
上传人:Bod****ee 文档编号:47183494 上传时间:2018-06-30 格式:DOC 页数:64 大小:1.36MB
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1、摘摘 要要电能是现代社会中国民经济和人民生活的重要保障,随着社会的快速发展往往导致电能的供应与使用之间产生矛盾。为了解决这一矛盾,电能计量的分时计费方式可以通过调节人们的用电行为,对提高电能利用的合理性和缓解电力供需矛盾具有重要价值。但是传统的机电式电能表无法执行分时计量和分时计费的功能,因此基于单片机技术设计的新型数字电表是实现新型电能管理方式的前提。 本文首先介绍了电能表发展的历程以及现状,阐述了各种抄表计费方式并讨论了各自的优缺点,介绍了电能表技术发展的未来趋势。然后论述了网络电能表的目标功能,对比了国内外各种系统结构设计方案优缺点,确定本课题中电能表的系统结构设计方案。针对功能的需要,

2、选用了 TI 公司的 MSP430E427 为 MCU 设计网络电能表的检测和控制系统,简化了电能表的电路设计,提升了系统的处理能力:数据采集部分采用二相电能计量专用芯片ADE77_58,以提高电能表的精度:点阵 LCD 模块的使用,则提供了友好的人机交互界面:在分析目前常用的系统网络架构和嵌入式接入方案的优缺点的基础上确定了电能表的网络架构和嵌入式接入方案,运用 MC39i 无线 GPRS 通讯模块,嵌入TC P/IP 协议栈,实现电能量参数的远程传输:对网络电能表进行校准,确保了电能表的精度。关键词:关键词: ADE7758 MSP430FG4619 液晶显示 GPRS 通讯 MC39iA

3、bstractThe electric energy is a guarantee to national economy and daily life in modern society. With the fast development of the society, contradiction between the demand and production of electrical energy occurs. Time-scheduled tariff system, that changes users behavior in energy consuming and rat

4、ionalizes the electrical energy utilization, is an effective and valuable measure to solve this problem. For the energy measurement the traditional mechanical electricity meter no longer can meet the requirements of this new tariff system, and microcontroller-based digital E-meter becomes the prereq

5、uisite and backbone of this tariff system. The paper first introduced energy meter developments course as well as the present situation, and elaborated each kind way of energy meter reading and discussed the respective advantages and disadvantages. Briefed the future tendency of the energy meter tec

6、hnological development.Then the topic elaborated the network energy meters goal function, compared to the advantages and disadvantages of various system constructions design proposal at home and abroad to determine the issue of the energy meter constructions design. According to need of function, TI

7、s MSP430E427 is selected as energy meters MCU and design energy meters testing and control system to simplify the design of energy meters circuit and improve the systems handling ability: Data acquisition partuses electrical energy measurement special-purpose chip ADE7758 to improve the network ener

8、gy meters precision: the use of LCD module provides friendly people-machine interface: In the analysis of current commonly used system network construction and the disadvantage and advantage of the embedded turning on plan ,the topic determine the systems network construction and the embedded turnin

9、g on plan, communication module realizes the electrical energy quantity parameter long-distance transmission through the wireless GPRS MC39i and embedded TCP/IP protocol stack: The calibration of energy meter ensure the accuracy of energy meter.The paper introduced in detail the process of GPRS comm

10、unication realization. According to systems own need, carried on the approprite cutting out to TCP/IP protocol stack not only simplified the TCP/IP protocol but also satisfied the network communications request of energy meter.KeyKey WordsWords: ADE7758 MSP430FG4619 LCD GPRS MC39i目录目录第一章第一章 绪绪 论论.1

11、1.1 课题背景 .1 1.2 数字仪表的发展历程 .1 1.2.1 智能仪表的概念 .2 1.2.2 智能仪表的特点 .3 1.2.3 电子技术、计算机技术和网络技术的进步对智能仪表发展的推动 .4 1.2.4 虚拟仪表是智能仪表发展的新阶段 .5 1.3 国内外电能表技术发展的现状 .6 1.4 本章小结 .8 第二章第二章 总体方案总体方案.10 2.1 测量的概念及原理 .10 2.2 电能参数的测量 .10 2.2.1 电压、电流测量 .10 2.2.2 功率测量 .11 2.3 多费率电能表的原理 .13 2.4 单项电能表原理 .15 2.5 有功电能计算 .16 2.6 最大需求量 .17 2.7 多费率电能表开发过程 .17 2.8 本章小结 .18 第三章第三章 电能表的硬电能表的硬件件设计设计.193. 1 硬件总体方案 .19 3.2 MSP430C3XX 系列单片机.20 3.3 中断与部分资源的应用设计 .24 3.3.1 MSP430 的中断系统.24 3.3.2 定时器的应用 .24 3.3.3 通用定时器/口 .26 3.3.4 通用口 PO.27 3.3.4 中断和部分资源的综合运用 .27 3. 4 ADC14 的原理与电压电流输入通道的设计.28 3.4.1 MSP430 的 ADC14 模数转换模块.283.4.2



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