八年级英语下册 unit4lesson26 One Wet Danny课件 冀教版

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1、Lesson 26: Lesson 26: One Wet Danny?One Wet Danny?New wordsThink about it textLets do itNew words力量迫使;强迫force n. v. 泳衣swimsuit n. 观察observation n.Presented ByPresented By Harry Mills /Harry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO PRESENTATIONPRO前提测评测评1. Linda was write carefully at nine last night. 2. Tomorrow they

2、 were swimming in a river. 3. At that time, she listening to the radio. 4. Jim and I was playing when he came in. 5. I was studiing English when he knocked at the door. 6. Were you cooking a meal? -Yes, I were. 7. I werent doing my homework while Jim was listening to the radio. 8. The students were

3、put the apples in the box 按要求句型转换 :Mary was riding a bike at that time. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 两回答:_ 特殊疑问句:_Presented ByPresented By Harry Mills /Harry Mills / PRESENTATIONPRO PRESENTATIONPRO前提测评测评 1 科学_ _ 2 实验 ;试验 _ _3 理论;学说_ _4 装满 5 广口瓶;罐子_ _6 上部;上边_ _ 7 证实 ;证明_ _ _ 8 观察;监视 _ _ 9 科学的_ _ 10 方法;办法_ _ 11 力量 v

4、 迫使;强迫_ _ 12 泳衣_ _ 13 观察_ _14 感到惊讶的_ _ 15 检查 _ _16 发现 ;发觉_ _How to do this experiment?A. Put your hand on the cardboard. And turn over the jar carefully. B. Move your hand away quickly. C. Fill the jar with water. D. Cover the top with a piece of cardboard. E. The cardboard will hold the water up.AB

5、C EDRead the text again and fill in the blanks.Brian ,Jenny and Danny are _ about their experiment. Jenny will _ the students what they are going to do. Danny and Brain will_ the experiment. They two hold _opinions. Dannys theory is the water will spill out and Brains theory is the force of air will

6、 _ water in the jar. The experiment will _ who is right.Danny will _ in a chair. Brain will _ the jar above Dannys head then he will_ the jar over . After the experiment they will talk about their _.talking telldo differentkeep/ hold prove holdsit turnobservationsDiscussion1. One wet Danny? 2. I wil

7、l ask the class to make observations. 3. That will prove who is right. 4. Brain will turn the jar over. 5.Talk to the class 6.talk about 7.keep in 8.Ill need to dry myself off.Choose one phrase from the chart and fill in the blanks with its right form.putinto,turnover,bringto,dryoffmake observations

8、1.I hope you will_more effort_your study.2.You can find out where the watch comes from if you _it _.3. Youd better _ _your hands outside after you wash them.4.Dont _mobile phones_school.5.During this experiment, you must _ _carefully.turnoverdry offbringtomake observationsputintoWhy is Danny going t

9、o wear his swimsuit? 丹尼为什么要穿他的泳装? wear, put on 与dress put on 穿上,戴上。强调动作的过程。 Mr Brown put on his hat and went out. 布朗先生戴上帽子出去了。 Its cold outside. Youd better put on your thick clothes.外面很冷。你最好穿上厚衣服。 注:puton意为“把挂(帖)在上wear穿着,带着,强调结 果。 dress v穿(衣服),打扮;n.一套连衣裙。 Miss Zhao put a picture on the blackboard.赵

10、老师把一张图片贴到了黑板上。 Maria often wears her red skirt.玛丽亚经常穿着她的红裙子。 Jenny is wearing a black and white dress.詹妮穿着一件黑白相间的裙子。(dress n.连衣裙) Rose will go to a party. She is dressing herself. 罗斯要去参加一个舞会,她在化妆。(dress v.打扮,化妆) The little boy is too young to dress. 这个小男孩太小了,还不能自己穿衣服。(dress vt.穿衣服) Brian, Jenny and

11、Danny are talking about their experiment. 布莱恩,詹妮和丹尼正在谈论他们的实验。 关于talk的短语: talk to sb. 一般介词后to后跟表示人的名词或代词,意为:同谈 话。 Mr Zhao is talking to Brian. 赵老师正在和布莱恩谈话。Talk with sb.与talk to sb.意义接近,为“和交谈”。注重其中的“交” ,指谈话双方的“相互”谈,不分主动,被动 Jenny is talking with her friends on her way home.詹妮在回家的路上正和她的朋友交谈。 talk about

12、sb.(sth)谈论的对象为人、物或事。 Some children are talking about their new classmate.几个孩子正在谈论他们班新来的同学。(谈论“人”) Lets talk about our observations.咱们把观察的结果谈论一下。(谈论“物”) Next, we will talk about what he said.下一步,我们讨论一下她的发言。(谈论“事”)Then you and Danny can put the water into the jar. 你和丹尼把水装进瓶子里。 putinto 把装(放)进(某容器)。 Ple

13、ase put the waste paper into the basket.请把废纸放进纸篓。 Miss Black put some rice into the bag.布莱克小姐往袋子里装了些米。 2)把译成(记作)=changeinto=translate (翻译) Can you put the word into Chinese? 你能把这个单词翻译成汉语吗? Please put the following sentences into English.把下列句子译成英语。Brian will turn the jar over.布莱恩把瓶子倒过来。 turn over 翻转,

14、倒扣 拓展:有关turn的短语turn on turn off turn inturn up turn down打开电灯(电视,煤气,自来水等) 关闭电灯(电视,煤气,自来水等)上交(同“hand in”)卷起,上翻衣袖,书角等等关小音量 I will ask the class to make observations and guess what will happen.我让同学们注意观察,并且猜想将会有什么情况发生。 ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事。 句中的“某人”为宾语,后加动词不定式结构,作宾语补足语 ,其否定式为ask sb. not to do sth. 另有:want sb. to do sth. , tell sb. to do sth., order sb. to do sth.等 Mr. Li asked the boys to observe what he did. 李老师要求我们观察他做的一切。 Please a



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