浅论工业设计与知识 产权维护

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1、毕 业 设 计(论文)(说 明 书)题目:试论工业设计与知识产权维护 姓名:李亚峰 编号:20092000464平顶山工业职业技术学院 年月日平顶山工业职业技术学院 毕 业 设 计 (论文) 任 务 书姓名李亚峰专业09 级工业设计任 务 下 达 日 期年月日设计(论文)开始日期年月日设计(论文)完成日期年月日设计(论文)题目:试论工业设计与知识产品维护A编制设计B设计专题(毕业论文)指导教师付朝君系(部)主任年月日平顶山工业职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会记录系专业,学生于年月日进行了毕业设计(论文)答辩。设计题目:专题(论文)题目:指导老师:答辩委员会根据学生提交的毕业设计(论文)

2、材料,根据学生答辩情况,经答辩委员会讨论评定,给予学生毕业设计(论文)成绩为。答辩委员会人,出席人答辩委员会主任(签字) :答辩委员会副主任(签字) :答辩委员会委员:,平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)评语第页共页学生姓名:专业年级毕业设计(论文)题目:评 阅 人:指导教师:(签字)年月日成绩:系(科)主任:(签字)年月日毕业设计(论文)及答辩评语:平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文)第 1 页摘摘要要随着经济全球化的发展,工业设计越来越被各国所重视。本文以此为基点,引申出设计行业知识产权保护的问题,进而谈了如何运用知识产权保护产品设计,企业如何运用知识产权维护企业和设计师的权益

3、。尤其是在中国加入 WTO 后,我们应该如何增强对产品外观设计的知识产权维护意识,以及可能遇到的特殊情况“设计创造财富”已经成为许多人的共识。工业设计被定义为企业的核心竞争力,企业依靠工业设计赢取市场。但是,有利可图难免让人趋之若鹜,工业设计的成果一旦展示出来,想要不被模仿绝非易事。因此,工业设计知识产权保护与企业发展休戚相关。党中央在新时期提出的一个重大的战略方向和战略决策是:提高自主创新的能力,走创新型国家的发展道路。因此,对于企业而言,必须选择创新型的发展方向,提高企业自主创新的能力。提高企业知识产权意识,加强对企业创新成果的保护也将成为企业工作的重点。改革开放以来,我国工业设计取得了长


5、发展。与之相对应的就是要求知识产权要紧密结合工业设计的发展进度,加强在专利申请和版权保护等方面的产权保护意识,从而让法律能够更好的服务于工业设计,促进行业的快速发展。关关 键键 词:词:工业设计,知识产权保护,自主创新,专利申请,版权保护论文类型:论文类型:基础研究平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文)第 2 页ABSTRACTAlong with the development of economic globalization, industrial design more andmore attention by all countries. This paper, taking

6、this as the base, which invites the designindustry intellectual property protection problems, and talk about how to use theintellectual property rights protection product design, enterprise how to use intellectualproperty maintenance the rights and interests of the enterprises and designers. Especia

7、lly inChinas accession to the WTO, we should how to enhance product appearance design of theintellectual property rights awareness, and may meet with maintenance of the specialconditions“Design to create wealth“ has become the consensus of many people. Industrial designis defined as the core competi

8、tiveness of the enterprise, the enterprise rely on industrialdesign win the market. But, hard to avoid lets the people lining up, profitable industrialdesign results once displayed by imitation, think otherwise is no easy task. Therefore, theindustrial design of intellectual property protection and

9、enterprise development are soclosely related.The party central committee in the new period, proposed a major strategic directionand strategy decision-making is: to improve the ability of independent innovation,innovative way of walking. So, for the companies, must choose innovative developmentdirect

10、ion, improving self-directed innovation capability. To improve the enterpriseintellectual property rights consciousness, strengthen the protection of enterprise innovationachievements will also become the focus of the enterprise.Since the reform and open policy, our industrial design has made a grea

11、t progress. Atpresent, the industrial design has basically formed the industry, especially in the economicdeveloped area has already begun to take shape; A group of manufacturing enterprise highattention and widely used industrial design, achievements; Specialized is engaged in theindustrial design

12、enterprise development is rapid, design service level, some excellent design平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文)第 3 页results have to go into the international market; Professional talent team continues toexpand, industrial design education fast development. But in China, the development ofindustrial design is sti

13、ll in the first stage, and industrial development requirements and thedeveloped countries also has the very big disparity compared, in the development processalso to have many prominent contradictions and problems. The main function of theindustrial design is inadequate understanding, not enough att

14、ention; Lack of high levelspecialists, and the ability of independent innovation weak. Policy support, the industrymanagement and intellectual property protection to be strengthened, etc. All regions anddepartments concerned should fully understand vigorously develop the importantsignificance of ind

15、ustrial design, take effective policy measures to promote industrial designto accelerate development.With the corresponding is the request of intellectual property to closely thedevelopment of industrial design progress, strengthen the application for a patent andcopyright protection of property rig

16、hts protection consciousness, and allow the law to betterservice to the industrial design, and promote the rapid development of the industry.KEY WORDS:Industrial design,Intellectual property protection,Independentinnovation,Patent application,Copyright protectionDissertation Type:Basic research平顶山工业职业技术学院毕业设计说明书(论文)第 4 页目目录录第一章第一章知识产权对工业设计的影响知识产权对工业设计的影响.5.51.1 工业品外观设计及其法律保护的发展与演变. .5



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