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1、大连工业大学服装学院 学学 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文论文题目: 女装的造型女装的造型转换设计转换设计及穿着方式的研究及穿着方式的研究 二级学院:服装学院 专业方向:服装设计与工程(工程)班级学号:服工 08213 2012 年 6 月摘 要在当今的时装界,服装的批量化生产与个性化消费需求之间所存在的矛盾一直困扰着设计师。本文通过对各类服装造型的变化的研究,结合各种服装构造模式的优势,探究“单件产品多变化模式”的服装结构设计方法。在此基础上研究使同一款服装具有多样化的穿着方式,并从不同的穿着方式中探究穿着者的各种新鲜的穿衣方法。同时使穿衣者在使用这些服装时可以根据不同的时间、场合或个人喜好决

2、定如何穿着服装,并在研究怎样改变服装造型的同时提高自身的穿衣体验,使自身对服装产生浓厚兴趣,同时以满足个人的个性化及特殊需求。这种以满足穿衣者个性化的服装可以解决服装款式单一化与个性化的问题。本文通过从服装发展史中研究服装造型的样式与变化,结合历史上的服装着装状态与现代服装的着装状态,设计一款多样式的服装。使服装能够通过着装者自身对服装的理解来自行进行服装样式和着装状态的设定,从而满足穿衣者对服装个性的需求。关键词:一衣多穿;个性化;穿衣方式;历史服装造型;造型变化;多样化注:页眉,居中,楷体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。AbstractThe contradictions that exist

3、in todays fashion industry, mass production of clothing and personalized consumer demand has been plagued by designers. Changes in all kinds of costumes, combined with the advantage of the structural model of a variety of clothing, clothing structural design methods to explore the multi-change mode

4、“one piece“. On the basis of this study with a garment to diversify the way they dress, and explore from a different way of wearing the wearer fresh dressing. While allowing the wearer in the use of these garments can be depending on the time, occasion, or personal preferences to decide how to wear

5、clothing, and how to change costumes and at the same time improve their own dressing experience, and make itself a keen interest in the clothing, while personalized to meet individual and special needs. This in order to meet the personal clothing of the wearer can solve the problem of a single style

6、 and personalized clothing. In this paper, the study of the costumes from the history of clothing styles and changes, combined with the state of the history of clothing dress state and modern clothing, dress, design a multi-style clothing. Clothing through the wearers own understanding of the clothi

7、ng from the line of clothing style and dress state set to meet the needs of the wearer of clothing personality.Key Words:More than a clothing wear; personalized; dressing; historical costumes; shape change; diversification目目 录录摘 要.IAbstract.II前 言.IV第一章 绪论.- 1 -1.1 选题意义.- 1 -1.2 与课题相关的国内外设计实例.- 1 -第二章 课题研究的内容、方法.- 4 -2.1 课题研究的内容.- 4 -211 一衣多穿的研究.- 4 -212 服装造型的研究.- 5 -2.2 课题研究方法.- 6 -第三章 一衣多穿的服装设计.- 12 -3.1 一衣多穿服装的设计思路.- 12 -3.2 服装效果图设定.- 13 -第四章 服装版型的制作及服装制作工艺要求.- 15 -4.1 服装版型制作.- 15 -4.2 服装制作工艺要求.- 18 -第五章 课题创新点及展望.- 21 -5.1 课题的创新点.- 21 -5.2 课题的展望.- 22 -结 论.- 23 -参考文献.- 24 -附录 A.- 25 -致 谢.


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