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1、 消费文化语境中的热播抗日题材电视剧研究中文摘要消费文化语境中的热播抗日题材电视剧研究中文摘要抗 日 战 争 是 一 百 多 年 来 中 国 人 民 反 对 外 敌 入 侵第 一 次 取 得 完 全 胜 利 的 民 族 解 放战争。电视剧对这段关乎民族存亡、涉于国运兴衰的历史的展现理当严肃、真实。然而时下的抗日题材电视剧却存在着过度娱乐化和商业化的现象,已经引发了广泛的社会讨论,甚至人民日报、央视的新闻1+1都为此进行了专门的关注和批评。本研究以近年来热播的抗日题材电视剧为研究对象,通过文本分析和比较分析揭示其在人物形象的塑造和叙事策略的运用两方面所存在的问题,并将其置于消费文化的语境下,探究

2、其出现问题的原因。当下的抗日题材电视剧在人物形象塑造上,一方面依然延续着将英雄人物神化、将侵略者脸谱化的传统塑造方式,另一方面又陷入了矮化英雄人物和美化反面人物的陈套;在叙事策略上,利用直接作用于观众视觉感官的冲击力纵容观众的窥视心理,借助与其他题材类型的嫁接最大程度地吸引观众,以游戏化的方式展现斗争场景满足观众的娱乐心态。既依照意识形态的要求制造政治正确的历史解释和爱国情怀,也按照消费话语的逻辑收获利润。关键词:抗日题材电视剧;人物形象;叙事策略;消费语境作者:杨琪I指导教师:陈一AbstractThe study on the hit Anti-Japanese dramas in the

3、 context of consumer cultureThe study on the hit Anti-Japanese dramas in the contextof consumer cultureAbstractThe Anti-Japanese War is a national liberation war, in which the Chinese peoplegained complete victory against foreign invasion by the first in more than one hundredyears. As that history i

4、s about national survival, the rise and fall, TV series should show itseriously. Nowadays the Anti-Japanese dramas, however, are over entertainment andcommercial, resulting in widespread social discussion. Even the Peoples Daily, as well as“News 1 + 1“ by CCTV has made criticism.In this study, resea

5、rch the hit Anti-Japanese dramas in recent years as the object, toreveal their problems in the shaping of the characters and in the use of the narrativestrategies through text analysis and comparative analysis, and to find the cause of problemsby putting them in the context of consumer culture. In c

6、haracterization, the presentAnti-Japanese dramas, on the one hand, still canonize the hero and shape the invader in astereotyped way as they always did, on the other hand, dwarf the hero and beautify thevillains at the same time. They use impact force which has direct effects on visual sense toindul

7、ge viewers, graft other types of dramas to attract the audience to the greatest extent,and show the fight scene in the form of gaming to satisfy the audiences desire forentertainment as the narrative strategy. They product politically correct historicalexplanation and patriotism in accordance with t

8、he dominant culture while reaping profitsby following the logic of consumption.Key words: the Anti-Japanese drama; characterization; narrative strategy; consumercontextWritten by Yang qiSupervised by Chen yiII目录第一章 绪论 .1第一节 研究缘起 .1第二节 研究现状 .2第三节 研究方法 .4第二章 抗日题材电视剧的人物塑造 .5第一节 正面人物的塑造 .5一、英雄人物的粗鄙化.5二、英雄人物的超人化.7第二节 反面人物的塑造 .8一、脸谱化塑造的延续.9二、人性把握的失当.10第三节 深入人物内心的塑造以杀虎口为例 .12一、聚焦人物内心的变化发展.12二、站在侵略者的立场.13第三章 抗日题材电视剧的叙事策略 .15第一节 视觉的刺激 .15一、“穿越”的装束.15二、完美的身体.16三、暴力的张扬.18第二节 类型的“嫁接” .19一、剧情比例失调.20二、情节似曾相识.21第三节 游戏的思维 .23一、严肃抗战的消解.23二、“必胜”逻辑的遵循.



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