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1、分类号:P228密级: 公开U D C :单位代码: 10424工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文地面沉降变形 GPS 监测方法研究张 高 兴申请学位级别:工程硕士专业名称:测绘工程指导教师姓名:成枢职称:教授副指导师姓名:柯厚生职称:高级讲师山 东 科 技 大 学二零零六年十月论文题目:地面沉降变形 GPS 监测方法研究作者姓名: 张高兴领域名称: 测绘工程入学时间: 2003 年 4 月研究方向: 开采损害变形监测指导教师: 成枢职称: 教授副指导教师: 柯厚生职称: 高级讲师论文提交日期:2006 年 10 月论文答辩日期:2006 年 11 月 5 日授予学位日期:STUDYOF SURF

2、ACESUBSIDENCE MONITORINGBY GPSA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF ENGINEERINGfromShandong University of Science and TechnologybyZhang GaoxingSupervisor: Professor Cheng ShuCollege of Geoinformation Science and EngineeringOctober 2006声明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇工

3、程硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。工程硕士生签名:张高兴日期:2006.11.06AFFIRMATIONI declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of Engineering in Shandong University of Science and Technology, is wholly my own work unless re

4、ferenced of acknowledge. The document has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute.Signature:Date:山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文摘要摘 要地面沉降监测是对煤炭、石油、地下水等地下资源的开采而产生的塌陷盆地的监测。随着城市建设的飞速发展和矿山生产规模的扩大,地面沉降危害日益显著,为了能及时地掌握地面沉降情况,采取相应的防治措施,需不定期地对受开采影响的地表及岩层內部移动情况进行沉降监测,随着测绘仪器及测绘技术的发展,监测的方法也发生了很大的变化,

5、从传统的大地测量到近景摄影测量及 InSAR 技术,在分析了这些方法的优缺点后,本文认为采用 GPS 测量技术进行地面沉降的监测有较大的优势:观测站之间无需通视、定位精度高、观测时间短、提供三维坐标、操作简便、全天候作业等。本文讨论了 GPS 变形测量的静态和动态定位原理,并结合福建马坑矿业股份有限公司的具体情况,为了及时了解马坑铁矿一、二期采矿区在进行地下水疏干过程中所出现的变形情况,实施了矿区地表变形的 GPS 监测工程。通过实测资料分析,采用一些特殊的消除或削弱 GPS 测量误差的方法和措施,地面沉降监测中 GPS 所测得的下沉量和精密水准监测所得的沉降量的平均值相差不大,两者反映的地面

6、沉降量基本是一致的。虽然 GPS 沉降监测效果理想,但若不采取一定的措施,其测量误差仍然可能很大。文章研究了 GPS 测量的主要误差来源:即与 GPS 卫星有关的误差、与卫星信号传播有关的误差、与 GPS 接收机有关的误差、地球潮汐、负荷潮及相对论效应等。根据各种误差的影响性质,采取对应措施,包括优化设计 GPS 观测网、改进高程拟合模型、选择适当的数据处理方法和减弱外业观测误差影响,从而有效地提高 GPS 变形监测的精度,使 GPS变形监测方法得到推广和应用。关键词:开采沉陷 沉降监测 GPS 测量 误差 精度山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文摘要ABSTRACTThe surface subsi

7、dence observation is monitoring the caves in the basinwhich caused by the coal, the petroleum, the ground water and so on hiddenresource mining. Along with the urban construction rapid development and theminescaleofproductionexpansion,thesurfacesubsidenceharmisremarkable day by day. In order to keep

8、 abreast of the surface subsidencesituation promptly and take corresponding preventing and controlling measure,it needs non-periodically to monitor the influence of inner rock layer,which casused by mining. With equipment and technology development, themonitoring method has changed a lot from tradit

9、ional survey to the close-range photogrammetry. Compared with each method, it has more superiority touse the GPS survey technology to carry on the surface subsidence monitoring,such as without intervisibility between the observation station, highaccuracy, observation in short time, provides 3- dimen

10、sional coordinates,operates easily, full-day work and so on.This paper discussed the static and kinematic position principle of GPS.Combining with the actual situation of the Fujian Ma-keng iron mine, ithas set the GPS monitoring in order to understand the deformation ofdewatering in mining area.Thr

11、ough actual material analysis, using somespecial method can reduce or weakens measurement errors, and the averagesinks value obtains by GPS measurement and the precise level mesasurementis not difference a lot. The surface subsidence quantity is consistent .Although the GPS is well to using in monit

12、oring, error may still verybig if does not take certain measurement.This paper study on many GPS errorsources,which caused by GPS satellites, satellite signal dissemination, GPSreceivers, earth tide, load tide and theory of relativity effect and so on.According to each kind of errors influence natur

13、e, it should take the山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文摘要correspond measure, including optimal design of GPS observation network,improving elevation fitting model, chosing appropriate way to processingdata and weaken error influence by outside measurement. It can effectlyenhance the precise and extend the method of usi

14、ng GPS in subsidencemonitoring.Keyworks: Mining subsidenceSubsidence monitoringGPS measurementErrorPrecision山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文目录 目 录1 绪论 11.1 地面沉降监测研究方法现状11.2 当前研究存在的问题21.3 研究课题的提出31.4 论文研究的主要內容42 地面沉降变形监测方法 62.1 常规大地测量方法62.2 近景摄影测量方法72.3 InSAR 技术92.4 GPS 测量技术123 GPS 沉降监测 143.1 定位原理143.2 GPS 沉降变形监测的实施214 GPS 地面沉降监测误差分析 284.1 与 GPS 卫星有关的误差294.2 与 GPS 卫星信号传播有关的误差314.3 与 GPS 接收机有关的误差354.4 其它误差影响375 提高 GPS 监测精度方法研究425.1 优化 GPS 监测网网形结构425.2 改进高程拟合模型及方法445.3 采用合适的后处理软件535.4 减弱观测误差影响54结论与展望57致谢58参考文献



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