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1、本科毕业论文题 目:电商平台“流量源”架构分析研究院 (部):专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号:指导教师:完成日期: 目 录摘 要.IIABSTRACT.III1 前 言1.1 电商时代第三方平台的兴起 .1 1.2 毕业实习经验-淘宝平台流量结构分析 .1 1.3 综合购物平台-天猫平台流量架构分析 .3 1.4 团购时代-聚划算平台流量结构分析 .5 1.5 小结 .5 1.5.1 直通车 .5 1.5.2 淘宝客 .6 1.5.3 聚划算 .7 1.5.4 威客 .72.家居装饰行业电商市场分析2.1 引言 .8 2.2 家居装饰行业地方平台简介 .9 2.3 装饰行业电商流量分析

2、.11 2.4 家居装饰行业运营模式 .13 2.5 家居装饰 O2O 模式实例-美乐乐 .133.电子商务优化农村流量3.1 平台流量在农村的发展潜力巨大 .15 3.2 具有特色的青岛电商发展 .15 3.3 第三方平台抢占农村流量 .164.电子商务发展趋势未来畅想4.1 未来农村流量占主要流量板块 .17 4.2 未来农村所占主要板块设想 .17谢 辞 .18参考文献 .19摘 要电子商务是指消费者在网上购物消费,消费者和商家实现网上交易和在线支付的电子交易行为。电子商务根据不同的参与角色又划分为不同的模式,例如:B2B(阿里巴巴)、B2C(天猫)、C2C(淘宝)、O2O(滴滴打车)、



5、的珍贵,每家平台开始凸显自己平台的特色,以吸引更多的消费者进入自己的平台。电商最初的流量集中在网络的 PC 端,伴随着智能手机的出现,再加上手机端 APP的方便性、可移动性,人们的消费行为也正在发生着变化。PC 端的交易额在慢慢的下降,相反的是这部分流量转变到了无线端,无线端的流量慢慢的成为消费的主力,人们出门消费只需要一部手机就可以了,电商真的改变了人们的生活,让人们的消费行为习惯发生了巨大的转变,电商的影子已经出现在人们生活的各个角落。关键词:第三方交易平台;在线支付;平台流量;无线端 APPElectronic business platform “Traffic Sources“ Ar

6、chitecture AnalysisABSTRACTE-commerce refers to the consumer online shopping, consumers and businesses to achieve online transactions and online payment of electronic transactions. Electronic commerce according to different participant roles is divided for different models. For example: B2B (Alibaba

7、), B2C (Lynx), C2C (Taobao), o2o (taxi drops), P2P (I loan you), e-commerce has changed the traditional business transactions. Meanwhile, it changes the consumer behavior, which greatly facilitates the consumers, to meet the needs of consumers. At the same time, also appeared in the electronic comme

8、rce also greatly led to the development of other industries, such as commodity trading, tourism, financial industry, medical equipment industry, medical care industry, decoration industry, home industries such as, in China especially Alibaba group of led the development of many of the information in

9、dustry, Chinas consumption habits, and economic development come great changes and promote the role.Three main objects, the third party trading platform, the payment system and logistics, are essential in the development of e-commerce.These three factors is the key to the development of electronic c

10、ommerce, and the third party trading platform in business appear constantly developed, many developers have joined the development platform of electronic business platform, such as Taobao, aliexpress, Jingdong, Tesco, CCB mall, poly America, vipshop, mushroom street, pat, beautiful said, Dangdang, L

11、AFONT network, many platform makes the consumers more to meet consumer demand, each platform has the characteristics of each platform, each platform has each flow platform architecture, which is why I write this paper, because before a home appliance business practice, so on the flow of each platfor

12、m architecture are full of interest.The development of e-commerce more and severe, in the face of many platforms, each site traffic into each website operators should be worried about, because traffic directly into the site and turnover sites is proportional to, many electricity providers are on the world wide web is a huge consumer groups in a share, flow slowly on the the platform used, such as the beautiful


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