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1、长春市第长春市第 103 中学八年级教学设计中学八年级教学设计课课 题题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?课课 时时1课课 型型NL(1a-2d)备课人备课人吴刚吴刚公共部分公共部分教学目标知识与技能知识与技能 The students are requested to master the usage of the past continuous tense 过程与方法过程与方法 Make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself act

2、s as the director, at the same time, train them with some effective learning methods to optimize the students learning results.情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 Enable the students to fall in love with English classroom activities and encourage them to cooperate in class so as to go ahead together学学 习习目目 标标知识目标 :流利朗

3、读并牢记重点 单词,短语和句型 能力目标: 学会用过去进行时描述过去正在发生的事情。 情感目标: 遇到困难时,向他人寻求帮助,克服困难,完成任务。 学习重学习重点、难点、难点点过去进行时用法和应用重点单词 短语 和句型(略)教学准教学准备备小黑板 课件 计算机教学流教学流程程教学内容及过程教学内容及过程个性化设计个性化设计Study strategy objects Make the students try to grasp the chance of communication in English and learn to take an active part in the class

4、 activities. Analysis of Teaching and Learning 1. How to teach 1) Task-based Language Teaching I give students four tasks. Students can grasp the tense by means of finishing these tasks. They can enjoy themselves in learning English during the tasks. 2) Situation Approach I will create enough commun

5、icative situations to stimulate students vision and hearing, so that they can get a better understanding about the tense, and get good situations to train their listening and spoken English 3) Communicative Approach Students can learn the tense by communicating with each How to learn Students should

6、 be good at grasping the chance of communication in English. They can experience it happily. They should take an active part in the class activities and do well in the cooperation with their partners.other in pairs or groups1 1 previewpreview 1a1a -2d-2d (see(see previewingpreviewing case)case)Prepa

7、rationsPreparations andand communicationscommunications ( (预习与交流预习与交流) )2 To introduce Ss to the first unit goal: talk about past Events To set the scence ,increase Ss vocabulary and introduce theTarget language using the pictures 1b to give Ss practice in listening for specific information1c Give S

8、s practice in using the target language in speaking 2a To introduce Ss to the second unit goal :tell a storyTo give Ss practice in listening for specific information 2b use the helping words 2c role play and retell the story in using the target language in a longer conversation 2d practice the conve

9、rsation using different tones of voiceHomework Finish off the training case Listen without writing for weaker classes first Picture talk Ss look at the pictures and describe them to a partner or small group 个性化个性化板书设板书设计计Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm cameLearning goals Words phrases

10、and patternsThe past continuous tense教学反教学反思思备注:教学流程(学、导、研、习、拓、理)可根据教学内容选择适当的环节。可按学科需求做微调。课课 题题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?课课 时时2课课 型型NL(3a-3c)备课人备课人吴刚吴刚公共部分公共部分教教学学目目标标知识与技能知识与技能 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和短语:area wood flashlight match beat against fall asleep die down apart 。来&源:中国%教育出版网

11、过程与方法过程与方法了解一些暴风雨的知识来源:&中情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观自然是无情的,但是邻里互助是大爱。学学 习习目目 标标知识目标 :能够灵活运用重点 单词,短语和句型并造句 能力目标: 在阅读训练中进一步学习运用过去进行时。 情感目标: 勇敢面对自然灾害 为灾后建设美好家园团结起来,贡献自己的力量 学习重点、学习重点、难点难点过去进行时用法和应用重点单词 短语和句型(略)教学准备教学准备小黑板 课件 计算机教学流程教学流程教学内容及过程教学内容及过程个性化设计个性化设计1 Warming up 中国中国&教教*育育%#出版网出版网Yesterday, there was a r

12、ainstorm. Where were they when the rainstorm came?来&#源%:中国教育出版网Here are some reports.For example:A: Where were you when the rainstorm came?B: I was in the library.A: What were you doing when the rainstorm came?来源:zz#s*B: I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.1a Where were the people at the time

13、of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.Step 2 Listening:What were they doing when the rainstorm came? Lets listen. Payattention to “was/were +doing”1b Listen to the TV report and circle the correct response.Step 3 Speaking来源来源&:*%中中#教网教网Look at the pictures and answer

14、the questions by using “was/were + doing”来#源:%中国教育出&版网Step 4 Listening2a Listen and number the pictures 1-5.2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.Step 5 Speaking 2c Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter.www.zzstep#*.com

15、2d Role play the conversation.Step 6 Language points1. My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late.2. Step 7 SpeakingMake a survey. Ask your partners in your group what they were doing at the following time. Fill in the form then give a report.中国*教育&#出版网Step 8 SummaryStep 9 ExerciseStep 10 Homework1. Re

16、member the words and phrases in this lesson.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.个性化个性化板书设计板书设计教学反思教学反思备注:教学流程(学、导、研、习、拓、理)可根据教学内容选择适当的环节。可按学科需求做微调。课课 题题Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?课课 时时3课课 型型NL(Grammar Focus-4c)备课人备课人吴刚吴刚公共部分公共部分教教学学目目标标知识与技能知识与技能 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和短语:have a look icy kid realize过程与方法过程与方法 继续学习如何正确使用过去进行时。能够理解并正确使用



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