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1、1动名词的用法动名词的用法 学案设计学案设计:动名词的定义 ;动名词也是动词的三种非谓语形式(不定式、分词、动名词)中 的一种。与分词和不定式一样,它也不能在句子中单独作谓语。动名词具有名词和动词 的特征,可以带宾语或状语修饰。在句子中,动名词可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、补 语和同位语等。此外,动名词还可以通过加宾语或状语构成动名词短语。 :动名词的基本形式 ;动名词由动词原形加词尾-ing 构成,构成与现在分词形式相 同。它还有下面几种形式: 主动语态 被动语态 一般式 doing /being done /完成式 having done /having been done :动名词的句法功

2、能 ; 动名词在句中起名词的作用,可单独出现或组成短语作主语、 表语、宾语、介词的宾语、定语和同位语。 1.作主语 (to do sth? ) Seeing is believing. /Being a teacher was by no means easy.做老师决非易事。 His having left early made everyone feel very disappointed. 他的提前离开使得每个人都非常失望。 习惯的句型。 1) It was no use/of little use/no good/useless /a waste of time/a waste of

3、money /a great pleasure/fun + doing sth.(it 为形式主语) It was no use crying over the spilt milk.覆水难收。 (木已成舟,哭也没用) It is of little good staying up too late every day.每天都熬夜没有什么好处。 It is (well) worth doing .2).There was no.结构中只能用动名词,表示禁止和不可能。 There was no smoking in the hall.大厅内禁止吸烟。 There was no joking wi

4、th him about it.这件事和他开不得玩笑。 There is no telling .无法预言会. 3).There is no n 表示做怎么样 There is no point(in )doing sth.做。 。 。是没有用的 There is no shame in doing sth.做。 。 。不是丢脸的事 2.作表语 Boasting was cheating.说大话等于欺骗。 A bad habit was reading without thorough understanding.一种坏习惯是读书而不求甚解。 动名词担任表语说,和进行时态完全相同,但两者性质不

5、一样,且意义也不一样。 He was teaching English.他正在教英语。 (was teaching 为现在进行时态,was teaching English 为谓语部分) His job was teaching English.他的工作是教英语。 (teaching 为动名词,was teaching English 为系表结构) 3.作宾语 He was considering collecting stamps.他在考虑集邮。 My bike needs repairing.我的自行车需要修理。 Do you think it any good asking him fo

6、r advice? 你认为向他征求建议有好处吗? 1)英语中部分动词以及某些短语; admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, advise, consider, deny, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse,finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, recommend, risk, permit, suggestcant help,feel 2like, devote to, stick to, object to, thank you for, get down to, have

7、 difficult/trouble (in), have a good/wonderful/hard time (in), look forward to, give up 等后面只跟动名词。 后跟后跟-ing 的动词的顺口溜:避免,错过,的动词的顺口溜:避免,错过, (少)延期(少)延期 avoid, miss, postpone/put off 建议,建议, 完成,完成, (多)练习(多)练习 suggest, finish, practice 喜欢,想象,禁不住喜欢,想象,禁不住 enjoy, imagine, cant help 承认,否定,承认,否定, (又)妒忌(又)妒忌 adm

8、it, deny, envy 逃避,冒险,逃避,冒险, (多)原谅(多)原谅 escape, risk, excuse 忍受,保持,忍受,保持, (不)介意(不)介意 stand, keep, mind-Would you mind my closing the window? 我把窗子关起来你介意吗? -Certainly not. Please do it.没关系,请! 2). want/ require/ need/ deserve doing/to be donebe worth /be worthy of The place is worth visiting. The place

9、is worthy of a visit/ of being visited/ to be visited. The flowers requires looking after carefully.这些花需要细心照料。 3).有些词或词组:cant help, stop, be used to, regret, go on, remember, forget, mean, try 等既可以跟不定式也可以跟动名词,但意义不同。 4).动词 like, love, prefer 后接不定式或动名词作宾语均可。如表示经常性的行为可用动 名词,如表示具体的行为常用动词不定式。但要注意:如果 like

10、, love, prefer 前有 would/should, 后面则应接动词不定式。 I like swimming, but I dont like to swim this afternoon. Id like to go swimming this weekend. 5).在动词 allow, advise, forbid, permit 等动词后直接跟动名词形式作宾语,如果后面有 名词或代词作宾语,其后用动词不定式作宾语补足语。即: allow/ advise/ forbid/ permit We dont allow smoking here. /We dont allow stu

11、dents to smoke. 6).有些动词:wish, want, manage, hope, afford, refuse, plan, intend 等一般只接不定式作 宾语。 4. 作介词的宾语 Studying without thinking often leads to puzzles.学而不思则罔。 He was far from being pleased with his achievements.对于自己的成就,他并不满意。 I feel like taking a rest.我想休息一下。 On New Years Eve some children look for

12、ward with hope to being paid more attention to . 新年的除夕,有些孩子满怀希望期待着得到更多关注。 有些短语:have difficulty/trouble in doing sth, be busy doing sth, lose no time in doing sth, spend some money/time in doing sth.中的介词常常可以省略。 As soon as he saw me, he lost no time (in) telling me the good news 他一见到我就迫不及待 地将好消息告诉了我。

13、能跟动名词的短语:feel like, look forward to, think of, dream of, hear of, prevent from, keep from, stopfrom, excusefor, set about, depend on, be engaged in, get/be used to, be tired of, succeed in, be interested in, be proud of, be good at, be afraid of, preferto, insist on, keep on, spendin, devoteto, pers

14、istin 5.作定语 : singing contest 歌咏比赛 walking stick 拐杖 sleeping pills 安眠药 These building materials are of the best quality.这些建筑材料质量上乘。 现在分词和动名词一样都能作定语,但是有区别: 3Look at the flying planes.瞧那些飞着的飞机。 (现在分词) Flying planes was dangerous.开飞机有时危险。 (动名词) 分词与所修饰的词逻辑上是主谓关系,动名词作定语,动名词表性质或用途或功能。 动名词与所修饰的词只表示被修饰的词的目的

15、或作用关系。 a sleeping child = a child that was sleeping a waiting room = a room for waiting 动名词还能和介词一起构成短语,作定语:intention (of), way of (of), right (of), capability (of), chance (of), plan (of), hope (of), possibility (of), significance (of), necessity (of), surprise (of), apology (for), experience (in).

16、有些词:chance, plan, intention, way 等后面既可以接动名词也可以接不定式作定语。This was the best way to do the work/ of doing the work.这是做这种工作的最佳方法。 6.作同位语 Many people admire his special ability, learning three languages at the same time. 他能同时学三种外语,许多人都羡慕他这中特殊能力。 :动名词的复合结构 物主代词和名词所有格加动名词构成动名词的复合结构。在这个结构中,物主代词或 名词所有格是逻辑上的主语。动名词的复合结构在句中可以作主语、宾语等。 Your being elected to be monitor of the class was possible.你当选为


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