山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2

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山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2_第1页
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山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2_第2页
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山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2_第3页
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《山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省莘县2012-2013学年高一英语上学期 Unit5《Rhythm》lesson4 Let's Dance课件6 北师大版必修2(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Unit 5 lesson4 lesson4 Lets danceLets danceLets enjoy!balletdiscobreakdancewaltzChinese folk dance1)Listen to the music extracts and identify the dances in the box. Answer 1. Chinese folk dance 2. classical ballet 3. waltz 4. breakdance 5. disco l Scan the textScan the textRead the text quick

2、ly.Where is it from? And answer the true or false questions.A CD ROM encyclopediafirst reading put the sentences below in the correct gaps in the text.Questions 1.who started folk dances?2.what is the main differences between folk and popular dances?3.what is a ballroom dance that came from folk dan

3、ces?4.Why did a lot of new dances come from the United States?5.What type of solo dancing became popular in the mid-1980ssecond readinganswer the questions of exercise 4 on P29.Q1:Q1:Q2:Q2:Q3:Q3:Q4:Q4:Q5:Q5:Check the answersCheck the answersOrdinary peoplePopular dances are usually popular for only

4、a short time.WaltzThe mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dance.breakdancing1.Ballet is an important art form in Western culture. 2.China has not produced any ballets. 3.Folk dances are usually solo独个dances. 4.Dragon dances and the lion dances are folk dances in China. 5.Popular or so

5、cial dances are usually popular for a long time. 6.Ballrom dancing was a formal dance in a large room. 7.In the United States, there were only old forms of dance. 8.People danced with their partners with disco music. Intensive reading: True or false questionT F FTFTFTDanceDancePeoplePeoplePlace for

6、Place for performanceperformanceAreaAreaTypesTypesBalletBalletFolk Folk dancedancePopular Popular dancedancediscussionstagestagewesternwestern countriescountriesOrdinaryOrdinarypeople peopleopen-air open-air stage, streetstage, streetYangYang -ge-geordinary ordinary peoplepeopleballroom, ballroom, s

7、tagestageall over all over the worldthe worldCha-Cha- ChaChafrom one generation to another 代代相传 many different types of许多不同类型 on special occasions在特殊场合Phrases:dress in / be dressed in 穿着 back and forth 来回地to the rhythm of和着。的节拍make sure确保 Make sure (that) +句子 Make sure of + sth. “弄清楚” refer to指的是 In

8、 the 1920sin the 1920s 20世纪20年代Language pointsReading strategies1. Make sure that the sentence fits in with the sentences before and after it.make sure + (that) clause 确保,弄清楚 make sure of + n. e.g. e.g. 在你离开课室前要确保所有的灯都被关掉。在你离开课室前要确保所有的灯都被关掉。Make sure that the lights are turned off before you leave M

9、ake sure that the lights are turned off before you leave the classroom.the classroom.2. They2. They refers to popular or social dances. popular or social dances. refer to refer to “refer to” mean “refer to” mean 指的是指的是, ,指指而言而言 e.g. e.g. 这个单词指的是什么这个单词指的是什么? ?what does the word refer to? what does th

10、e word refer to?不要再提这件事了不要再提这件事了! !Ballet3. Many countries have3. Many countries have produced ballets,ballets, including China.China. including including 现在分词或被看作介词引起一个解释性短现在分词或被看作介词引起一个解释性短语语, , 可位于句中可位于句中, ,句末或句首。句末或句首。e.g. Many children, including my son, want to see the film.e.g. Many children,

11、 including my son, want to see the film.There are fifty people in the classroom, There are fifty people in the classroom, including the teacher.= the teacher included-4) arrange the performance of (a play, an -4) arrange the performance of (a play, an opera, etc.) or the making of (a film, opera, et

12、c.) or the making of (a film, TV programme, record, etc.)TV programme, record, etc.)安排上演安排上演( (戏剧戏剧, ,歌剧等歌剧等), ),制作制作( (电影电影, , 电视节目电视节目, ,唱片等唱片等) ) e.g. Produce your tickets, please!e.g. Produce your tickets, please!The new film was produced by The new film was produced by Shanghai Film Studio.Shan

13、ghai Film Studio.include (vt.)- have sb./sth as a part of a include (vt.)- have sb./sth as a part of a 指整体的组成部分指整体的组成部分contain (vt.)- have sth. within itselfcontain (vt.)- have sth. within itself包含包含, ,含有含有( (成分成分),),里面装有里面装有. . e.g. e.g. 俱乐部由一个健身房俱乐部由一个健身房, ,一个游泳池一个游泳池, ,一一个蒸汽浴室和一个更衣室组成个蒸汽浴室和一个更衣室组

14、成. .The club _a gym, a swimming The club _a gym, a swimming pool, a sauna and a locker room.pool, a sauna and a locker room.箱子里装着各种水果箱子里装着各种水果. .The box _ a variety of fruit. The box _ a variety of fruit.它里面含有维生素它里面含有维生素A A和维生素和维生素C.C.It _ Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It _ Vitamin A and Vitamin C.includ

15、escontainscontainsFolk Dance4. Folk dances are4. Folk dances are traditional styles of styles of dancing that came from the ordinary dancing that came from the ordinary people.people.traditional (adj.) tradition (n.) + al traditional (adj.) tradition (n.) + ale.g. additione.g. additional, coast, coa

16、stal, nation, national, , culturcultural, natur, natural 5. They are usually group dances that are taught from one generation to another.from one generation to anotherfrom one generation to another= from generation to generation = from generation to generation 一代一代一代地一代地e.g. e.g. 民间音乐是一代民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的地流传下来的。Folk music has been passed down from


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