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1、国际笔友谚 语中学英语之友 初中 中旬刊Mr Fan Hall P.O. Box 30142, Cincinnatti. OH 45230, U.S.A.塞 翁 失 马 ,焉 之 非 福 。八年级(下)Unit 4 同步测试(满分120分) .词汇。 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。 1. There are hundreds of poor families in this a_. Many of them cant afford their childrens education(教育). 2. Zhang Hui isnt here right n

2、ow. Can I take a m_? 3. Dont be n_ please. Take it easy. 4. The computer has a great i_ on peoples lives. 5. The old man lives in a small mountain v_. B)根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The building is 200 _(meter) high. 2. These women are waiting for their _(husband) coming back from the war. 3. Lucy made h

3、er _(decide) to live with her mother. 4. George _(eat) an apple and some bread this morning. 5. Look! They are in _(dangerous). Lets go and help them. .单项选择。 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. He said he _ sorry, but nobody would listen to him. A. isB. wasC. wereD. will be 2. Ill _ my hometown after finishing my

4、 college. A. returnB. return toC. go backD. get back 3. Youre supposed _ for wild animals. A. careB. caredC. caringD. to care 4. He was very _ to learn that his best friend Jim wasnt able to come to the party. A. disappointedB. disappointingC. worriedD. worrying 5. She asked me _ I could lend my bik

5、e to her. A. thatB. /C. ifD. which 6. Mr Wang worked there _ an assistant at the beginning, and later a manager. A. asB. likeC. beD. doing 7. It was raining heavily outside. The father made the children _ in the room. A. to stayB. stayC. stayingD. stayed 8. Lana said that she wasnt mad _ Marcia anym

6、ore. A. toB. onC. forD. at 9. Beijing has _ many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. A. soB. veryC. tooD. much 10. Im visiting Ann this Sunday. Do you want me to _ any messages? A. pass byB. pass onC. leaveD. carry 11. It was the _ day of this season yesterday. A. badB. badlyC. wo

7、rseD. worst 12. You dont need _ for yourself, as we have a nice cook here. A. cookB. cookedC. cookingD. to cook4343Proverb国际笔友He is wise who is warned by the misfortune of others.同 步 测 试 邬珺江西宜丰县宜丰中学高二(11)班33630013. Last year I was often ill, but now I am _ good health. A. atB. ofC. inD. under 14. A

8、man is falling off his bike. _, he didnt hurt himself. A. LuckB. LuckilyC. UnluckyD. Lucky 15. My mother told me _. A. she will not have super at homeB. she forgets to turn off the light in the kitchen C. she is going to buy me a new skirtD. she would come back home at six .完形填空。 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

9、I think everyone should see Sundays in Kashgar(喀什噶尔)_1_ least once. Kashgar _2_“the Pearl on the Ancient Silk Road”. I arrived there early in the morning _3_ it was still dark. With the stalls(摊位)here and there, the streets _4_. More and more horses, donkeys and sheep slowly entered the market, foll

10、owed _5_ farmers and herdsmen(牧民). Kashgar bazaars(市场)are famous _6_ knives. Kashgar is also a hat-making centre. On each side of the streets were some blacksmiths(铁匠)shops. The sound from them _7_ in the streets. Hand-made goods were _8_ sale. I picked some kebabs(烤肉串)for my _9_. _10_ I was eating,

11、 I was watching some Uighur(维吾尔族的)girls dancing. It was a very enjoyable experience. I will never forget the trip. 1. A. forB. atC. onD. less 2. A. was calledB. calledC. was callingD. calls 3. A. butB. whileC. althoughD. since 4. A. were crowdingB. crowdedC. were crowdedD. was crowded 5. A. withB. a

12、sC. overD. by 6. A. withB. asC. overD. for 7. A. could be heard B. can be heardC. could hearD. can hear 8. A. forB. onC. atD. under 9. A. dinnerB. foodC. drinkD. breakfast 10. A. ByB. OnC. AroundD. While .阅读理解。 (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) (A) When I left college, I became a doctor. But I always wanted to tra

13、vel, and so I made several voyages as a ships doctor. After I got married, I stayed at home. As I could not find a good job in my hometown, I decided to go to sea again. This time I joined a ship sailing (航行)to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean(南太平洋). At first, everything went well. We sailed a

14、cross the Atlantic(大西洋), round the coast(海岸,沿岸)of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. But one day, a strong storm hit us and pushed our ship on a rock. The ship was broken in two. I got on a small boat and rowed towards the land. Suddenly a big wave hit it, I fell into the ocean again. I struggled(搏斗;

15、努力)to swim, keeping my head above water. I didnt know how many hours had passed before my feet touched land. I was so tired that I lay down and fell asleep. The next morning, when I woke up, I found that both my hands and feet were fixed to the ground. My long hair was tied to the ground, too. II co

16、uldnt move. 1. Whats the meaning of the word“voyage”in the passage? _. A. A long journey on a trainB. A long journey on a ship4444国际笔友谚 语中学英语之友 初中 中旬刊Mr Gabriel Girodano Batista Rua Moreira Cesar, 161, Sao Jose, 36205-032-Barbacena-MG, Brazil前 车 之 覆 ,后 车 之 鉴 。C. A long journey on a busD. A long journey on a plane 2. Why did he decide to go to se


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