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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作万用素材精选摘要: 托福写作万用素材精选,下面是小马过河为同学们搜集整理的托福写作万用素材精选的相关信息,供同学们参考。死了还要用孔子Confucius, a Chinese thinker and social philosopher,has exerted a significant influence on the thoughtand life of Chinese, whose philosophy emphasizedpersonal and governmental morality, correctness ofsocial relationsh

2、ips, justice and sincerity, whichgained prominence in China over other doctrines,such as Taoism or Legalism.一例多用4,12,26,28,38,52,79,86,89, 91, 96, 98, 116, 124, 141, 142, 146, 147, 149, 165, 171,176,183我要一步一步往上爬马斯洛需求金字塔In 1954 American psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that all people are motivat

3、ed tofulfill a hierarchical pyramid of needs. At the bottom of Maslows pyramid are needsessential to survival, such as the needs for food, water, and sleep. The need for safety followsthese physiological needs. According to Maslow, higher-level needs become important to us onlyafter our more basic n

4、eeds are satisfied. These higher needs include the need for love andbelongingness, the need for esteem, and the need for self-actualization (in Maslows theory, astate in which people realize their greatest potential).微观问题 名人点点,名句背背衣:For example, a well-dressed man seldom spits at random, a woman in

5、glorious dresses is morelikely to talk in a gentle tone, and a clean dressed child seems quiet than others. It might beexplained that different dresses give people different self-images, and most peoplesubconsciously behave according to their own self-images.A parvenu on the other hand, will finally

6、 find out the fact that his exorbitantly dear dresses is ofno use to make him a gentleman, and he even eventually fail to make him look like agentleman. Maybe those are right who said it takes at least three generations to cultivate agentleman.青少年的外表与内心Already, it can be seen how western movies are

7、exercising influence on our youth generation:they grow long-hair regardless of their sex, commonly part of which are dyed in gold; they wearjeans in each and every season, usually knees of which are deliberately tattered; boys are fondof earrings or other odd pendants; and girls are keen on Marlboro

8、s and weird coarselanguages.食:There is no love sincerer than the love of food. - George Bernard Shaw Its amazing howpervasive food is. Every second commercial is for food. Every second TV episode takes placearound a meal. In the city, you cant go ten feetwithout seeing or smelling a restaurant. Ther

9、e are 20 foot high hamburgers up to billboards. Iam acutely aware of food, and its omnipresence is astounding.Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes itRussian; Lemon and cinnamo

10、n make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good.Food is our common ground, a universal experience. A dinner lubricates business.You dont have to cook fancy or complicate masterpieces - just good food from freshingredients.生活类万金油之 健康啊便利健康运动运动In contemporary society, a multitude of p

11、eople are increasingly aware of the fundamentality ofmaintaining health, so as to enjoying better life quality and longevity. In order to possess ahealthy body, not only need we keep a nutritious diet and adequate sleep, it is crucial forindividuals to form the habit of exercising regularly, as spor

12、ts and health are intrinsicallyconnected. Doing sports will greatly increase peoples metabolism, and strengthen ourphysique. Sports also help to refresh peoples mind from brainwork all day and night, and evenmore surprisingly, exercising can stimulate peoples brains to work more actively and creativ

13、ely.Overall, sports are not the business of a small group of athletes, but a life-long pursuit thatevery person should bear in mind and endeavor to put it into practice. Not only do sportsbenefit individuals, the improvement of the nations health would be a huge contribution toour countrys developme

14、nt.We might also cite an allegorical story. It is said that an individuals life is accompanied with fiveballs, which are lover, family, career, health and friend. Lover, family, career and friends are allrubber balls, consequently, it could bound back when falling to ground. On the contrast,health i

15、s the unique glass ball, which is fragile enough to be ruined with a single drop.The increasingly sedentary lifestyle will engender a higher incidence of ailments. Moreoverweight people means more patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as veinhardening, diabetes and hypertension.便利(节省时

16、间时间灵活交通休闲健身娱乐吃喝购物) People are concerned about the efficiencywith the accelerating tempo of life. The more the better. The fast the better. In this regard,XX takes the top priority. For instance, whenever people click on a search engine and key in afew words into the search box, they will get huge amounts of information. The amazing thing is,all the searching is done in a few seconds, which spares people a greatdeal of time to enjoy the entertainment such as body-building, wa



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