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1、Research on Competitive Intelligence Base on Project Integrated Positioning in Beibei District of Chongqing TG Real Estste CompanyA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Master of ManagementByLi WeiSupervised by Prof. Si YouheMajor: Inform

2、ation ScienceCollege of Economics and Business Administration ofChongqing University, Chongqing, China.April, 2009摘要随着我国经济的迅猛发展,房地产业已经成为拉动内需、推动经济增长的新兴支柱产业之一。由于房地产企业在进行项目综合定位时,所依据的情报不够充分和准确,造成房地产开发投资决策失误,导致后期项目销售不畅,房地产市场中商品房大量空置,严重制约了房地产企业开发活动的持续性,影响了地方经济的发展。因此在房地产项目综合定位时,注重项目相关情报的搜集、与项目产品竞争战略的制定就显得尤

3、为重要。本文主要基于企业竞争情报工作开展的收集、分析以及利用这几个主要环节,将竞争情报方法和理论应用到房地产企业项目综合定位过程中,首先从分析当前房地产项目综合定位存在的问题入手,论述竞争情报战略的重要性;其次,分析房地产企业项目综合定位中竞争情报工作开展流程和工作范围;然后,结合房地产项目综合定位的流程及特点,依据作者具体参与的重庆某房地产在北碚区的项目的综合定位,从竞争战略的角度,通过项目的优势与劣势的分析、机会与威胁的分析,构建 SWOT 矩阵,制定项目综合定位的竞争战略,弥补了当前房地产企业在项目定位中的不足,使房地产企业项目的综合定位有一套合理的科学的依据,进而促进企业竞争情报产业化

4、的发展。关键词:竞争情报,房地产企业,项目综合定位,SWOT 分析IABSTRACTWith Chinese economy is growing fast, real estate industry has become one of thenew developing pillar industry of our country for drawing domestic demand andpushing economic growth. Since the based intelligence is not abundant enough andexact enough for item

5、 complex positioning, real estate enterprise would make fault inproject complex positioning. This miss can result in sale barrier in later period andvacancy houses in market. It limits the continuous ability of real estate enterpriseexploit new item, and affects the growing of local economy. So when

6、 the enterprise ispositioning its new exploit item, the importance of focusing on collecting relatedintelligence and making competitive strategy is obvious.This paper on the base of some major steps of enterprise competitive intelligencework: collecting, analyzing, and using, applies the methods and

7、 theories of competitiveintelligence on the process of real estate enterprise project complex positioning. Thefirst part analyses the problems of real estate project complex positioning at present, anddiscusses the importance of competitive intelligence strategy. The second part study onthe working

8、process and range of competitive intelligence in real estate enterpriseproject complex positioning. Then, integrating the process and the characteristic of realestate project complex position, on the base of the experience that the writer have takenpart in a certain project in Chongqing Beibei distr

9、ict, on the competitive position, thispaper draws up the competitive strategy of project complex positioning by buildingSWOT matrix. This paper remedies the shortage of project position at present, offers areasonable and scientific foundation of real estate enterprise project complexpositioning, acc

10、elerates the industrialization of enterprise competitive intelligence.Keywords: competitive intelligence, real estate enterprise, project complex positioning,SWOT analysis.II目录摘要 . IABSTRACT . 21 绪论 . 11.1 研究背景与选题意义 . 11.2 国内外竞争情报与房地产项目综合定位研究现状综述 . 2 1.2.1 国内外竞争情报研究现状. 2 1.2.2 国内房地产企业项目综合定位研究现状. 5 1.3 本文研究思路、研究内容及创新点 . 5 1.3.1 研究思路和内容 . 5 1.3.2 本文创新点. 62 我国房地产项目综合定位及其分析 . 72.1 房地产项目综合定位概念 . 72.1.1 房地产企业项目的市场定位. 8 2.1.2 房地产企业项目的目标客户定位 . 9 2.2 房地产企业项目综合定位策略 . 10 2.3 房地产企业项目综合定位存在的问题 . 113 房地产企业项目综合定位的情报搜集.



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