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1、Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School中学词汇教学方法中学词汇教学方法(英语教学法)摘要:摘要:在 21 世纪, 随着社会与科学技术的发展, 特别是中国加入世贸组织以后,中国与其他国家的交流越来越多。英语也越来越多的深入到我们的生活当中。但是,在英语学习中,词汇困扰着许多人。能否有效地更多的记忆词汇将直接影响对英语学习的兴趣和实效性。词汇是语言的基础与核心。人们知道,如果没有词汇的话,就没有语言。没有语言,就没有语言学。但所有的词语在语言上的词汇。词汇是语言的基础。这将是不可能的,学习语言没有学习词汇。但是,词汇学习是外语学习中的一个大课题。以后作为一名英语教

2、师,以帮助学生有效学习英语,我们有必要探讨词汇教学和学习方法可以改善小学和中学水平,探讨了一些可能的战略,提高学生的词汇中学英语词汇教学,过分强调学生死记硬背单词的读音、词行和字典意义,而忽略了词汇的搭配、用法和语法特征,以及语境在语法学习中的重要性,导致学生对许多单词只会记而不会用。本文提出一些相应的解决方法,采用适合学生的教授词汇的方法,要充分利用常规课堂教学时间,帮助学生掌握基本词汇。关关键词键词:词汇教学;中学英语;教学方法ABSTRACTIn the 21st century, with the rapid development of our society, the scienc

3、e and technology, especially with Chinas entry into the WTO, China and other countries will have more and more co-operation. And English penetrates into our daily life more and more. But in English learning, word remembering confuses many English learners.Words are the foundation and core of languag

4、e. People know that without words, there would be no language. While without language, there would be no linguistics. But all the words in a language make up its vocabulary. Vocabulary is basic to language learning. It would be impossible to learn a language without learning vocabulary. But vocabula

5、ry learning is considered a big task in foreign language learning. As an English language teacher in the future, in order to help students learn English efficiently, it is necessary for us to discuss how vocabulary teaching and learning method can be improved at primary and secondary school levels a

6、nd explores some possible strategies for enhancing the students vocabulary During vocabulary teaching in junior school, teachers only emphasize pronunciation, spelling and meaning in dictionary, but ignore their match, use, inner meaning and grammatical characteristics. The importance of context is

7、also ignored, which makes student just recite the word, but not know how to use the words, they just misuse them. This essay provides some methods of teaching English vocabulary. They should also make full use of class time to help student master the use of words they have learned.Keywords: Vocabula

8、ry teaching; Junior school English; Teaching methods.ContentsIntroduction .1Part One The Content and Meaning about Vocabulary Teaching.21.1Phonetics Teaching.21.2Morphology Teaching.21.3Semasiology Teaching .3Part Two The problems in English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning .42.1 Teachers Problem an

9、d solutions .42.2 Students Problem and solutions.6Part Three Teaching Methods.73.1 Visual Teaching.73.2 Contrast Teaching.103.3 Using word formation .113.4 Vocabulary associative.123.5 Using dictionary and do more exercise.12Conclusion.14Notes.16Bibliography.17Acknowledgements.18IntroductionD. Wilki

10、ns who was a famous scholar said that, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. The Lexicologist Mecca tin said more directly.” “a student who learns a second foreign language, language communication is difficult to achieve, if he only masters very

11、few words, no matter how well he learns the grammar or how nice his pronunciation is.“Vocabulary is one of the three elements (speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar) of a language.” It is also a basic material of a language. Vocabulary is an important component in English teaching. “No matter what k

12、ind of target language, vocabularies in all language teaching are the important factors.”Therefore, ones mind and ability of communication is influenced directly by his vocabulary he has learned. As an important component in learning English, vocabulary is especially important to improve students English. To master a lot of words is the basic in learning English. However, in middle school



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