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1、句子的种类一. 简单句 一个简单句里只有一个主谓结构(有时可能会有并列的主语或谓语) ,而谓语又一 定是需要限定动词的,因此,通过对限定动词的识别,可以帮助我们判断一个句 子是不是简单句,找出其基本结构中缺少或多余的成分。请看以下例句: I saw him walking to the office this morning and looking eager to get there and start work. (saw 是限定动词;walking,looking,to get,start 都是非限定性动词,即非谓语动 词。 )While cutting trees,one man wa

2、s nearly killed by a falling tree. (was 是限定动词;cutting,killed,falling 是非限定动词。 )You can either stay here or come with us. (stay,come 都是非限定动词;can 是情态动词,can stay or come 作谓语。 ) 二. 并列句 1.并列连词及其使用 1)常用的并列连词(或称等立连词)有:and,or,but,for,not only.but(also) , either.or,nether.nor,both.and. 2)除 for 以外的并列连词都可以用来连接一

3、个单句里的两个并列成分,例如:Jenny and I are good friends。 We run,jump and shout for joy together. (当有两个以上的并列成分时,一般只在最后两者之间用连词。 ) We go for a walk or watch TV after supper.。 The bike is quite old but in excellent condition Either your answer or mine is wrong 3)除 both.and 以外的并列连词还可用来连接两个简单句(或称并列分句) ,构成并 列句。 She wa

4、s often late and everybody knew,but no one asked why.The old lady doesnt go out in the winter, for she feels the cold a great deal. Not only is the teacher himself interested h the subject but a11 his students are beginning to show an interest in it. 2.连接并列分句的其它手段 1)whenwhere 偶尔也可作并列连词;如: I was walk

5、ing down the street when I remembered that I had forgotten my umbrella.(when and then)Last night I went to the theatre where I saw Toms parents, (where = and there) 2)副词 yet,的和 then 可以连接并列分句:The tongue is not steel,yet it cuts. Im busy today,so can you come tomorrow? Go into the cave,then they wont

6、see you. 3)还可用分号“;” 。如:It may be possible or not;however,we shall understand.Ive never been to Berlin;therefore I dont know much about it. 3.并列分句的排列顺序必须考虑各分句之间的逻辑关系及其时间上的先后顺序,具体情况具体分析。 1)有些并列的分句可以相互颠倒,并不影响所表达的句意,如:Everyone was in the classroom and the doors were closed. (The doors were c1osed and ev

7、eryone was in the classroom.) 2)多数并列句里的分句不能相互颠倒。如: Most of us were in the classroom,the doors were closed and the late comers had to wait Outside (为说明门关之后,迟到者只好在外等着,后两个分句的顺序不能颠倒。 )We were coming to see you,but it rained(so we didnt) 。 (考虑到两个分句所谈事实的时间先后与逻辑关系,它们的位置不能颠倒。 ) 三. 复合句 1.复合句由一个主句和一个(或一个以上的)从

8、句组成。用来连接从句的连词是从属连 词。从句附属于主句的方式有三种: 1)相当另一个句子里的某个名词或名词词组的作用,作名词从句。 Everyone could see the truth / (that) it was true. 2)修饰句子里的某个名词或代词,作定语从句。如:I often see My old friends / my school friends who were at school with me. 3)相当另一个句子里的某个状语的作用,作状语从句。如:I met your brother ten years ago / when I came to this sc

9、hool. 2.两类连词的区分与使用并列连词与从属连词的作用不同,注意不可混用。如: 不能说:*Although I was good at maths,but I was never given full marks (although 与 but 不能连用) 应说:Although I was good at maths, (yet)I was never given full marks 或: I was good at maths,butyet I was never given full marks.不能说:*Unless you work harder,or you will fa

10、il to pass the test.(unless 与 or 不能连用)应说:Unless you work harder,you will fail to pass the test. 或:Work harderyou must work harder, or you will fail to pass the test. 四. 陈述句的肯定与否定 1.not 及其它否定词的使用 1)否定句一般可以由否定词 not 及必要的助词来构成,例如:These exercises are not difficult. I dont like sweets. 2)除 not 以外,还有以下这些否定

11、词,也能构成否定句: a) never,hardly,seldom 一类含否定意义的副词。如:I have not / never / hardly (ever)/ seldom spoken to Mr. George. b) no,none 以及其它由 no-构成的复合词(nothing,nobody,no one,nowhere 等) 。 I have not said anything to anybody about it. I have spoken to nobody / no one about it. I have said nothing to anybody about

12、it. I havent any money / I have no money. I havent any./ I have none.c) neither 和 nor,主要在以下句式中: -I havent spoken to Mr. George. -NeitherNor have I. 当用作连词时,neither 要在 nor 之前。如:Neither Bob nor I broke the window. We neither want nor need any help from you, thank you. 2.肯定变否定时的其它相应变化肯定与否定句的区别,除了看有无否定词之

13、外,还可能体现在其它方面,试比较:I have found some mistakes already.I havent found any yet?(some any;already yet)I have found some mistakes,too. I havent found any either.(too either) 五. 疑问句 1.否定问句 1)否定问句可由否定句变来,例如:He doesnt eat meat. Doesnt he eat meat?I havent seen him. Havent you seen him? 2)否定问句的开头一般都用 not 的缩写形

14、式;如分开,则须将 not 放到主语之后, 但这类结构相当正规,如: Does he not eat meat?(不能说 *Does not he.?)Have you not seen him?(不能说 *Have not you.?) 3)否定问句的回答要“前后如一” ,不可受汉语影响犯以下这类错误: Doesnt he eat meat?一 Yes,he does. No,he doesnt.(不能说 Yes,he doesnt.No,he does.) 2.反意疑问句的一般构成 1)反意疑问句的一般构成是:肯定陈述,否定尾句;否定陈述,肯定尾句。要注意 反问尾句中的助词(或系动词、情态

15、动词等)与人称代词应与陈述部分中的语法 动词与主语取得一致。例如:Jane is your cousin,isnt she? There is no doubt,is there?We need to ask first,dont we? We neednt ask first,need we? 2)要注意陈述部分主语后面的缩写形式 s 或 d 的真实意义,以决定尾句应该选用 的助动词或系动词等。如: Hes never met you before,has he? (HesHe has)Hes going to tell you the truth,isnt he?(HesHe is)Youd better go, hadnt you? (youd you had)Youd rather stay, wouldnt you?(youd you would) 3)要注意“否定陈述肯定尾句”的回答必须前后一致。You seldom go swimming in the morning,do you? Yes,I do,No,I dont 3.比较特殊的反意疑问句 有些反意疑问句的尾句构成比较特殊,应当引起注意:Few people knew the answer,did they?(few 为否定含义,后接肯定尾句。 ) Im older than you,aren



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