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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语task1人物类话题解题技巧-智课教育旗下智课教育本次智课教育小编从常考内容,解题技巧两个方面来为大家分析一 下托福口语task1中的人物类话题该怎样准备,希望可以帮助大家在考 试中取得高分! 在托福口语task1中,人物类话题是常考的题目,那么,这类话题 中的常考内容有哪些呢?在备考的过程中,又应该怎样做才能在考试中 取得高分呢?本次智课教育小编就来和大家一一分享一下。 一.常考内容 托福口语中人物类话题一般从两个方面来考察考生的英语水平。首 先是综合人物类,主要考察考生对周围的人的印象,比如考生最喜欢的 老师,在家庭中最喜欢的人,以及影响你最深的人

2、。在2014年11月23 日大陆的托福真题Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.中,就是考察的这类题目。其次是专门特质类,主要考察考生对 于某种性格特点的认识,比如在2008年10月30日大陆task1What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include spe

3、cific reasons and details in your explanation.就是考察的考生对于这种问题的掌控能力。二.解题技巧 首先,理清答题结构。 托福口语人物类话题中虽然经常出现的话题可以分为两类,但是相 应的答题结构是一定的,智课教育小编建议考生如果遇到了这个题目, 采用topic sentence+supporting idea1+example1+supporting ide a2+example2的结构来组织答案。比如考生在回答TPO3TASK1的时候 就可以采用这个结构,来组织答案。My mom has many good characteristics that

4、 I think all parents should have; let me give you some of them. (topic sentence)First, she is a good listener. (supporting idea1) She always pays attention to what I have to say, that makes her the person who knows me the best in our family. (example1)And also, she has a good manner. (supportingidea

5、2) Ive learned from her how to treat others around me with dignity and respect since I was young, thanks to her I made many good friends in my life. (example2) 2.掌握常用万能理由 如果考生想在这个题目中取得高分,仅仅掌握答题结构是远远不够 的,如果考生想要取得高分,还需要掌握一些常用的万能理由。智课教 育小编认为,考生在回答这类题目的时候常用的万能理由包括以下几个 方面。知识,一个人知识的数量和质量完全可以成为你敬佩的原因, 能力,一

6、个有能力的人总是会得到别人的认同的。奉献,一些名人 在赚取金钱之后,往往会采用一些行动或者措施奉献社会,这也是一个 在考试中常用的理由。比如考生在回答choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her.的时候就可以这样回答,The teacher I admire most is my astronomy teacherMiss Gao. Firstly, she is a knowlegdgeable teacher. (万能理由知识)Not only does she have a good command o

7、f astronomy, but also she is good at other subjects such as geography, chemistry and biology. Whenever we meet some problems, we all like going to her for help .Secondly, she can always explain profound ideas in simple ways. (万能理由能力)For example, when she taught us the knowledge about planets, she used Greek and Roman mythology as a way of explaining. This is really helpful for us to learn it efficiently. 托福口语考试中的人物类话题并没有考生想象中的那么困难,考生 只要在掌握上述信息的基础上不断练习,就一定能在考试中取得高分!



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