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1、分类号:学号: 1076211110468密 级:单位代码:10762新疆师范大学2014 届专业硕士学位论文浅析油画创作中平面化语言的应用与研究The complanation in oil painting language ofshallow application and research研究生姓名 : 方雪萍学科、专业 : 艺术硕士油画研究方向 : 油画创作与教学研究院系、年级 : 美术学院 2011 级指导 教师 : 赵培智(教授)新疆师范大学2014 年 5 月 25 日新疆师范大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得

2、的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对 本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标 明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:日期:年月日关于论文使用授权的说明学位论文作者完全了解新疆师范大学有关保留和使用学位论文 的规定,即:研究生在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属 新疆师范大学。学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的 复印件和电子版,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布学位 论文的全部或部分内容,可以允许采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段 保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后遵守

3、此规定) 保密论文注释:本学位论文属于保密在年解密后适用本授 权书。 非保密论文注释:本学位论文不属于保密范围,适用本授权书。 学位论文全文电子版同意提交后可在校园网上发布,供校内师 生浏览。本人签名: 导师签名:日期: 日期:中文摘要随着社会越来越进步,古典主义已经满足不了当时人们的审美需求,也在慢慢的改变人们传统的审美观念,艺术家们慢慢的接受主观的表现形式,逐渐的形成了这样一种形式,那就是主张主观的想法和变形,这种形式慢慢的具有典型的时代特征,随之平面化形式语言慢慢出现,“把再现自然逐渐变成对自然的深刻探索和主观表现,成为当代油画创作中的一个值得关注的艺术现象。绘画的形式是丰富多彩的,在艺

4、术多元化的今天,平面化艺术语言在油画创作中的应用不可避免,甚至成为一种艺术家常用的语言和表达方式。平面性绘画具有鲜明的特点,在构图上和形态的处理方面比较注重简洁,在下面结合我的油画创作,来浅析油画创作中平面化语言的应用研究。 通过对平面化语言在油画创作中应用的研究,对现当代油画平面性风格的分析,我充分认识到平面性语言在油画创作中还有无限拓展的发展空间。中西方艺术家通过对不同平面元素和文化内涵进行有意识的汲取与选择,使这种无限一步一步的成为可能。平面化语言在油画创作中的应用不仅充分体现了创造性思维,而且也符合我们这个时代精神。我们还要不断的吸取国外新的平面化意识,吸收传统同时吸收国外成熟的经验与

5、先进的技术,使其平面化绘画在我国变得日趋完善,并从中寻找到油画平面化语言的强大生命力和重要的价值意义. 平面化语言在油画家的创作作品中越来越常见,已经成为艺术家们常用的一种艺术方式,也已经成为了现当代艺术家比较普遍使用的表达方式,纵观艺术发展史,任何一种绘画形式语言的产生都不是偶然的,其产生的背后一定有深刻的原因 。这种现象的产生往往离不开西方的当代艺术和中国的传统艺术,还有艺术家自身的追求。画家格林伯格在走向更新的拉奥孔以文中用了“平面化”一词,他认为平面化的历史就是经历了印象派、后印象派、到立体派,再到抽象表现主义,就是这么个过程。平面化绘画语言带来的是关于内心的感应,是不可复制比较创新和

6、随意的艺术作品,大大的扩大了绘画的空间。很好的表达了画家的艺术情感,成为现代绘画的重要标志。关键词 :油画创作;平面化表现语言;构图;形态IAbstractAlong with the social progress more and more, the classical already cannotsatisfy the aesthetic needs of people at that time, also in slowly change peoplestraditional aesthetic idea, artists slowly accept subjective form,

7、gradually formed akind of form, it is argued that subjective thoughts and deformation, the form slowlywith typical era characteristics, then the complanation form language appearedslowly, “representations of nature gradually became deeply explore and subjectiveexpression of nature, become a notable

8、in the contemporary oil painting artphenomenon.Painting form is rich and colorful, in todays art diversification, complanationartistic language application in the oil painting creation is inevitable, even become aartist commonly used language and expression. Plane painting has distinctivefeatures, o

9、n the composition and processing in the form of more valued simplicity,below with my oil painting creation, to analyze the oil painting creation ofcomplanation language used in the study. Through the study on the application of thecomplanation in oil painting language, the analysis of modern and con

10、temporarypainting planarity style, I fully understand the planarity in oil painting language andinfinitely expand space for development. Chinese and western artists of differentgraphic elements and cultural connotation consciously draw and choice, make theinfinite possible, step by step. Complanatio

11、n language application in the oil paintingcreation not only embodies the creative thinking, but also conforms to the spirit ofour age. We also constantly absorbing foreign new awareness of complanation,absorb the traditional at the same time to absorb foreign mature experience andadvanced technology

12、, make its painting complanation become more perfect in ourcountry, and find the oil painting complanation strong vitality and important value oflanguage meaning. Complanation language are becoming increasingly common inthe creation of the painter works, artists have become a common way of a kind of

13、 art,has become the modern and contemporary artist is used widely in express way,throughout the history of art, any kind of art language of produce is not accidental, itmust have the profound reasons behind. The generation of this kind of phenomenonis often inseparable from the western contemporary

14、art and traditional Chinese art,and the pursuit of artists themselves. Painter greenberg in “to update the Laocoon“ inthis paper, we use the word “complanation“, he believed that the history ofcomplanation is experienced the impressionist and post-impressionist, cubism, andIIabstract expressionism,

15、is such a process. Complanation painting language bringsabout induction of mind is not copy more innovation and optional art, greatlyexpanded the space of the painting. Good emotions expressed the painters art,become an important symbol of modern painting.Key Words: Oil painting,Complanation language,The composition, FormIII目 录1.引言.11.1 研究的目的和意义 . 11.2 研究的方向和内容 . 12.油画创作中平面化语言应用的研究 .22.1 油画平面化语言的概念 . 22.2 平面化语言在油画创作中的表现 . 23.西方油画平面化的背景和平面化语言对国内画家的影响 .43.1 通过研究西方平面化语言在油画创作中应用的背景,对其经历的几个时期进行比较 . 43.2 平面化语言对国内画



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