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1、FamennianGivetianEifelianLochkovianPragianFrasnianEmsianLudfordianGorstianHomerianSheinwoodianTelychianAeronianRhuddanianP h a n e r o z o i c P a l e o z o i cPridoliLudlowWenlockLlandoveryUpper MiddleLowerDevonian411.2 2.8416.0 2.8422.9 2.5428.2 2.3LopingianGuadalupianCisuralianUpper Upper MiddleM

2、iddleLowerLowerUpper Upper MiddleMiddleLowerLowerP h a n e r o z o i c P a l e o z o i cM e s o z o i c CarboniferousPermianJurassicTriassic150.8 4.0 155.6161.2 4.0164.7 4.0167.7 3.5171.6 3.0175.6 2.0183.0 1.5189.6 1.5196.5 1.0199.6 0.6203.6 1.5216.5 2.0 228.7237.0 2.0 245.9 249.5251.0 0.4318.1 1.32

3、60.4 0.7253.8 0.7265.8 0.7268.0 0.7270.6 0.7275.6 0.7284.4 0.7294.6 0.8299.0 0.8303.4 0.9307.2 1.0311.7 1.1TithonianKimmeridgianOxfordianCallovianBajocianBathonianAalenianToarcianPliensbachianSinemurianHettangianRhaetianNorianCarnianLadinianAnisianOlenekianInduanChanghsingianWuchiapingianCapitanianW

4、ordianRoadianKungurianArtinskianSakmarianAsselianGzhelianKasimovianMoscovianBashkirianSerpukhovianViseanTournaisianPenn- sylvanianMissis- sippian359.2 2.5345.3 2.1328.3 1.6374.5 2.6385.3 2.6391.8 2.7397.5 2.7407.0 2.8443.7 1.5436.0 1.9439.0 1.8418.7 2.7EdiacaranCryogenianTonianStenianEctasianCalymmi

5、anStatherianOrosirianRhyacianSiderianNeo- proterozoicNeoarcheanMesoarcheanPaleoarcheanMeso- proterozoicPaleo- proterozoicArcheanProterozoicP r e c a m b r i a n6358501000120014001600180020502300250028003200360040004600Upper “Ionian”CalabrianSelandianTortonianSerravallianLanghianBurdigalianAquitanian

6、YpresianChattianRupelianPriabonianDanianThanetianBartonianLutetianCampanianSantonianTuronianConiacianAlbianAptianBerriasianBarremianValanginianHauterivianMaastrichtianCenomanianPiacenzianMessinianZancleanGelasianP h a n e r o z o i c C e n o z o i cM e s o z o i c1.8060.1260.7812.5885.3327.24611.608

7、13.8215.9720.4370.6 0.665.5 0.383.5 0.785.8 0.7 88.693.6 0.840.4 0.237.2 0.133.9 0.128.4 0.123.0348.6 0.255.8 0.258.7 0.2 61.199.6 0.9112.0 1.0125.0 1.0130.0 1.5 133.9140.2 3.0145.5 4.0CretaceousPaleogeneNeogeneSystem PeriodEonothem Eon Erathem EraStage AgeAge MaGSSPEpochSeriesEonothem Eon Erathem E

8、ra SystemStage AgeAge MaGSSPEpochSeriesPeriodEonothem EonErathem EraAge MaGSSP GSSASystem PeriodEonothem EonEraStage AgeAge MaGSSPEpochSeriesPeriod3.600OligoceneEocenePaleocenePliocenePleistoceneUpper Lower0.0117INTERNATIONAL STRATIGRAPHIC CHART International Commission on Stratigraphy421.3 2.6426.2

9、 2.4TremadocianDarriwilianHirnantianPaibianUpper MiddleLowerSeries 3Stage 3Stage 2FortunianStage 5DrumianGuzhangianStage 9Stage 10FloianDapingianSandbianKatianStage 4 Series 2TerreneuvianFurongianCambrianOrdovician 503 506.5 510 * 515 * 521 * 528 * 460.9 1.6471.8 1.6488.3 1.7 492 * 496 * 499542.0 1.

10、0455.8 1.6445.6 1.5468.1 1.6478.6 1.7SilurianErathemSystem542359.2 2.5145.5 4.0Quaternary *ICSCopyright 2008 International Commission on StratigraphySubdivisions of the global geologic record are formally defined by their lower boundary. Each unit of the Phanerozoic (542 Ma to Present) and the base

11、of Ediacaran are defined by a basal Global Standard Section and Point (GSSP ), whereas Precambrian units are formally subdivided by absolute age (Global Standard Stratigraphic Age, GSSA). Details of each GSSP are posted on the ICS website (www.stratigraphy.org).Numerical ages of the unit boundaries

12、in the Phanerozoic are subject to revision. Some stages within the Cambrian will be formally named upon international agreement on their GSSP limits. Most sub-Series boundaries (e.g., Middle and Upper Aptian) are not formally defined.Colors are according to the Commission for the Geological Map of t

13、he World (www.cgmw.org). The listed numerical ages are from A Geologic Time Scale 2004, by F.M. Gradstein, J.G. Ogg, A.G. Smith, et al. (2004; Cambridge University Press) and “The Concise Geologic Time Scale” by J.G. Ogg, G. Ogg and F.M. Gradstein (2008).This chart was drafted by Gabi Ogg. Intra Cam

14、brian unit ages with * are informal, and awaiting ratified definitions.EoarcheanHadean (informal)HoloceneMiocene* Definition of the Quaternary and revision of the Pleistocene are under discussion. Base of the Pleistocene is at 1.81 Ma (base of Calabrian), but may be extended to 2.59 Ma (base of Gelasian). The historic “Tertiary” comprises the Paleogene and Neogene, and has no official rank.


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