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1、 华慧考博考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 1 页 共 5 页2013年年10月份中科院考博英月份中科院考博英语语真真题题 阅读阅读理解真理解真题训练题训练Passage ThreeAll countries have obvious incentives to learn from past mistakes, but those that have successfully risen to the status of great powers may be less inclined to adapt quickly in the future. Whe

2、n it comes to learning the right lessons, paradoxically, nothing fails like prior success.This wouldnt seem to make sense, After all, strong and wealthy states can afford to devote a lot of red.cea to analyzing important foreign-policy problems. But then again, when states are really powerful, the n

3、egative consequences of foolish behavior rarely prove fatal Just as Americas “Big Three“ automakers were so large and dominant they could resist reform and innovation despite ample signs that foreign competition was rapidly overtaking them, strong and wealthy states can keep misguided policies in pl

4、ace and still manage to limp along for many years.The history of the Soviet Union offers an apt example of this phenomenon Soviet-style communism was woefully inefficient and brutally inhumane, and its Marxist-Leninist ideology both alarmed the capitalist world and created bitter splits within the i

5、nternational communist movement. Yet the Soviet Union survived for almost 70 years and was one of the worlds two superpowers for more than four decade. The United States has also suffered serious self-inflicted wounds on the foreign-policy front in recent decades, but the consequences have not been

6、so severe as to compel a 华慧考博考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 2 页 共 5 页broader reassessment of the ideas and strategies that haw underpinned many of these mistake.The tendency to cling to questionable ideas or failed practices will be particularly strong when a set of policy initiatives is bound up

7、 in a great powers ruling ideology or political culture. Soviet leaders could never quite abandon the idea of world revolution, and defenders of British and French colonialism continued to see it as the “white mans burden“ Today, U.S. leaders remain stubbornly committed to the goals of nation-buildi

8、ng and democracy promotion despite their discouraging track record with them endeavors.Yet because the universal ideals of liberty and democracy are core American principles it is hard for US.leaders to acknowledge that other societies cannot be readily remade in Americas image. Even when U.S. leade

9、rs recognize that they caroler create “some sort of Central Asian Valhalla,” as Delete Secretary Robert. Gates acknowledged in 2009, they continue to spend billions of dollars trying to build democracy in Afghanistan, a largely traditional society that has never had a strong central slate, let alone

10、 a democratic one.48. Concerning improvement based on past history, great powers often_.A.fail to distinguish right from wrongB.understate all their wrongdoingsC.mention their prior success aloneD.ignore having made mistakes49. Americas “Big Three“ automakers are used as an example to show that _.华慧

11、考博考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 3 页 共 5 页A.nations would need to adapt for their futureB.businesses would learn from failuresC.countries could survive their faultsD.enterprises could defeat their rivals50. The passage suggests that the soviet Union_.A.had long been in crisis before it fellB.used

12、 to be number One in the worldC.lasted for a long time because of its brutalityD.caused separatism in western countries51. The US sees the troubles with its foreign affairs as_.A.a vital blow W its world positionB.resulting from its ideological flawsC.suffering temporary setbacksD.a sign of deficien

13、cies in its policies52. Britain and France are mentioned as those who_.A.had their own forms of democracyB.used w be enemies of the Soviet UnionC. were once superior to the USD. wanted to be world leaders53. The author most likely intends to give great powers_.A. advice B. support C. sympathy D thre

14、ats中科院考博英中科院考博英语语真真题题完形填空完形填空训练训练 文章大意及参考答案文章大意及参考答案 【 【华华慧独家解析:文章大意慧独家解析:文章大意】 】所有的国家都应该从过去的错误中吸取教训,但一些强国却不这样做 ,因为大国即使犯错也很少引起严重的后果。比如苏联,即使苏维埃华慧考博考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 4 页 共 5 页共产主义无效和不人道,它也存在了70年,成为两个超级大国之一。 而美国虽然从它的外交政策中受损,但也并不严重。 【 【华华慧独家解析:参考答案慧独家解析:参考答案】 】 48.D 49.C 50.A 51.C52.D53.

15、A 【 【华华慧考博独家解析慧考博独家解析】 】-详细详细解析解析请购买请购买 华华慧中科院考博英慧中科院考博英语语一本通一本通 - 联联系扣扣:系扣扣:4006224468华慧考博考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 5 页 共 5 页中国科学院考博英中国科学院考博英语备语备考考专题专题2016年中国科学院考博英语VIP保过班-全程1对1辅导 考中科院更轻松!2016年中国科学院考博英语协议全程班-5次1对1辅导 考中科院更轻松!2016年中国科学院考博英语系统全程班-考中科院更轻松!华慧中国科学院中科院考博英语一本通含独家历年试题答案解析中国科学院/中科院考博英语历年真题汇总考博咨询QQ:4006224468 考博考博资资料分享料分享QQ群:群:16731818 关注关注华华慧考博微信慧考博微信编辑编辑推荐:推荐:考博英语辅导班:http:/ 考博英语专题http:/ 考博英语怎么复习?http:/ 考博英语真题汇总专题http:/ 2016医学考博专题http:/



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