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1、外研版高中英语必修外研版高中英语必修 2全册教学设计教案全册教学设计教案外研版高中英语必修 2 教案1ModuleModule 1 1 OurOur BodyBody andand HealthHealth HabitsHabitsI.I. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的话题围绕生活习惯、饮食起居、健身运动和疾病症状等的英语表 达而展开,进而介绍了一些国家的医疗保健情况,从而使学生树立和养成爱好 体育锻炼、注意身体健康的意识和习惯。指导学生学会表达自己的见解和观点, 通过进一步的讨论使学生明白什么样的生活习惯才是健康的。 IntroductionIntroduction 这一部分先复习和学

2、习与饮食、健康相关的词汇,通过 Activity 2 的活动进行巩固;接着列举了一些与饮食健康相关的谚语,通过对 Activity 4 的问题讨论使学生对中外的有关健康的谚语表达有个初步的认识。 ReadingReading andand VocabularyVocabulary 通过回答问题的形式复习和学习另外一些有关饮 食健康的词汇;学习两篇介绍中国学生 Zhou Kai 的短文并完成相关练习,培养 学生的综合阅读能力。在情感态度上,通过周凯和其母亲的观点冲突和周凯对 自身生活习惯的描述,帮助学生了解什么是健康的生活方式,如何形成健康的 生活习惯。并通过本部分的学习指导学生在实际生活中,如

3、何来养成自己健康 的生活习惯。 SpeakingSpeaking (1)(1) 通过两人活动和小组活动来讨论如何保持身体健康,并且就 生活中有关健康的重要事项来发表自己观点,通过讨论达成共识。 FunctionFunction 通过观察节选自阅读文章的句子体验如何表达将要发生的事情; 并通过练习来学习和巩固。 GrammarGrammar (1)(1) 这一部分是学习名词作动词用的意义和用法,并通过练习使 学生有初步认识。但是不强调学生掌握具体的理论知识,只是初步了解和具体 掌握一些实例。 ListeningListening andand VocabularyVocabulary 先通过单词

4、填空和回答问题活动导入有关身体 器官、疾病症状、询问病情等的词汇和表达,为听力活动扫除词汇障碍;然后 通过完成听力活动来培养学生获取信息的能力。 GrammarGrammar (2)(2) 通过观察节选自听力材料中的句子使学生清楚 will 和 be going to 的区别,并通过后续练习使学生掌握其用法。 PronunciationPronunciation 听并跟读听力中出现的句子,注意其中出现的连读现象。 SpeakingSpeaking (2)(2) 通过讨论对话掌握询问病因、描述症状、提供帮助表达法。 EverydayEveryday EnglishEnglish 通过对话,学习一

5、些常用的表达方式。 WritingWriting 要求学生通过事情的逻辑关系将句子按事情发展的先后顺序排列; 并通过模仿学写有关自身健康问题的小短文。 CultureCulture CornerCorner 通过阅读来比较三个西方国家医疗保健体系的优劣,使学 生对西方的医疗保健制度有个初步的认识。 TaskTask 通过对健康问题的调查研究,汇报并讨论,是学生反思自己是否有健 康的生活习惯,从而养成良好的生活习惯。 ModuleModule FileFile 对整个模块的学习内容进行小结,巩固本模块的知识。II.II. 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点. 教学重点( (1) 本单元的生词和短语。外

6、研版高中英语必修 2 教案2(2) 弄清名词作动词后的确切意思;will 和 going to 的区别。 (3) 有关健康生活方式的讨论。. 教学难点 (1) 学会谈论健康问题。 (2) 了解一些有关健康生活的信息。 (3) 学习有关健康的文章。III.III. 教学计划教学计划本单元分为四个课时 第一课时:Introduction, Speaking(1), Culture Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary, 第三课时:Grammar(1), Function and Grammar(2) 第四课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Pr

7、onunciation, Everyday English and Speaking(2) 第五课时:Writing, Task and Module fileIV.IV. 教学步骤教学步骤PeriodPeriod 1 1 Introduction,Introduction, SpeakingSpeaking 1,1, CultureCulture CornerCornerTeachingTeaching Goals:Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about the good healthy habits. 2. To develop

8、Ss ability in discussing. TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: Step1.Step1. IntroductionIntroduction PurposePurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about illness 1.1. Leading-inLeading-in Ask Ss the following questions: Have you ever got such illnesses like the flu and the toothache? How

9、do you feel when you get these illnesses? How do you get rid of them?And do you know why people would get such illnesses? 2. PairPair workwork Ask Ss to go through the sentences in Activity 2 on P1, and then talk about themselves to each other. 外研版高中英语必修 2 教案3For example: I take at least two hours e

10、xercise a week, but I sometimes get colds and flu. 3. GroupGroup workwork Ask Ss to read the four proverbs together; Then discuss what the proverbs mean either in English or in Chinese. (1)You are what you eat. 人如其食 Your body and even mental state is affected by the type of food you eat. (2)A health

11、y mind is in a healthy body. 健康的思想寓于健康的身体 之中 If you are clear about eating healthily and follow a sensible diet, you are likely to be clear thinking in other areas of life. (3)Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起的人享有健康、财富和智慧 Sleeping late or sleeping in the morning

12、 are not good for the body, the mind or for business. (4) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天吃苹果,不必上诊所 It is important to eat fresh fruit and vegetables everyday in order to stay healthy. 4. Ask Ss to think of some Chinese proverbs connected with health. ForFor youryour reference:reference: (1)

13、饭后走一走,活到 99 (2)苦口良药 (3)身体是革命的本钱 StepStep 2.2. SpeakingSpeaking (1) Propose:Propose: To develop Ss speaking ability. (GroupGroup workwork) Ask Ss to decide on the five most important things that they should or shouldnt do in order to stay healthy, then put them in order of importance. HowHow toto sta

14、ystay healthyhealthyThingsThings youyou shouldshould dodoThingsThings youyou shouldshould notnot dodoSuggestedSuggested Answers:Answers: Various answers are acceptable. StepStep 3.3. CultureCulture CornerCorner外研版高中英语必修 2 教案4Propose:Propose: To let Ss know something about the health care system in f

15、oreign countries. 1. (IndividualIndividual work)work) Ask Ss to read the passage individually, and then finish the form. HealthHealth carecare systemsystem inin threethree countriescountriesHealthHealth carecareDoctorsDoctorsHealthHealth insuranceinsurance BritainBritainAmericaAmericaCanadaCanadaSug

16、gestedSuggested answer:answer:HealthHealth carecare systemsystem inin threethree countriescountriesHealthHealth carecareDoctorsDoctorsHealthHealth insurancinsuranceBritainBritainfreeWork for governmentRecently, more people use it AmericaAmericaPay by the people themselvesWork for themselvesPoor people dont have money to pay for it. Can nadafreeWork for themselves 2. (GroupGroup


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