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1、(题题 目:内蒙古农村小额信贷现状及发展对策研究目:内蒙古农村小额信贷现状及发展对策研究双学位毕业论文双学位毕业论文摘 要随着农村经济的不断发展,内蒙古农村金融改革的滞后性问题日益突出。农业银行出于战略调整的需要正在逐渐淡出农村金融市场;农村信用合作社由于体制和管理等方面的种种原因,难以满足农村经济发展对信贷资金日益膨胀的需求,而且业务经营的商业化倾向日益突出,信贷资金的非农化倾向日趋严重,农村资金严重流失更是加剧农村金融市场信贷资金的供求矛盾。阻碍农村经济的发展,影响农民生活水平的提高。小额信贷作为农村金融创新的产物,是加大对农村资金投入力度、解决农民融资难问题的有效手段。农村小额信贷作为金


3、bstractWith the continuous development of the rural economy, rural financial reform, Inner Mongolia, the lag issues have become more prominent. Agricultural Bank of the need for strategic adjustment of the rural financial market is being phased out; Rural Credit Cooperative system and management, be

4、cause of various reasons, difficult to meet the rural economic development funds for the expanding credit needs, and business tend to become increasingly prominent commercial , the tendency of non-agricultural credit funds growing, serious loss of capital in rural areas is exacerbated by the rural f

5、inancial market credit funds of supply and demand. Hinder the development of rural economy, the farmers living standards. Microfinance as a product of financial innovation in rural areas is to increase rural capital investment, to solve the problem of financing the farmers an effective means. Rural

6、micro-credit as a result of financial innovation, financial innovation of its development process follows the laws of the stage, that of rural micro-credit in China has experienced the introduction of non-governmental organizations, agricultural banks and government departments to imitate poor, rura

7、l credit cooperatives and the national policy to promote promote the formation of private commercial microfinance companies, rural banks, small loan companies and credit cooperative organizations in rural communities four stages. The positioning of government functions, the source of funding, intere

8、st rates, risk mechanisms, such as restricting the credit environment in rural areas in Inner Mongolia the smooth development of micro-credit and rural financial innovation is the key factor. The new era, to the development of rural micro-credit as an opportunity to promote the regions rural financi

9、al innovation, from the relaxation of the rural financial market regulations, changes in government functions, improve relevant laws and regulations in a bid to develop commercial microfinance in rural areas, cultivate a wide range of competitive and orderly rural financial markets.Keywords: microfi

10、nance;problems;strategies目 录引 言.1第一章 小额信贷概述.31.1 小额信贷的定义 .31.2 小额信贷的特征 .31.3 小额信贷的理论基础及其核心机制 .41.3.1 小额信贷的理论基础.41.3.2 小额信贷的核心机制.51.4 小额信贷的实践 .61.4.1 国内小额信贷的实践.61.4.2 国外小额信贷实践.7第二章 内蒙古农村小额信贷的演化.92.1 内蒙古发展农村小额信贷的金融背景 .92.1.1 农村金融被边缘化.92.1.2 农村金融主体缺失资源供求失衡.92.1.3 高利贷猖獗.112.2 内蒙古农村小额信贷的演化 .12第三章 内蒙古农村小额

11、信贷的发展现状以及存在的问题.153.1 内蒙古农村小额信贷项目的组织结构 .153.1.1 类型.153.1.2 组织机构.153.2 内蒙古农村小额信贷项目的运行机制分析 .173.2.1 非政府组织的运行机制.173.2.2 正规金融机构的运行机制.173.2.3 商业性农村小额贷款公司运行机制.183.3 内蒙古农村小额信贷发展中存在的问题 .19第四章 发展内蒙古农村小额信贷的对策.224.1 坚持市场化原则 .224.1.1 减少行政干预市场.224.1.2 完善相应的法律和切实可行的监管框架.224.2 坚持利率市场化 .234.3 风险控制机制化 .234.3.1 通过保险机制分散风险.234.3.2 通过建立农户档案.234.4 资会来源多元化 .234.5 放宽准入制度鼓励扶持引导小额信贷公司的组建 .24结 论.26参考文献.27谢 辞.28引 言(一)问题的提出当中国金融体系在逐渐与市场化、国际化接轨时,银行体制的改革逐步深入进行,我国四大国有商业银行加快了建设现代商业银行的步伐,推进以利润和客户为中心的经营管理体制改革,对一些规模小、盈利能力差的分支网点进行撤并,分流精简员工,提升经营层次。19982004 年,四大国有商业银行共撤并基层机构 75585 家,其中农村地区的经营网点占大半,



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