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1、1重庆工商大学课程教案课程名称课程名称:大学英语授课教师:授课教师:左筱林使用教材:新视野大学英语使用教材:新视野大学英语教学对象:教学对象:05 级管理学院级管理学院 B1 班班时间:时间:20052006 学年第二学期学年第二学期2Unit Ten (Book 1)This unit takes 6 periods, two for Section A, two for practice and two for Section BPart ABackground InformationDavid Ogilvy is the founder of the advertising firm O

2、gilvy she is your wife. 7.The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible. 8.Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving. 9.Leaders grasp nettles. 10. If it doesnt sell, it isnt creative. Robert Schuller, a christian minister known worldwide for his churc

3、h, the Crystal Cathedral ( Http:/www.crystalcathedral.org) make of glass and steel, and the Hour of Power (http:/www.hourofpower.org ) church service which has been on television every week for over 30 years. Aim of Part AMain Idea second, always giving other people the praise they merit; third, bei

4、ng honest and open about who you are. Part I (Para. 1-2) Main idea: Honesty or integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Part II (Para. 3-13) Main idea: The author argues for the “

5、Integrity Triangle” with three principles: stand firmly for your convictions under whatever pressure; give others credit they deserve; and be honest about yourself. Part III (Para. 14) Main idea: A life of principle, of not yielding to the tempting attractions of an easy morality, will 3always win t

6、he day. Useful patterns: Typical patterns for exposition of sth.1) Sth. is a compass / a good test / the basis for (doing) sth. else. 某事物某事物 是(做)是(做)的指南试金石基础。的指南试金石基础。 (划线部分也可用以下短语: a key / secret / trick to 或 a guarantee / the art / bottom line / purpose of 等) 原句:Integrity is an inner compass for j

7、udging your behavior.(Line.7) 2) A good test for doing sth. is to do sth. else.一个做某事的好办法就是一个做某事的好办法就是 原句原句: A good test for this value is to apply what I call the “Integrity Triangle”, which consists of three key principles. (L. 9) 3) Sth. / Doing sth. involves / entails / means doing sth. else. 所谓某

8、事做某事,所谓某事做某事, 就是就是 原句原句: integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (L. 5) 4) Sth. / Doing sth means / suggests / signifies that (从句从句) 某事做某事就意某事做某事就意 味着表明味着表明 原句原句: Integrity means

9、 you do what you do because its right and not just fashionable or politically correct. (L. 44) 2. Typical patterns for discriminative analysis 1)If, sb. / sth. will But if, sb. / sth. will如果如果那么那么但是如果但是如果 那么那么(辩证分析辩证分析) 原句原句:If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a c

10、ompany of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy but(而,但是)They want a house, where we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要栋房子,而我 们却宁可住公寓。 apply: v. give or have and effect; use for a purpose We should apply what we have learned in class to the experiment. 我们应 该把我们课堂上所

11、学到的知识运用到实践中去。 The rules apply to the management and the staff as well.这些规则既适用于管理人员又适用于普通员工。 request officially To get a job one has to apply for it. 要找工作得先申请。 cause to work hard; devote Its difficult to apply oneself to an uninteresting task.要让自己完成一项 无趣的任务是很难的。 demonstrate: vt. show clearly The teac

12、her demonstrated how to make the experiment.老师演示了如何 作这个实验。 The amount of sickness in this district demonstrates that the water pollution levels are too high。这地区疾病之多说明这里水污染太严重 了。 vi. take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands An angry crowd demonstrated in front of mayors office fo

13、r more protection of the environment.愤怒的人群在市长办公室前示威,要求 加大环境保护的力度。 A large group of people were demonstrated in front of the factory, which had polluted the river. 一大群人在工厂门口抗议该厂污染了河流。 stand for: hold (an opinion); mean or believe (something such as a principle) This decision goes against everything I

14、 stand for. 这一决定与我所主张 的每一件事都格格不入。 accept or bear (something bad); bear with I wont stand for any more of her bad manners; I shall ask her to leave my home. 我再也不能忍受她的粗鲁举止了,我要请他离开我的房子。 Why do you stand for such bad working conditions? 你们为什么要忍受 这么差的工作条件? represent The letters PRC stand for the Peoples

15、Republic of China. PRC 这三个字 母代表中华人民共和国。 engage in: (cause to) take part in or work at(something); make(oneself)busy in (something or doing something) The minister has been engaged in political affairs all his life. 这位部长一生 与政治打交道。5Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 你这年纪从事剧烈的运动 明智吗? ca

16、use (somebody or something) to be concerned about(something) Be good enough to engage my aunt in conversation so that I can escape from this dull family party. 帮帮忙,去和我婶婶说说话,这样我就可以离开这 无聊的家庭晚会了。 account for : give a statement about something Youll have to account for where every penny goes.你得说清楚每一分钱 都用到哪里去了。 You have to account to the Head Office for any stamps you use. 你得向 总部说明那些邮票的用处。 be or give a reason for(somethi


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