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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福阅读高频词汇荟萃(四)-智课教育旗下智课教育托福考试英语单词时基础,而阅读部分词汇的重要性更是不言而喻 ,本文为大家搜集了托福阅读高频词汇汇集,希望能够帮助大家更有针 对性的备考托福阅读。 托福阅读高频词汇荟萃之四 confederacyA union of persons, parties, or states; a league联盟=ally One that is allied with another, especially by treaty同盟者 concealTo keep from being seen, found, observed,

2、or discovered; hide隐藏=hide dramaticallyArresting or forceful in appearance or effect引人注目的=striking durableLasting; stable持久的;稳定的=lasting domains计域=fields domesticTame or domesticated. Used of animals驯养的=tame dominateTo enjoy a commanding, controlling position in占支配地位=be prevalent in divergenceDiffer

3、ence, as of opinion意见分歧differencediverseMade up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements多种多样的=various dogmaAn authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true信条=belief distinctionThe condition or fact of being dissimilar or

4、 distinct; difference差别=difference distinctReadily distinguishable from all others; discrete有区别的,不同的=different, separate, definite disputeTo argue about; debate就进行争论=argument, disagreementdisseminateTo spread abroad; promulgate散布=spread, distribute disposalThe act or process of getting rid of someth

5、ing除掉=get rid of discreteConstituting a separate thing; distinct分离的=separate Existing as an independent entity单独的 discardTo throw away; reject丢弃,抛弃=get rid of diffuseTo become widely dispersed; spread out散布=travel To be transmitted, as light or sound; move or pass传送 differentiateTo constitute the di

6、stinction between区分=distinguish To perceive as being different or distinct区分 dictateTo prescribe with authority; impose命令;To issue orders or commands命令=determine To reach a decision; resolve解决,决定,=prescribe To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin指定,规定 devastateTo lay waste; destroy变成废墟,荒芜;破坏=ruindevi

7、ceA contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks机器=instrument A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system仪表 devoid of free of无的,免于的;摆脱了的 destr

8、uctionThe act of destroying毁灭=demolition The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.摧毁破坏 detectTo discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of查明;发现=discover, sense To become aware of; perceive感觉意识到 detectableCan be discovered or ascertained the ex

9、istence, presence, or fact可查明;可发现apparent,measurable,sizable deriveTo obtain or receive from a source得到=obtain To issue from a source; originate起源于=stem from depressionAn area that is sunk below its surroundings; a hollow下陷处=low depressedLow in spirits; dejected情绪低落的;沮丧的=saddened depositTo put or set down; place放置=place, lay depleteTo decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out消灭,用完或用光=exhaust, run out denseHard to penetrate; thick浓厚的=thick, heavy 托福阅读高频词可以缩小大家的单词掌握范围,使大家的托福备考 更有针对性和专业性,预祝大家取得良好的托福成绩。 分享到: 上一篇:托福阅读高频词汇荟萃(五) 下一篇:托福阅读高频词汇荟萃六


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