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1、硕士学位论文 I摘 要 本论文对泡沫混凝土的相关技术进行了研究,包括优质发泡剂的合成与改性、发泡剂与泡沫混凝土的和易性、优质泡沫混凝土的制备等。首先对蛋白质型和松香型泡沫混凝土所用发泡剂的合成及改性进行了研究。 在分析了影响合成过程、发泡剂发泡效率和泡沫稳定性因素的基础上,确定了上述两类发泡剂的最佳工艺合成条件。综合考虑两类发泡剂的合成条件、性能和成本等因素,认为松香型发泡剂作为泡沫混凝土发泡剂更为合适。 在 Ca(OH)2水解法、NaOH 水解法、Ca(OH)2-NaOH 联合水解法合成蛋白质型发泡剂母液方法中, 以 Ca(OH)2水解法制备的发泡剂母液发泡性能和泡沫稳定性均相对理想。其适宜

2、的合成条件为:水 250ml,牛蹄角粉 25g,Ca(OH)23.5g,NaHSO31g,沸煮 4 小时。对蛋白质型发泡剂的改性作用发现,三乙醇胺掺量为0.30.5%时,泡沫稳定性得到改善;烷基苯磺酸钠掺量为 0.71.3%时,发泡倍数和稳定性都有了改善; 当同时添加烷基苯磺酸钠掺入0.7%, 三乙醇胺掺入0.31.0%时,发泡倍数增大,而且泡沫体积下降缓慢。 以水解剂 E 和水解剂 F 为碱性介质借助于正交试验方法对松香型发泡剂的合成条件进行了优化,分别得到两种相应的松香型(NaOH 为碱性介质)和松香型(水解剂 F 为碱性介质)发泡剂。振荡法发泡试验结果表明,松香型发泡剂优于松香型发泡剂。

3、通过压缩空气发泡法进一步比较了蛋白质型、松香型和松香型三种发泡剂的发泡能力和泡沫稳定性, 结果表明蛋白质型发泡剂的原液发泡倍数为 60,泡沫稳定时间为 200min;松香型发泡剂的原液发泡倍数为 412,泡沫稳定时间为 180min;和松香型发泡剂的原液发泡倍数为 275,泡沫稳定时间为 250min。泡沫混凝土强度试验结果表明,用蛋白质型发泡剂制备的干容重为 850kg/m3的泡沫混凝土 7d 强度为 4.4MPa;用松香型发泡剂制备的干容重为 857kg/m3的泡沫混凝土 7d 强度为 4.0MPa; 用松香型发泡剂制备的干容重为 879kg/m3的泡沫混凝土 7d 强度达到 5.1MPa

4、。另外,据估算蛋白质型发泡剂成本为 1400 元/t,松香型和松香型发泡剂成本低,大约为 1250 元/t。 采用松香型发泡剂对泡沫混凝土的制备技术和提高其强度的技术措施进行了深入探讨,结果表明对于干容重为 300kg/m3的泡沫混凝土,适宜成型的水摘 要 II泥浆体流动性为 1532s,28d 抗压强度可达 1.2MPa;对于干容重为 1000kg/m3的泡沫混凝土,适宜的成型水泥浆体流动性为 1598s,28d 抗压强度可达15.8MPa;在保证流动性的前提下,掺入 0.8%的减水剂,调节适宜的水灰比,可以显著提高泡沫混凝土的强度,300kg/m3的泡沫混凝土 28d 强度可达 1.36M

5、Pa;1000kg/m3的泡沫混凝土 28d 强度可达 17.5MPa。 驻波管吸声系数测定方法评价了掺有多孔性颗粒状物料的泡沫混凝土的吸声性能,结果发现与普通泡沫混凝土相比,掺入多孔性颗粒状物料之后,泡沫混凝土的平均吸声性能提高, 中高频段吸声系数可达 80%, 但是低频段吸声系数仍然较低。立体显微镜对泡沫混凝土硬化体观察发现,泡沫混凝土中孔隙细小,大部分孔径1mm,而且多为封闭圆形孔,分布均匀,利于提高强度;多孔性颗粒状物料在泡沫混凝土中的分布也很均匀,没有聚集或上浮现象。 关键词关键词 泡沫混凝土 蛋白质 松香 发泡剂 改性 吸声 硕士学位论文 IIIABSTRACT Technique

6、s of foamed concrete were investigated, including synthesis and modification of foaming agent with high grade, compatibility between foaming agent and foamed concrete, and preparation of foamed concrete with good performance.The synthesis and modification of the protein type and the rosin type foami

7、ng agent for the preparation of foamed concrete were investigated first. The optimum condition for synthesizing the two type foaming agent was established based on the analysis of the factors which determine the synthesis process, foaming ability and the foam stability. The rosin type foaming agent

8、was recommended as an appropriate one for the preparation of foamed concrete. Processes of Ca(OH)2 hydrolysis, NaOH hydrolysis and Ca(OH)2-NaOH hydrolysis for the synthesis of foaming agent were investigated, and the Ca(OH)2 hydrolysis process was found to produce foaming agent with better foaming a

9、bility and foam stability by boiling the mixture with proportion of water 250g, cattle hoof powder 25g, calcium hydroxide 3.5g and sodium hydrogenous sulfite 1g. Modification on the protein type foaming agent synthesized by Ca(OH)2 hydrolysis process attempted with addition of several chemicals and

10、surfactants. Results showed that the foam stability was improved with addition of 0.30.5% triethanolamine, and both foaming ability and foam stability were improved with the addition of 0.71.3% alkyl benzene sulfonate, and it was also true with the simultaneous addition of 0.7% alkyl benzene sulfona

11、te and 0.31.0% triethanolamine. The synthesis condition of the rosin type foaming agent was optimized by means of orthogonal test with the addition of hydrolyzing agent F and hydrolyzing agent F respectively as alkali hydrolysis media, as a result, two foaming agent named as rosin type and rosin typ

12、e were obtained. Foaming test results according to manual vibration method showed that rosin type foaming agent was better than rosin type . The foaming ability and foam stability of originated from protein type and rosin type and rosin type were further evaluated by means of compressed air foaming

13、method, and the results showed that the foaming ability and foam stability last time were found to be 60 times and 200min respectively for the protein type foaming agent, and 412 times and 180min for rosin type foaming agent, and 275 times and 250min ABSTRACT IVfor rosin type foaming agent. Again, t

14、he foamed concrete preparation and strength test for the evaluation of the three type foaming agent showed that foamed concrete with dry density 850kg/m3 produced compressive strength 4.4MPa at 7d curing age when protein foaming agent was used, and those with dry density 857kg/m3 produced compressiv

15、e strength 4.0MPa at 7d curing age when rosin type foaming agent was used, and those with dry density 879kg/m3 produced compressive strength 5.7MPa at 7d curing age when rosin type foaming agent was used. In addition, the raw cost for the synthesis of protein foaming agent was estimated at about 140

16、0 CH$/ton, and about 1250 CH$/ton for both rosin type rosin type foaming agent. Therefore, the rosin type foaming agent was used in the test related to the preparation of foamed concrete and the improvement of its properties. The results showed that foamed concrete with dry density as low as 300kg/m3 could be prepared by controlling the cement paste flowability between 15 to 32s, and the compressive strength of foamed concrete with 28d curi



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