言实出版社17、岳海翔. 企划文书写作要领与范文. 中国言实出版社18、程裕祯.中国文化要略. 外语教学与研究出版社19、朱维之,外国文学史(欧美卷),南开大学出版社。20、高中语文基础知识手册,文学与文化部分。21、张岱年,中国文化概论。北京:北京师范大学出版社,2004、2010。22、夏晓鸣,应用文写作。上海:复旦大学出版社,201023、不可不知的 2000/3000/5000 个常识24、李国正主编的百科知识考点精编与真题解析25、世界历史地理及年度国际国内重大事件,包括文学及经济类畅销书籍,与名著有关的影视剧作,年鉴、周年纪念日等。(平时

5、关注网站、报刊)翻译硕士英语书目推荐翻译硕士英语书目推荐1、单选:外贸函电真题,巅峰突破 8 级词汇巧学速记2、改错:(改错只要弄懂了错误类型其实很送分的)3、阅读:FT(原文,要重视,打印出来认真看,下个 app 多看)4、王关富商务英语阅读(里面很多经贸词汇不错)、专八阅读练习、外国报刊阅读练习5、写作:十天突破雅思写作2015 年报录比:1:8分数线:笔译:389口译:389 2015 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研真题2015 年报录比:1:8分数线:笔译:389口译:389 2015 年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研真题篇章翻译(120 分)英译汉(60 分)英译汉原文When You

6、 Move, I Move: Increasing Synchronization Among Asia sEconomiesIn recent decades, trade integration within Asia has increased more than in otherregions. In valued-added terms, intraregional trade grew on average by over 10percent a year from 1990 to 2012, twice the pace seen outside of Asia. Likewis

7、e,financial integration within the region has started to catch up, although it still lagsbehind trade integration. Concomitantly, business cycles in Asia have becomesteadily more synchronized over the past two decades, with the correlation betweenASEAN economies growth rates almost reaching the very

8、 high levels seen withinthe Euro Area.As outlined in the IMF Asia and Pacific Departments latest Regional EconomicOutlook, these facts are related. Namely, increases in trade and financial integrationhave strengthened the propagation of growth shocks between regional partners,leadingAsianeconomiesto

9、movemoreinlockstep.Onedriverofthissynchronization of business cycles has been the increase in size and connectednessof Chinas economy. Looking ahead, we expect regional integration agenda and abigger China to further increase spillovers and growth co-movement across theregion. Greater international

10、cooperation, particularly regional and global financialsafety nets, can help countries respond to the associated risk of more synchronized,sharper downturns, and thereby help Asia make the most of greater regionalintegration.Trade integration has been an important synchronizing force for Asian busin

11、esscyclesOn the trade side, our study brings a novel finding: what makes two economiesco-moveby propagating shocks across bordersis the intensity of their bilateraltrade in value-added terms, not in gross terms. The iPhone supply chain exampleillustrates why this makes sense: although China exports

12、the product to the US, itsdomestic firms add only a small fraction of the overall value added, so that grossexports vastly over-estimate the dependence of the Chinese economy on finaldemand from American consumers. The reverse holds for Korea or Taiwan POC,which reap sizeable value added through exp

13、orts of components to China eventhough they dont export any iPhones to the US. Overall, the trend increase in thevalue-added traded between Asian economies over the past two decades hasaccounted for around one-quarter of the concomitant increase in business cyclesynchronization across the region.Fin

14、ancial integration has been a more ambivalent force. Across the world, it hasmagnified the impact on business cycle synchronization of large global shocks like theglobal financial crisis, as global banks pulled funds back across the board. But innormal times, it has lowered synchronization somewhat,

15、 possibly by facilitatinginternational reallocation of capital when a shock hits one country. However, this hasbeen less of a factor in Asia, where cross-border financial claims and flows have sofar been comparatively small.对外经济贸易大学英语学院 2016 年硕士研究生招生专业目录对外经济贸易大学英语学院 2016 年硕士研究生招生专业目录招生目录中所列招生人数均为拟招生

16、人数 (含推免生和少数民族骨干计划招生人数) ,具体招生人数将根据生源状况略有调整,此数据仅供参考。下列所有参考书目仅供参考,命题教师将根据考生通常应该掌握的知识点酌情命题。特别说明:英语学院不接收专科等同等学力考生报考。一、招生目录招生目录中所列招生人数均为拟招生人数(含推免生和少数民族骨干计划招生人数) ,具体招生人数将根据生源状况略有调整,此数据仅供参考。下列所有参考书目仅供参考,命题教师将根据考生通常应该掌握的知识点酌情命题。英语口译(专业学位)考生可以选报全日制或在职方式攻读,但在全国统一报名系统中不作区分,相关考生需在 11 月份现场确认后登陆我校研究生院相关系统进行确认(具体网址为 http:/ 以上各方向均可



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