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1、毕毕 业业 设设 计计 论论 文文 郸城第一高级中学网站设计郸城第一高级中学网站设计郸城第一高级中学网站设计摘要:在 Internet 飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。Internet 上发布信息主要是通过网站来实现的,获取信息也是要在 Internet“海洋”中按照一定的检索方式将所需要的信息从网站上下载下来。学校是教育的重要组成部分,其在我们的成长的过程之中起着至关重要的作用。学校网站建设是学校教育信息化建设的重要方面,是适应现代教育技术和信息技术的发展,加大学校对外交流与宣传力度,提高教学、科研、管理效率的

2、重要途径;学校网站建设是学校对外宣传的窗口,也是展示全校师生才能,加强对校外联系,互相学习,共同发展的阵地,学校网站建设方案目的是促进师生与学校共同发展,郸城一高,是周口市唯一一所全省教学先进单位,为了进一步扩大宣传效果,提高学校的知名度,我利用所学过的软件工程设计思想,数据库等知识设计制作了一个校园网站。本文探讨网站设计制作的理论基础和设计思想,介绍了网站中的每一个功能,以软件工程理论作为系统开发的理论基础,设计并实现了对新闻、动态信息的管理,其主要内容包括如下:在主要功能实现方面和建立模块方面使用 Dreamweaver 设计开发;后台数据库的设计是通过 Access2003 完成。关键词

3、:信息管理,Access2003 数据库,DreamweaverDanchengDancheng FirstFirst SeniorSenior HighHigh SchoolSchool WebsiteWebsite DesignDesign Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, the Internet became fast access, publish and disseminate information important channel, it in the political, economic, and other

4、 aspects of life play an important role. Internet information is mainly achieved through the website, access to information is in the Internet“ ocean“ according to certain retrieval way information needed can be downloaded from the website.The school is an important part of education, in our growth

5、process plays a crucial role in. The school website construction is the school educational informatization construction, is to adapt to the modern educational technology and the development of information technology, to increase the school exchanges and propaganda, improve teaching, scientific resea

6、rch, management efficiency of the important ways; the school website construction is the window of the schools external publicity, but also show the school teachers and students ability, strengthen the out-of-school, each other learning, common development positions, school construction site plan ai

7、ms to promote the common development of teachers and students and the school,Dancheng high, is the only one in Zhoukou province teaching advanced units, in order to further expand the publicity, improve the visibility of the school, I have learned from the use of the software engineering design idea

8、s, knowledge database, design a campus website.This paper discusses the web design the theoretical basis and the design thought, the site of each function, the software engineering theory as the theoretical foundation of system development, design and Realization of news, dynamic information managem

9、ent, this paper mainly includes the following content: the main function realization and establishing module uses the Dreamweaver design development; the backstage database design is done through Access2003.Key words:Information management,Access2003 database,Dreamwea目目 录录摘要 .IABSTRACT .II引 言 .11 校园

10、网站建设分析 .31.1 系统开发的重点与难点 .41.2 技术可行性分析 .41.3 经济可行性分析 .51.4 法律可行性分析 .52 开发环境 .62.1 硬件环境 .62.2 开发工具 .62.2.1 前台开发工具 .62.2.2 后台数据库工具ACCESS数据库.72.2.3 系统开发所用技术准备 .73 总体设计 .93.1 网站的总体设计 .93.2 项目立项 .103.3 整体规划 .104 数据库设计 .124.1 数据库需求分析 .124.2 数据库表格设计 .125 网站的具体设计与实现 .165.1 首页制作.165.2 新闻列表的制作.185.3 合理建议页面制作.195.4 后台管理页面制作.206 连接数据库 .236.1 创建数据库 .236.2 连接数据库.237 系统测试 .267.1 测试的目的和原则 .267.2 系统测试 .267.2.1 页面链接测试 .


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