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1、法 律 硕 士 专 业 学 位 论 文反信息公开诉讼研究Prevent information disclosure of litigation research作 者 姓 名:指 导 教 师:李玉龙邓 蔚西 南 政 法 大 学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law内容摘要行政机关建立信息公开的制度,在一定的程度上实现了行政相对人对于信息的知悉的权利。但是对于所要进行公示的内容在包含有第三人的隐私权或者商业秘密的情况下,如何维护自己的合法权益不受侵犯?此时行政机关公开信息则会损害到第三人的隐私权和商业秘密。从目前的实践经验来看,信息




5、,保护“个人的隐私”和商业秘密不受侵犯。关键词:预防性诉讼;行政诉讼;个人隐私;反信息公开诉讼2AbstractAdministrative organs set up information disclosure system, to a certain degree to realizethe distribution rights of administrative relative person for the information. however when thepublic information related to the rights and interests of a

6、 third person, such as privacy orcommercial secrets, public information and can damage to the third persons right to privacyand business secrets. Cases in the current information disclosure of the third people oftenmention the information publicly available to maintain their own rights and interests

7、, but nowthe laws for the regulation of public lawsuit against information is not perfect. From valueafterwards relief lawsuit system to the information disclosure of preventive action in advance.The information public litigation with past ordinary administrative litigation has greatdifference. It h

8、as great superiority. Information disclosure is in the level of the citizens rightto know, and the information in the protection of privacy and business secret in public lawsuitis the Angle of thinking. Information disclosure and the both sides of the information public isa problem, cannot be ignore

9、d. But in the information public prosecution and trial rules areunclear, many problems are not only principled stipulations effective operational measures, sofor the investigation of these questions for the information public litigation smoothly andrelated human rights protection is of great signifi

10、cance.In addition to the introduction there are four parts in this paperThe first part, first of all, starting from the basic theory of public lawsuit againstinformation, information in the analysis of the concept of public lawsuit against informationof preventive and temporarily stop the execution

11、of public lawsuit, secondly analyses the legalbasis of public lawsuit against information, the information public lawsuit is to protect thecitizens “privacy“ and the needs of the business secret, is also the administrative relativeperson and the requirement of the administrative relative person righ

12、ts and interests balance,in the final analysis our country to establish the information public lawsuit system of purposeand meaning: to protect personal privacy and business secrets, help to perfect our countrysrights and interests protection way and promote the reform of the system of administrativ

13、elitigation of our country.The second part, mainly inspects the information public lawsuit system developmentpresent situation, from the current legislation system in our country, analyzes the presentsituation of our country and the insufficiency, and the information public lawsuit system of1foreign

14、 content parsing, finally, in the case of Chinese and foreign contrast, analysis ourcountry in building the information public lawsuit system should be the reference andabsorption.The third part, on the basis of above analysis, discuss the information public lawsuitsystem of our country in the issue

15、s of the prosecution rules and analyzes the legal basis toprosecute in the prosecution rules and prosecution of the problem.The fourth part, the paper analyzes the problem of the information public lawsuit trialrules. Divided into law in the trial judge and fact judge and procedural aspects of the r

16、eview.Then analysis the information public litigation sentence types, such as an injunction, paymentdecision, cancellation, compensation decision.In a word, through the establishment of the information public litigation system toprotect the public in the process of administrative relative persons legitimate rights andinterests, to protect personal privacy and business secrets shall be inviolable.Keywords: preventive action; administrative proceedings; personal privacy; aPrevent informati



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