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1、新目标人教版英语七上新目标人教版英语七上全册教案学案全册教案学案人教版初中英语七年级上册教案目 录Unit 1My name is GinaUnit 2Is this your pencilUnit 3This is my sisterUnit 4Where is my backpackUnit 5Do you have a soccer ballUnit 6Do you like bananasUnit 7How much are these pantsUnit 8When is your birthdayUnit 9Do you want to go to a movieUnit 10Ca

2、n you play the guitarUnit 11What time do you go to schoolUnit 12My favorite subject is science.人教版初中英语七年级上册教案1Unit 1My name is Gina教案及导学案练习教案及导学案练习一、学习目标:一、学习目标:知识目标:知识目标:1. Whats your /her /his name? My /Her /His name is 2. Im 3. Nice to meet you. 4. Whats your /her /his telephone number? Its 5. Wh

3、ats your family /last name? 能力目标:能力目标: 1. Introduce yourself 介绍自己 2. Greet people 问候他人 3. Ask for and give telephone numbers 询问和给出电话号码 二、重点、难点:二、重点、难点:重点:重点: 形容词性物主代词 难点:难点: be 动词的用法(一)三、知能提升:三、知能提升:(一)重点单词 1. 形容词性物主代词 【概念】形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,表示与后面名词的物主关系。 【词义】的 my 我的 your 你的,你们的 his 他的 her 她的 【使用】常放在名

4、词前面作定语,不能单独使用。 My name is Gina. 我的名字叫吉娜。 Your schoolbag is big. 你的书包很大。 His father is a teacher. 他的爸爸是老师。 Her friend is tall. 她的朋友很高。 【拓展】形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词单数复数第一人称myour第二人称youryour第三人称her / histheir【强化】Whats whats whats your name? My name is Gina. Whats whats whats his name? His name is Jack. 人教版初中英语

5、七年级上册教案2Whats whats whats her name? Her name is Amy. 2. nice nais adj. (1)adj. 好的,美好的,令人愉快的 Its a nice day. 天气真好。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you too. 见到你我也很高兴。 (2)adj. 漂亮的 Thats a nice bag. I want it. 那是一个漂亮的书包。我想要一个。 (3)adj. 友好的,好心的 My English teacher is nice. I like her very much. 我的英语

6、老师人很好。我非常喜欢她。3. look luk vi. vi. 看;望;看起来 vi.不及物动词 看某物、某人,要用 look at sth./sb.动词介词某物/某人 Look at the boy. He is cool. 看这个男孩。他很酷。 Look at the blackboard. There is a nice picture on it. 看黑板。有一张漂亮的图片在黑板上。4. telephone n. (1)n. 电话,电话机 telephone number 电话号码 Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少? My telephon

7、e number is 123456. 我的电话号码是 123456。 (2)vt. 打电话I know your telephone number. I can telephone you. 我知道你的电话号码。我可以给你打电话。5. answer (1)n. 答案,回答 You are so clever. Your answer is right. 你真聪明。你的答案是正确的。 (2)vt. 回答 Can you answer the question? 你能回答这个问题吗? Yes, I can answer the question. 是的,我能回答这个问题。 Look at the

8、 picture and answer the question. 看图回答问题。Answer the telephone, please. 请接电话。 OK, Im coming. 好的,我来了。 6. first (1)adj. 第一的 My name is Cherry. This is my first class. 我的名字叫 Cherry。这是我的第一节课。 This is my first song tonight. 这是我今天晚上的第一首歌。 (2)n. 第一You are so clever. You are the first in our class. 你真聪明。你是我们

9、班第一名。 (3)反义词:last la:st adj. 最后的 first name 名字 last name 姓氏 人教版初中英语七年级上册教案3英语中姓名的顺序是:名字姓氏My name is Jenny Brown. Brown is my last name. Jenny is my first name. 汉语中姓名的顺序是:姓氏名字 My name is Zhang Lan. Zhang is my last name. Lan is my first name. 7. family 家;家庭 (1)family namelast name 姓氏 (2)复数形式:families

10、 There are three families in the room. 房间里有三个家庭。 (3)family 作为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数形式。 I have a big family. 我有一个大家庭。 family 作为家庭成员,指代个体时,谓语动词用复数形式。 All his family are very tall. 他的家人都很高。 (二)重点句型1. what pron. 用来引导特殊疑问句的代词,称为疑问代词。 英语中用于提出疑问的句子叫疑问句。句尾用“?” 。 如:Whats your name? What color is it? 其中 what 叫特殊疑问词,以特

11、殊疑问词开头的句子叫特殊疑问句。 以 what 开头的疑问句,是英语中常见的句型。 (1)询问姓名Whats your name? My name is Gina. (2)询问是什么东西Whats this in English? Its a clock. (3)询问颜色What color is her jacket? Its black. (4)询问号码What is your telephone number? My telephone number is 342467880 2. Whats your name? 进入新环境,结交新朋友时必会的句子。 (1)回答方式也是多种多样的。 M

12、y name is 缩写形式:My names I am 缩写形式:Im (2)更为礼貌地询问别人姓名的表达方式 May I know your name, please? 请问我能知道你的名字吗? May I ask your name, please? 请问我能问一下你叫什么名字吗? Could you tell me your name? 请你可以告诉我你的名字吗? 3. 英语问候语 (1)Good morning! 早上好! Good morning! Good afternoon! 下午好! Good afternoon! Good evening! 晚上好! Good evenin

13、g!人教版初中英语七年级上册教案4(2)Hello, Bob! 你好, Bob! Hello, Bill! 你好,Bill! Hi, Peter! 你好,Peter! Hi, Frank! 你好, Frank! (3)How are you? 你好吗? 英美人见面打招呼时的问候语。用来询问对方的心情和身体健康情况。How are you? Im fine, Thank you. Fine, thanks. 反问对方 How are you? Im fine. How about you? Fine. And you? (4)Nice to meet you. 认识你很高兴。 初次见面相互询问或

14、经介绍与人相识后的问候语。Nice to meet you, too. (5)How do you do? 你好。 用于初次见面,是非常正式的打招呼用语。How do you do?(三)重点语法 1. be 动词的用法 (1)动词原形:be (2)一般现在时态中 be 动词的形式:am ,is, are (3)词意:“是” (4)使用方法: 第一人称单数作主语am: I am I am Jim. / I am a student. / I am eleven. 可数名词 / 不可数名词的单数形式作主语is: The clock is green. 人称代词 he, she, itisShe

15、is Mary. He is cool. It is red. 复数 / 表示复数的词作主语are: Jack and Nick are good friends. These pictures are very nice. 人称代词 we, you, theyare We are friends. You are nice. They are students. 2. be 与其他单词的缩写形式 be 动词在某些名词、代词和极少数副词之后可用缩略形式。 I am Im I am a student. = Im a student. 人教版初中英语七年级上册教案5 my name is my names My name is Tony. = My names Tony. what is whats What is your name? = Whats your name? where is wheres Where is your car? = Wheres your car? is not isnt / are not arent It is not right. = It isnt right. They are not English. = They arent English. 不能



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