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1、用心 爱心 专心初一英语 Unit 4 译林出版社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 4二. 学习要求1. 学会表达对食物的喜好2. 学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系3. 能够正确地将食物分类4. 正确使用频度副词5. 复习可数名词和不可数名词及相关知识6. 看懂食物营养价值表三. 词汇1. exercisevi. 锻炼,运动She should exercise more.They dont exercise enough.My grandfather exercised and became healthier.vt. 练习We should exercise our legs.He

2、 is exercising himself in dancing.n. (不可数) 运动,锻炼I should take more exercise.Exercise is good for old people.n. (可数) 操练,学习中的练习题Students in this school do eye exercises twice a day.We do morning exercises every day.There are seven math exercises to do.2. topWho is the top football player in your class

3、?She is at the top of her class in English.3. fish鱼肉 (不可数名词)Would you like to eat some fish?I hate eating fish.There is a lot of fish for supper.鱼 (可数名词)a fish two fisha lot of fish two fishes4. health 不可数名词healthy 形容词have good health = be in good health = be healthy用心 爱心 专心have poor health = be in

4、bad health = be unhealthybe fit / well / finebe unfit / unwell5. keep 连系动词 形容词keep cool keep fit stay clean stay openkeep young stay fine stay youngbecome small turn greenlook nice sound good有行为动词 keep a dairy keep a secret stay at home stay for 3 dayslook at the blackboardturn to Page 166. without

5、介词 名词 / 代词 / 动词的-ing 形式He goes to school without keys.He came late. We went without him.The children left without saying “Goodbye”.四. 重点与难点的分析讲解1. Take turns to ask questions.turn n. 顺序,次序Please take turns to go out.They are taking turns to have a rest.Its your turn to give a speech.Its his turn to

6、clean the blackboard.2. Its + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很Its very easy for me to get tired.Its also important to drink lots of water every day.Its very important for us to learn English well.Its interesting for the students to watch animals.3. 并列连词but / and / or / soI like basketball but I

7、 dont like football.Its very cold, so I stay at home.Will you go with me or stay with your father?I am a teacher and my brother is an engineer.4. 频度副词英语中的副词按意义分类可分为方式副词、地点副词、时间副词。时间副词中用以表示动作发生频率的称为频度副词。always usuallyoftensometimesseldomneverHe is always ready to help others.Chinese New Year usually

8、comes in late January or early February.I often forget very important things.Sometimes I go to the supermarket.用心 爱心 专心He seldom goes to the library.Tom has never been to Hangzhou.频度副词在句中的位置:在 be 动词后You are often free.在情态动词(及 not)后I cant always listen to him.在实义动词之前I never see such an animal.作加强语气时,

9、可放在句首或句尾Usually we wear special costumes at Halloween.seldom ,never 表示否定意义的副词用在句首时, 句子需倒装。Seldom do I eat in the restaurant.Never will I forget it.用 how often 对频度副词提问He often has a walk after supper.How often does he have a walk after supper?How often does he go to see his uncle?How often do you go

10、shopping? Twice a week.5. 不用冠词的情况在三餐、棋类、球类和学科前不用冠词I like playing football.Youd better have breakfast every day.在称呼和头衔前不用冠词Mr Li is my boss.在专有名词前不用冠词Class Three America Tom在表示交通手段的介词短语中不用冠词He came here by bike.Why not go to Beijing by train?在一些习惯用语中不用冠词at home at work go to school如果名词前已有物主代词或名词所有格等限

11、定词修饰,则前面不用冠词My sisters shoes are under the desk.6. less than three times a dayI have less money than him.He spends less than one hour reading English every day.7. not at allI am not excited at all.He doesnt have toys at all.8. Congratulations!congratulate v.celebrate v.Let me congratulate you on you

12、r success.用心 爱心 专心Lets celebrate your birthday.9. not any more 不再,再也不 no moreThey dont live in that city any more.They no more live in that city.10. Good luck with. 祝愿你在某方面有好运或顺利。Good luck with your study.Good luck with your trip.Good luck with your English exam.Good luck to you! = Wish you good luc

13、k!11. for oneself 为自己Design a diet for yourself.He bought a shirt for himself.If you dont believe me, you may go and see it for yourself.12. give sb. energy for 为给某人提供能量He drinks milk to give himself more energy for sports.We eat food to give ourselves energy for working or playing.【模拟试题】 (答题时间:80 分

14、钟)一、选择填空( )1、Its time to school now.A. for us to go B. for us go C. for our to go D. for we to go( )2、 are you late for school? Seldom.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How soon( )3、I often go to see my grandparents my bike.A. by B. in C. with D. on( )4、Happy New Year to you, Mary! !A. Thank y

15、ou very much B. The same to you C. All right D. Good( )5、We can cut into slices with .A. potato, knife B. potatoes, knives C. potatos, knives D. potatoes, knifes( )6、Would you like tea?Yes, and milk, too, I think, please.A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any D. some, some( )7、Li Ming helps Li Hua her homework on Sundays.A. does B. doing C. do D. with do( )8、 water do you drink every day?A. How many B. How much C.


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