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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料一箭双雕之备战托福-智课教育旗下智课教育本文和大家分享的是一箭双雕之备战托福,正在备战的学生一起来 看看文中的介绍,希望能给大家的托福考试准备带来帮助。 在备考托福的过程中,我们在做阅读的时候,目的不仅仅是弄懂托 福阅读 的内容在讲什么,而是我们一定要有一个从中汲取知识的想法和 做法,将其中的精华据为己有,为己所用我平时的做法就是一定要将 读过去的好词好句画出来,然后想象一下语境,在什么情况下我可以运 用进去,因为只有想过,在考场上写作的时候才能会运用。我以一篇综 合写作的阅读为例展示一下我平时的做法: In the past century, the ste

2、ady growth of the human population and the corresponding increase in agriculture and pesticide use has caused much harm to wildlife in the United States, birds in particular. Unfortunately for birds, these trends are likely to continue, with the result that the number of birds in the United States w

3、ill necessarily decline.里边加粗的字体是我认为用的比较好的地方我可以想到在写环境问 题的时候,the steady growth of the car number and the corresponding increase in the pollution has caused much harm to the air, with the result that more and more people are suffering from the disease. 我为什么认为have caused much harm to这个简单的句子用的比 较好呢,因为平时我

4、比较喜欢用动词词性,很少用名词词性,比如说看 太多电视对孩子的眼睛不好。我会说:watching too much TV will harm the childrens eyes.而如果我可以进行一下词性变化的话感觉还是很不一样的呢 with the result that我可以将它用在很多地方,比如在描述一个结 果的时候,我可以不仅仅用lead to, contribute to , result in我就可以用到这个短语。例如:it is snowing heavily, with the result that the world is becoming white. 或者是我可以将re

5、sult换成别的词语也ok,比如expectation; I study hard, with the expectation that I will get a high score in twomonths. First, as human populations and settlements continue to expand, birds natural habitats will continue to disappear. Forests, wetlands, and grasslands will give way to ever more homes, malls, and

6、 offices. As the traditional areas suitable for birds keep decreasing, so will the size of the bird populations that depend on those vanishing habitats. Second, agricultural activities must increase to keep pace with the growing human population. The growth of agriculture will also result in the fur

7、ther destruction of bird habitats as more and more wilderness areas are converted to agricultural use. As a result, bird populations in rural areas will continue to decline. further destruction中的further这个就很清晰的表达了更深一层的 递进含义,比如我想表达看太多电视不仅对孩子的眼睛不好,而且暴力 材料给孩子的心理健康更带来了很深的伤害。watching too much TV will harm

8、 the childrens eyes. Whats worse, the violence brings further harm to the childrens mental health. 当我们想去表达改变,转化的时候可以不仅用change,convert也 是很不错的选择呢Third, as human settlements expand and agriculture increases, the use of chemical pesticides will also increase. Pesticides are poisons designed to kill agri

9、cultural and home garden pests, such as insects, but inevitably, pesticides get into the water and into the food chain for birds where they can harm birds. Birds that eat the poisoned insects or drink contaminated water can die as a result, and even if pesticides do not kill birds outright, they can

10、 prevent them from reproducing successfully. So pesticides have significantly contributed to declines in bird population, and because there will continue to be a need to control agricultural pests in the future, this decline will continue. contaminated water代替了我们之前常用的polluted waterprevent sb from do

11、ing sth 和stop sb from doing sth 以及keep sb from doing sth都是比较常用的阻止做某事的表达。 significantly contributed to: 学会了在动词前边我要加上一些程 度副词,使表达的感情更充沛一些。比如surprisingly,extremely等, 而不仅仅是very there will continue to be a need:以前自己只用过there be 和 there will be,而现在看到中间可以加continue to ,瞬间觉得以前想表达却表达不出来的持续性溢于言表了! 怎么样,看了以上的内容有没有觉得很有用呢,希望本文的内容能 够帮助大家备考,最后智课教育祝大家都能取得理想的托福考试 成绩。


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