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1、 IF168 小汽油机机体振动分析 摘 要 发动机在国民经济中的应用十分广泛,随着人们对发动机振动噪声要求的不断提高,发动机的减振降噪工作研究也日益受到重视。 本文以 F168 小汽油机为研究对象,系统完整地阐述了发动机机体结构振动的计算机仿真分析过程。主要目的研究该发动机的机体振动机理,并提出相应的改进措施,降低发动机的机体振动,为企业进行发动机减振降噪,打破出口壁垒,提供参考和依据。同时,为发动机的机体振动研究分析提供一个可行、可靠的思路和方法。 发动机的结构相当复杂,可以看成一个多自由度振动系统。对发动机整机结构进行模态分析可以得到主要阶次模态参数,其中固有频率和振型会对发动机振动和噪声

2、水平产生很大的影响,也是减振降噪工作的重点。通过分析该阶振型,改变该阶模态的固有频率、阻尼、刚度、质量分配等,使结构的固有频率远离易振动的区域,从而达到减振降噪的目的。另外,发动机的模态分析不仅可以证实有限元模型的正确性,还为以后的结构修改提供可靠的依据。因此,发动机的模态分析是发动机的结构振动分析研究中不可或缺的重要一环。 众所周知,有限元法的原理是将结构离散为许多具有质心和刚度的单元。但发动机整机有限元模型的离散单元数量非常大,增加了计算量和计算时间,还受到计算机硬件的限制。对此,本文采用了结构动力学中的矩阵缩聚和矩阵恢复算法。通过矩阵凝聚,缩减计算自由度,使模型自由度从几万个减少到几百个

3、,节省了大量的分析时间,降低了对计II算机硬件的要求。 从实践可以知道,发动机的振动主要是由于气体爆发压力、活塞对缸套的敲击,配气机构、轴承等运动件之间的机械碰撞所引起的,并通过缸盖和活塞连杆曲轴机体的途径向外辐射噪声。另外,为了更接近发动机的真实工况,本文还考虑了曲轴、止推轴承、油膜阻尼等因素的影响。因而,发动机的机体振动分析也是一个多体动力学的问题。本文将经典的有限元方法和多体动力学方法相结合,考虑结构之间的非线性因素,较为全面地分析了发动机整机的动态特性。 通过 AVL/IMPRESS 软件平台,本文主要求解了发动机的表面振动速度级,由此可以清楚直观地了解发动机机体结构的振动机理和强度分

4、布。由于振动速度级与声压级存在一定的换算关系,因此,振动速度级结果虽然不能直接作为发动机结构辐射噪声强弱的评判标准,但是可以间接地评价发动机噪声在某一部位的高低。通过分析,发现该发动机在缸盖、散热片以及大平面的薄壁处振动较为剧烈,因此,在合适部位加筋或提高这些部位的刚度或阻尼是降低振动噪声的有效措施。另外,改变大平面的外部轮廓(如波浪形)也收到良好的效果。 关键字:关键字:发动机,多体动力学,矩阵缩减,速度级 IIIBLOCK VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF F168 GASOLINE ENGINE ABSTRACT Engine is widely applied in the

5、national economy. With the increasing request of the comfort, the vibration-reduction analysis of engine block becomes more and more important. This paper takes a F168 engine as an example, systematically describing the computer simulation course of the engine block vibration. It aims at identifying

6、 the source of the block vibration of this engine, and coming up with some ideas of cutting down the block vibration and radiate noise, and meanwhile supplying a feasible and reliable approach for the block vibration analysis of the engine. It is known that the engine structure is rather complicated

7、, which can be considered as a vibration system with a large number of degrees of freedom. The exciting force has a certain relationship with structural response, which can be calculated through the finite element method. And the natural frequencies and main vibration mode of the engine are essentia

8、l for the block vibration control. An effective measure is to change the modal natural frequency, damping, stiffness or quality distribution, shifting the natural frequency to make the structure difficult to vibrate. Moreover the modal analysis not only verifies the correctness of the finite element

9、 model but also offers a reliable basis for structure modification later. Therefore, the modal analysis of the engine block is indispensable to the whole simulation. Through Finite element method, structure is divided into lots of elements with mass and stiffness. But too many dispersed units of the

10、 finite element model in a complete engine will increase the calculating amount significantly. IVAnd calculation could even be limited by computer hardware. Fortunately, the matrix condense method in dynamics are adopted. During the course of matrix condense, the choice of the main nodes of degree o

11、f freedom determines the calculating accuracy. Through matrix condense, the calculating degree of freedom is reduced largely and the calculating time is slashed. The vibration of engine is mainly caused by gas eruption pressure, the beat between cylinder liner and piston and the machinery collision

12、of sport pieces and crankshaft. In order to be close to actual operating situation of engine, this paper considers the influence of crankshaft, bearing and oil film damping. Therefore, the vibration analysis of the engine is also a multi-body dynamics problem. Considering the non-linear factor betwe

13、en the structures, the multi-body dynamics method combined with the classical finite element method is applied to analyze the engine dynamic response. The velocity level of the engine block surface vibration has been mainly worked out. Consequently, the source and distribution of vibration energy is

14、 clearly acquired. As we know, the velocity level of vibration has certain convertible relation with the sound pressure grade. So noise strength in a certain position of engine can be indirectly but well illustrated by the velocity level. And increasing the stiffness or damping at these places, such

15、 as introducing ribs, is an effective way of reducing the vibration noise. Besides, it is also feasible to change the outlines of large flat thin walls. Keywords: engine, multi-body dynamics, matrix condense, velocity level 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。

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