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1、UDC 注 1学位论文江西电力职业技术学院电子校务系统设计与实现(题名和副题名)谢丽芬(作者姓名)指导教师姓名吴正华电子科技大学李懋奎江西有色金属行业办公室博成高南士都工昌(职务、职称、学位、单位名称及地址)申请专业学位级别硕士专业学位类别工 程 硕 士工程领域名称软件工程提交论文日期2010.10论文答辩日期2010.11学位授予单位和日期答辩委员会主席评阅人电 子 科 技 大 学年注 1:注明国际十进分类法 UDC的类号月日独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰


3、国,教育为本”,建设电子校务,为学校师生提供具有开放性、灵活性,面向学校应用服务的信息管理平台,是实现教学手段现代化,教学管理科学化,教学资源信息化的必要前提和基本途径,同时也是学校培养面向 21 世纪信息化社会高素质人才的重要手段。2003 年,教育部明确提出要加强学校电子校务的建设。电子校务是在校园网网络硬件建设的基础上架构了一套实用、完整的应用软件平台,从而彻底解决了校园网建设中出现的“有路无车”问题。特别是对于高等职业技术学院来说,要培养复合型人才,电子校务的建设就显得更加重要。高职学院应把握好这个发展趋势,推进高职教育的信息化发展。作者在江西电力职业技术学院工作了将近 20 年,比较

4、了解职业教育的现状,对高职院校如何发展自己的电子校务做了相关研究并提出了自己的一些观点。在本论文中,我们研究的主要内容有:1. 从电子校务的概念和内涵入手,研究电子校务的发展历史,发展现状和其主要的构建结构。根据对学校现在电子校务的了解,提出了江西电力职业技术学院电子校务的设计方案。2. 研究了电子校务系统的安全性问题,提出了电子校务系统的安全架构。综合考虑了学校现有的网络基础和各部门正在使用的各种管理软件,提出了高职院校信息系统集成的技术构架和解决方案。利用最低的费用,将其集成使各部门实现信息共享。3. 详细介绍了作者自己参与开发的教学管理系统的各个功能。关键词:电子校务,安全构架,信息系统

5、集成,教学管理系统IAbstractAbstractE-school is the inevitable outcome as the community information age coming.“Through science and education, education-oriented“, the building of e-school and toprovide open, flexible, service-oriented application of information managementplatform for teachers and students ar

6、e the necessary precondition and fundamentalways for the realization of the modernization of teaching methods, teaching andscientific management, teaching resources information .But it is also an importantmeans of training high-quality talents for the 21st century information society.In 2003, the Mi

7、nistry of Education clearly denoted it was necessary to strengthenthe building of the school e-school. E-school is a set of practical, complete applicationsoftware platform based on the campus network hardware architecture, whichcompletely resolved the “a road car-free“ problem in the campus network

8、 construction.Especially for higher vocational technical colleges, the need to train personnelcompound, e-school building has become more important. Vocational College shouldtake this development trend of higher vocational education to promote thedevelopment of information technology.The author has

9、been working in Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College ofElectricity for nearly 20 years, so she has a better understanding of the status ofvocational education. And she has done a study and put forward her own views on howto develop higher vocational colleges e-school. In this dissertation, the m

10、ain contentswe studied are:1. Put the e-school concept as the content of the starting point, we study thehistory of the development of e-school, development status and the main structure ofthe building. We give the E-school design of Jiangxi Vocational and Technical Collegeof Electricity based on th

11、e knowledge of the school E-school.2. We research the security of the E-school system, and give the safe structure ofthe E-school system. We proposed the technology architecture and solutions ofVocational Colleges integrated information systems. It is considered that the basis ofIIAbstractthe existi

12、ng network of schools and a variety of management software departments areusing now. It is to enable varied departments to achieve integrated information sharingusing the lowest cost.3. We present the detailed information of the various functions of the TeachingManagement System that the author hims

13、elf involved in.Keywords: E-school, Safe Structure, Integrated Information System, TeachingManagement SystemIII目录目 录第一章 绪论 . 11.1研究背景. 11.2 研究目标及研究内容 . 21.3 文章安排的结构 . 4第二章 电子校务相关介绍 . 52.1 电子校务的概念 . 52.2 电子校务的基本分类和内容 . 72.2.1 电子校务的基本分类 . 72.2.2 电子校务的内容 . 82.3 电子校务的发展历程 . 82.4 电子校务系统的安全性分析 . 92.4.1 电子校务系统的安全性要求 . 102.4.2 电子校务系统的安全体系模型 .



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