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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料双语阅读:头发上剪出明星脸!创意十足的酷炫发型(图)创意理发师超牛逼技术,头发上剪出一张明星脸!美国的罗伯是一 位有天赋、有创意的理发师,他能在顾客的头发上剪出顾客想要的任何 明星脸,乔布斯、C罗总之,只有你想不到,没有罗伯剪不出的! 双语阅读:头发上剪出明星脸!创意十足的酷炫发型(图) When you go to Rob Ferrel for a haircut, you know youre in for something really special. The professional hair artist can sculpt logos, de

2、signs, patterns and even celebrity faces on a head of hair. He runs his own salon called Rob the Original Barbershop, in San Antonio, where he works his magic every single day. 当你去找理发师罗伯法瑞尔理发的时候,你一定是想要剪个很酷的 发型。这位职业理发师可以在头发上剪出任何造型,包括品牌标识、图 案设计,甚至是明星肖像。罗伯在美国圣安东尼奥市经营着一家名叫罗 伯原创造型理发店的沙龙,在这里他每天都在创造着属于自己的奇

3、迹。At first glance, some of Ferrels customers look like theyve got stuff painted on the back of their heads. But take a closer look and youll realize that its all hair. Super-talented Ferrel discovered his special gift only eight years ago, when a kid walked into the barbershop he worked at and asked

4、 for a small little swirl. 乍一看,法瑞尔一些顾客的后脑勺上的造型好像是用东西画上去的 一样。但是仔细看的话,你会发现它们都是在头发上剪出来的。天赋超 群的法瑞尔是在8年前才发现自己的这一天赋的,当时有个小孩子去他 所工作的理发店要求在头上剪一个旋涡状的发型。 “From there I started doing stars and more complex designs, team logos” he said. “And then I wanted to do something different and stand out, so I did portra

5、its. Now if they bring me any image, I can replicate it in their hair”. Back in 2006, Ferrels clients had to bring him images of the portraits theywanted, but now, with the help of modern technology, he can just look up the image on his phone and sculpt it freehand, using regular tools like trimmers

6、 and clippers.“ 从那时起,我就开始尝试星星及其他更复杂的设计如团队标识等。 ”罗伯说,“后来我想做点更加与众不同、引人注目的造型,所以我开 始尝试人物肖像。现在无论客户给我谁的照片,我都可以在他们的头上 剪出来。”2006年的时候,顾客还需要向法瑞尔提供他们想要的肖像造 型的图片,可是现在,通过现代科技,法瑞尔可以直接在手机上查找图 片,然后使用修剪器和剪刀等常规工具,徒手剪出造型。 雅思阅读文章太难读不懂?Dont worry!智课名师帮你答疑! 戳我获得名师1对1指导 His tools are pretty basic standard barber clippers,

7、trimmers and razors, and colored eyeliner for the finishing touches, all put together in a neat toolbox. The trimmer is the one he uses the most when hes doing designs, and the clippers are for creating shades. 罗伯使用的工具其实都非常简单,标准的理发专用剪、修剪器、剃 刀和眼线笔等,这些都被装在一个干净的工具箱里。修剪器是他在做造 型时最常用的,而剪刀则常用于制造阴影。A single

8、 head of hair takes Ferrel 30 to 45 minutes to carve. “I create every shape and shade on the portrait like a puzzle,” he says. “You can only do so much with hair, so the eyeliner perfects the picture and makes it look realistic.” 修剪这样一个发型需要大约30到45分钟。“我不会忽略肖像上的任 何一个形状和阴影,这就像解谜一样。”法瑞尔说,“因为单靠头发剪 出的样子比较

9、固定,所以要用眼线笔来美化图案让它们看起来更逼 真。” Some of Ferrels most regular clientele include football and basketball fans who want their favorite players etched into their hair. With the Football World Cup fever still lingering in the air, Ferrels latest hair carvings have been of players Cristiano Ronaldo, Guillermo

10、 Ochoa, and Tim Howard with an Americanflag in the background. 法瑞尔理发店的常客有一些是足球迷和篮球迷,他们都想要用自己 喜爱的球星肖像做发型。由于世界杯刚结束不久,所以法瑞尔剪出的最 新的肖像发型有C罗、奥乔亚,还有背景为美国国旗的蒂姆霍华德。 And when his local basketball team San Antonio Spurs played Miami Heat in the NBA finals in July, several fans of both teams came in requesting styles with basketball themes. 另外,7月份NBA的决赛上,当地篮球队圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵迈 阿密热火队的时候,两队的一些球迷都曾找到法瑞尔要求做一些篮球主 题的发型。 觉得不用译文读起来很easy?敢不敢下场试试考试实战! 在线预约雅思免费全真模考


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