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1、外研版高考英语一轮外研版高考英语一轮总复习讲义总复习讲义全套教案全套教案外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义1高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义外研版必修一外研版必修一 Module 1知识详解 1similar adj. 相似的,类似的(回归课本 P2)Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?高中的老师和初中的老师一样吗?【归纳总结】(高考安徽卷)American cities are similar to other cities around the world.美国城市和世界上的其它城市相似。(朗文

2、 P1911)We have similar tastes in music .我们对音乐的品味相近。She was late and I similarly was delayed.她迟到了,我也晚了。Can you tell points of similarity between the two men?你能说出这两人的相似之处吗?【例句探源】1完成句子(1)The weather of Beijing _(很相似) that of New York.答案:is very similar to(2)Can you think of a phrase _(相似) that one?答案:s

3、imilar to【即境活用】 amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的(回归课本 P2)The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义2老师们非常热情友好,教室里的设备让人惊讶。【归纳总结】The new car is runningat an amazing speed.这辆新车正以惊人的速度奔驰着。(朗文 P59)We were amazed at his rapid recovery.我们对他这么快就康复感到极为惊奇。(朗文 P59)V

4、isitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.旅游者经常会惊讶地发现这个小城几乎没有什么变化。He stood in amazement at the sight.面对眼前的情景,他惊愕地站在那里。【例句探源】2用 amaze 的适当形式填空(1)What _ me is how long she managed to hide the secret from us.答案:amazed(2)It is an _ discovery so that we are _ at it.答案:amazing;am

5、azed(3)To our _, he changed so little after 20 years.答案:amazement【即境活用】attitude n 态度;看法;姿态(回归课本 P2)I like her attitude very much.我很喜欢她的态度【归纳总结】外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义3an attitude to/ towards sth./sb.对的态度、看法have (take) a good /bad/positive/negative attitude to /towards sb./sth.对某人/某事物持好的/坏的/肯定的/否定的态度Whats y

6、our attitude to /towards.?你对有什么看法?【注意】 attitude 后面的 to 是介词。Do you know his attitude to / towards the question?你知道他对这个问题的看法吗?The villagers all took a friendly attitude to / towards us.村民们对我们都采取友好的态度。(高考山东卷)Sitting at the same table and sharing meals is where and when parents can find out more about t

7、heir childrens school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life.坐在同一张餐桌上就餐,父母就能更多地了解孩子在学校的表现,日常活动情况以及对生活的态度。【例句探源】3In order to change attitudes_employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.Aabout BofCtowards Don解析:选 C 。attitude 在此意为“态度,看法”,其后常接 towards 或 to 。【即境活用】4.完成句子He _

8、 his schoolwork.他对功课的态度不端正。答案:has/takes a bad attitude to / towards【归纳总结】【例句探源】Father impressed on me the value of hard work.父亲向我强调努力工作的重要意义。外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义4The old womans words were deeply impressed on/ upon my memory.那位老大娘的话我铭记在心。The tourist attraction made/ left a good impression on us.这个旅游胜地给我们

9、留下了很好的印象。(高考北京卷)For some reason,she was impressed with my work and me .由于某种原因,她对我及我的工作印象深刻。5The boy with glasses _the judge with his attitude and sense of humor.Aimpressed BcausedCaided Dpreferred解析:选 A。此题考查固定搭配。句意:戴眼镜的那个男孩的态度和幽默感给裁判留下了很深的印象。impress 意为“使印象深刻”;impress sb.with sth.为固定搭配,意为“给某人留下印象”。【即

10、境活用】6.完成句子The new teacher _ the students.新教师给学生们留下了好印象。答案:made/left /had a good impression on cover v 包含;走完(一段路程);覆盖;掩盖;报道;够支付(回归课本 P9)Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years,grades six to twelve.美国中学教育通常包括六到十二年级在内的七个年级。【归纳总结】cover.with.用覆盖be covered with.覆盖着(强调状态)be covered by.被覆盖(强调动

11、作)cover up 掩盖;掩饰This book is said to be a special one, which covers many events not found in other history 外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义5books.据说这本书很特别,里面涉及到许多在其他历史书籍中找不到的事情。A reporter was sent to cover the accident.一名记者被派去报道那个事故。【例句探源】Our town covers an area of 10 square kilometres.我们镇占地 10 平方公里。Your parents wi

12、ll have to cover your tuition fees.你的父母得支付你的学费。(牛津 P460)The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙子。7.写出下列句子中 cover 的意思(1)She covered her face with her hands.答案:掩盖(2)By sunset we had covered thirty miles.答案:走过(3)Do the rules cover all possible cases?答案:包含;涉

13、及(4)He was sent to cover the spread of the flu in the university.答案:报道;采访【即境活用】8(高考山东卷)Do you have enough to _all your daily expenses?Oh,yes,enough and to spare.Acover BspendCfill Doffer外研版高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义6解析:选 A。cover 在此处意为“支付,够之用”,问句句意:“你有足够的钱来支付日常开销吗?” nothing like 完全不像,决不,远远没有(回归课本 P3)Were using a

14、new textbook and Ms. Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用的是新课本,沈老师的教学方法一点也不像我在初中时的老师们的教学方法。【归纳总结】something like 大约;有点(像)anything like (多用于疑问句)多少有点像more like 有可能像The course was nothing like what Id expected.这门课程一点也不像我期望的那样。It will cost something

15、like 10.大约要花 10 英镑。Was the film anything like the original book?这部电影拍得是否和原著相符?【例句探源】9.The way children learn about the world is _that of adultsthe former by eyes while the latter by sense.Aanything like Bfeel likeCnothing like Dsomething like解析:选 C。句意:孩子们了解世界的方式与成年人的完全不同前者凭视觉,而后者凭感觉。 anything like 常用在疑问句中,意为“多少有点像”;feel like “摸起来像,想要”;nothing like“与完全不同”;something like “大约,有几分像”。【即境活用】10(高考江西卷)Swimming is my favorite sport.There is _like swimming as a means of keeping fit.Asomething Ban


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