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1、外研版高中英语必修外研版高中英语必修 2全册导学案全册导学案外研版高中英语必修 2 学案目目 录录ModuLe1 Our Body and Healthy HabitsModuLe2 No DrugsModuLe3 MusicModuLe4 Fine ArtsWestern,Chinese and Pop ArtsMOduLe5 Newspapers and MagazinesModuLe6 Films and TV Programmes外研版高中英语必修 2 学案1高考英语学案:外研版高考英语学案:外研版Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits人体与健康的习惯

2、人体与健康的习惯核心词汇核心词汇1My luggage was _ (超重)by five kilos,so I was asked to pay more money.2Its about time we were _ (朝方向前进)home.3Regular exercise is part of a healthy _ (生活方式) 4. Its _ (正常的)to feel nervous before an exam.5Two people have been critically _(受伤)in a road accident.6There was an _(焦虑的)moment

3、when the plane suddenly dropped.7Alan _ (极少)talked about his own work.8. People are concerned about the quality of the air they _(呼吸)9He has gained a great amount of _ by selling famous writers books and as a result he is very_.(wealth)10. Her back gives her a lot of _ and it is still_. In spite of

4、this ,she still takes great _ to help us.(pain)高频短语高频短语外研版高中英语必修 2 学案21.overweight 2.heading 3.lifestyle 4.normal 5.injured 6.anxious 7.rarely 8.breathe 9.wealth;wealthy 10.pain;painful;pains1._ 与有联系2_ 锻炼3_ 迷恋4_ 躺下5_ 以开始6._ 用车接;搭载7_ 生病8_ 将投入9_ 至少10_ 避开;远离重点句式重点句式1.be connected with 2.take exercise 3

5、.be crazy about 4.lie down 5.begin with 6.pick up 7.become ill 8.put.into. 9.at least 10.keep away1When Zhou Kais mother _ him _ towards the front door _ a jacket _, she eyed him anxiously.周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地盯着他。2But_ I was _ play football in the rain.但那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。3So _, Im a normal kin

6、d of person.所以从我说的话你就明白我是一个正常健康的孩子。4. Because of this,I make sure that I have a good diet,and 外研版高中英语必修 2 学案3_ ,this isnt a problem because my mother feeds us so well.因为这样,我确保自己有一个健康的饮食,正如我已经说的,这没问题,因为 我妈妈让我们吃得很好。5. _youll get/become really fit.多进行体育锻炼,你就会真正身体健康。6. That _ be_.那再好不过了7Britain was _ co

7、untry in the world _.英国是世界上第一个有免费健康保健体制并由政府付费的国家。 答案:1saw;heading;without;on 2.thats because;stupid enough to 3.as you can see from what Ive said 4.as Ive said 5Take more exercise and 6.couldnt;better 7the first;to have a free health care system paid for by the government知识详解知识详解 fit adj. 适合的;健康的,强健

8、的;能胜任的,合格的v 适合,使(衣服)合身,使适应,使合格,使胜任(回归课本 P52).I take a lot of exercise and am very fit.我锻炼很多,身体很健康。 【归纳总结】Keep fit,study hard and work well.身体好,学习好,工作好。Hes been ill and isnt fit for work yet.他一直在生病,尚不能工作。The water in this river isnt fit to drink.这条河中的水不适合饮用。This jacket fits her well.这件夹克非常适合她。【例句探源】m

9、atch,suit,go with,agree with,fit外研版高中英语必修 2 学案4(1)match“和匹配,适合” ,多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。(2)suit“适合(常指衣服颜色、样式适合某人);适宜” ,还可表示“合某人的意(在口语中)” 。(3)go with“和相配;相称” ,基本相当于 match 的用法,但着重强调同步材料的匹配。 (4)agree with“适合(常用于否定句);相一致” 。(5)fit“适合(常指衣服尺寸适合某人);称职” 。【易混辨析】His clothes dont match his age.Does the time suit you?

10、The new coat fits her well.It is neither too big nor too small.His story agrees_with the fact. Id like to buy some tapes to go_with the book.1Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to_,so she left.Ashow off Bgo upCfit in Dcome over解析:选 C。考查动词短语。show off“炫耀,使突出” ;go up“上涨,提高,增加” ;fit in“相处融洽,合得来”

11、 ;come over“过来,顺便拜访” 。句意:艾米参加了一个绘画组,但是似乎(和那些人)合不来,所以她又退了出来。显然C 项符合句意。【即境活用】2.Her shoes_her dress;they look very well together.Asuit Bfit外研版高中英语必修 2 学案5Ccompare Dmatch解析:选 D。句意是:她的鞋子与她的裙子相配,它们穿在一起很好看。此句要用 match 表示“与相配” 。suit 后宾语往往是人;fit 的宾语也是人;compare 指“相比” 。 rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地(回归课本 P52)I rarely get

12、 toothache.我很少牙疼。 【归纳总结】(1)rarely 为否定词,位于句首时句子应用部分倒装。类似,的词还有:hardly,scarcely,seldom,never,little 等。,(2)rare adj.稀少的;罕有的,其反义词为 common。【例句探源】The truth is rarely pure and never simple.真理很少是纯粹的,更不会是简单的。This method is rarely used in modern laboratories.Rarely is this method used in modern laboratories.现代

13、实验室里很少使用这种方法。3How was the televised debate last night?Super!Rarely_so much media attention.Aa debate attracted Bdid a debate attractCa debate did attract Dattracted a debate解析:选 B。答句的句意是:好极了!很少有一次电视辩论会引起媒体的广泛注意。rarely 提到句首,句子要用部分倒装语序,把助动词 did 提到主语 a debate 前面。【即境活用】外研版高中英语必修 2 学案6 pain n 疼痛;痛苦;辛苦,努力

14、(用复数)vt. 使痛苦 vi. 感到疼痛 (回归课本 P52)The injury was quite painful.受伤处非常疼 【归纳总结】with great pain 煞费苦心地in pain 疼痛,在苦恼中have a pain/pains in the head 头疼be at pains 辛苦地做,下苦功做take pains 尽力,费苦心,下苦功spare no pains 不遗余力,全力以赴,不辞劳苦 painful adj.令人痛苦的,疼痛的 【例句探源】No pains, no gains.(谚语)不劳无获。Take these tablets if you are in pain. 要是疼痛就服下这些药。He spared no pains to bring up the child.他不辞辛苦养育那小孩。It pains me to see you living this way.看到你这样生活,我很痛心。She took great pains to learn a foreign language well.


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