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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料学习这些,让你的托福口语涨姿势-智课教育旗下智课教育托福口语考试中有没有什么备考经验呢?怎样才能取得好成绩呢? 现在就跟着智课教育小编一起来看看吧! 本次智课教育小编要和大家分享的是一则托福口语应试技巧,希望 这则托福口语 资料可以帮助大家! 从出题方式上,第一题有两种类型: 1. describe your favorite room. 我个人把这类题称为描述类的,即不需要包含,也无法包含进理由 的题目。 同类的题目还有最著名的:describe the city you live in 这种题型体现了早起IBT 的出题特征,即开放,完全地开放。跟作文的18

2、5 题库当中题目一样, 如:上大学的好处有什么?你会发现早期的题目和现在的题目,存在一 个变化趋势,就是越来越复杂,和局限,但又不是完全的局限,而是在 一定逻辑限制条件下让考生去发挥。 这类题目略微少见,但也曾出现,没什么技巧,看你个人实力。 2. describe a memorable experience youve ever had? 这类题目我归纳为描述+理由+细节总体的答题思路,可以是描述事件本身+为什么他对你印象深刻+ 具体经历了什么细节 事件题范例Material: 事件:I once participated in an environment protecting orga

3、nization, we had an amazing experience when we climbed the Tai Mountain in China. 作用:1) through that activity we protected the environment. 2) by doing that we made more people realize the importance of protecting the environment. 细节:1) on the way we picked up all the litter we saw and throw themint

4、o the dustbin there. 2) we talked to other visitors, explained to them the necessity of environment protecting and convinced them to join us, the team became bigger and bigger. 这种包含事件,作用,细节格式的material,若是准备了一个,就 可以替换到N 个题目。 具体来说,如果问,对你影响深刻的人,你可以解释为the one who organized the activity for us, 然后剩下的继续把准备

5、好的材料说出来就可以了。 有些同学可能会觉得逻辑上不够严密,但是注意这是口语,不是作 文,逻辑严密与否并不那么重要。不要答非所问就可以了。 通过对这样的事例的准备,基本上我们通过具体的略微修改,就可 以搞定事件题+部分人物题。 举些题目说明一下: l 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration 或者moment 改为登上山顶的那一刻 Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country (culture)改为全民环保日 A popular activity in your country 同上 说一个参加过的memor

6、ial 活动之类的(有意义难忘的一件事)描述一件童年很happy 的event,然后explain why it is memorable 讲一个难忘的event,跟你家人和朋友在一起的把组织改成家人 The most memorable and important event of you happened in school 把发生地点改为学校,清扫学校 现在请你仿造以上结构,去形成自己的material 套路。然后请你去套一遍,最前面提到的复习材料当中的题目。 人物性格题。如: l . 好老师的character What do you think is ONE of the most

7、important characteristics that ateacher should have?) 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格 你最崇拜的人是谁? An older people you respect 描述你的role mode 对你影响最深刻的人。 Describe the person who have had positive impact on you . (Important) characteristic of friends; 基本上也只需要准备一个material 即可 范例: easygoing 作用1.shorten the distance among other

8、s/us 细节1.because an easygoing person usually shows his open and positive characters to others, people tend to feel relaxed when hanging out with him/her. 作用2.tend to bring yourself a happy life 细节2.because you would not get angry so easily, and therefore its hard for you to hurt your feelings. An ea

9、sy going person tends to look at the brighter side of everything. honestyan honest person can win the respect from others.you dont have to worry about being cheated or lied by him. he will make you feel reliable. 地点题+业余时间兴趣爱好题 范例:the place i _ is west lake. 1. the air there is so fresh and i feel ex

10、tremely energetic when i walk around the west lake. so west lake is actually a very suitable place to do some exercise. 2. there are a lot of other _ so that i can meet up with more people and make friends with them. 3. the west lake itself is kind of the representative of my hometown, all the histo

11、ry is marked on the ground where i canlearn and know my hometown better. 例题: 说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因 你通常喜欢去什么park 或者public area) 你小时候经常去的地方why 你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么? 如果国外朋友来你国家旅游,你会介绍他去哪儿 森林, 沙漠, 平原.你喜欢住在哪种环境里? 当天气好的时候,你愿意去什么地方? 概括地说,复习的方法很简单,对照上面提到的那个资料,去分别 准备4-5 个material,然后套一遍。至于无法套上的题目,则看个人实力了。 另

12、:特别讲解下万用理由。 交朋友 I can have more chances to get in touch with all kinds of people and thus make a lot of friends with other people in that way. 方便省时安全secure 环保经济economic i would like to choose that way because its convenient and time-saving.i made my choice considering the convenience and factors con

13、cerning to time. 放松开心 i would like to choose that because in that way i can surely relax myself and have a quality time. i love to do that because only in that way can i relax myself 增广见闻 enlarge my vision broaden my horizon enrich my knowledge 梦想 i did dream of being a _ ever since i was a little boy/girl. 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福口语考试中的备考资料 ,希望可以帮助大家备考。如果想了解更多考试资讯,欢迎登陆智课教育论坛,最后预祝每一位考生都能考出好成绩。



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