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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语话题卡备考策略及话题集锦-智课教育旗下智课教育摘要:雅思口语话题卡备考策略及话题集锦供大家参考,希望大家 能够关注。本文为大家清晰的介绍了几点雅思口语话题卡题的备考策略 ,同时给出了一些话题集锦。 雅思口语话题卡是雅思口语第二部分独有的考试形式。也一度难倒 了不少考生,因其是雅思考试的关键部分,因此我们要对其了如指掌。 本文为大家带来雅思口语话题卡备考策略及话题集锦,希望大家能够关 注。 雅思口语话题卡应该如何准备: 1.一定要清楚的了解每个雅思口语卡片的内容,包括卡片上让你将要 描述的3-4个问题,大家必须在PART2部分中描述出来,还有就是描述 时

2、运用的时态一定搞清楚,否则肯定影响你的分数。 2.每天抽出一定的时间练习,没有条件互相练习的考生可以用录音机 把自己说的录下来,然后自己给自己找错误,纠正,就这样反复练习.尽 力使自己减少出 错、EG:语法错误,he /she运用不当等等。3.千万不要去背诵,因为这样即使你说的再好也是4-5分,因为老 外可以看出来你准备了。建议大家最好连写都不写,最多在每个雅思口 语卡片上写点关键的词,根据词每天自己锻炼去说,多准备点有创意和自 己的TOPIC内容,越与众不同越好(不要跑题)! 还有一些细节方面的事情,就是在考试的时候如果停顿或思考时千 万不要在说话中间加上:嗯、啊、那个(内个)这些中国语气助

3、词,应该 用等等英文语气词. 雅思口语话题卡话题整理: Events and experiences Media and entertainment 超高频汇总(此部分不分类) 1.Your favorite magazine 喜欢的杂志 2.A good habit of your friends you want to learn from 你朋友的好习惯 3.Describe a useful app 有用的应用 (新题) 4.A prize you want to win 想赢得的奖项 (新题)5.Something you think is a waste of time 浪费时间的

4、事情 (新题) 6.A good service a shop or company offers 一个商店或公司提供的好的服务(新题) 7.An experience of waiting for someone 等待某人的经历 8.An experience of being caught in a traffic jam 交通堵塞经历 9.A new law which you think is good 一部新法律 10.A person in history 历史人物 11.A famous/successful person from another county you want

5、 to meet 外国知名人物 12.A sportsman who played well in a match 比赛中表现好的运动员 13.An interesting wild animal 野生动物 14.A place where you learnt about a new culture 体验新文化的地方 15.An antique of something old your family has kept for a long time 家里保存的老物件 16.A wedding ceremony you took part in参加的婚礼 17.The first cell

6、phone you had 拥有的第一个手机18.Something you bought but not use often 买了但没怎么用的东西 19.A indoor game you played in childhood 儿时玩的室内游戏 20.A foreign film 外国电影 21.An intelligent person 聪明人 22.A comic actor/actress 喜剧明星 23.A future plan you have 未来计划 24.A science class 科学课 25.A TV program you like/dislike 喜欢/不喜欢

7、电视节目 26.A competition you took part in 参加的比赛 27.An ancient/old building 老建筑 28.A restaurant impressing you a lot 饭店29.Something you forgot (物品)/Something you forgot to do(事件) 雅思口语part2话题:People and animal 1.An old man you enjoy talking to 老人 2.A neighbor 邻居 3.A beautiful or handsome person youve eve

8、r met 一个漂亮朋友 4.A stranger who helped you/who you helped 陌生人 5.A school friend you remember well 一个记忆深刻的校友 6.Favorite singer/musician/music band 最喜欢的音乐人 雅思口语part2话题:Places and buildings 1.A foreign place(been to/want to go to) 外国 2.A city (been to/want to go to/important city in your country) 城市 3.A

9、seaside place/A place near water 海边/水边地区 4.A shopping mall/street 购物之地 5.A park or garden you like 公园/院落 6.A beautiful flat or house you visited 漂亮房子 7.A school you attended 一个学习过的学校 (新回归) 8.A place you where want to have a home 你想安家的地方雅思口语part2话题:Objects 1.A book( you read for many times/you want t

10、o read again) 书 2.A photo which you are in 照片 3.An important letter or email you received 信件或邮件 4.A broken device 坏掉的东西 5.Something you shared with others 跟别人分享的东西 6.An electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for your home 电子设备 7.A piece of clothing (in important situation) 衣服 8.A toy you pla

11、yed with in childhood 玩具 9.A homemade gift( you gave/given by a friend) 自制的礼物10.A statue or work of art 雕塑等艺术品 雅思口语part2话题:Events and experiences 1.A historic event 历史事件 2.A project or homework you did 参加过的项目或一个作业 3.A sport event/something good for health 体育 4.An interesting conversation with a stra

12、nge有趣的对话 5.Your favorite season or time in a year 喜欢季节 6.A piece of advice given by a friend/you gave to a friend 朋友给的建议/你给的 7.A group activity you took part in 团队活动 8.A party you want to throw 想办party 9.A job youd like to try 想做的工作 10.A school rule 学校规则 11.A second language youd like to learn besid

13、es English 除英语想学的语言 12.A subject you disliked in high school 不喜欢的学科 13.A difficult time you went through 经历的艰难时光 14.A training course you had 培训课 雅思口语part2话题:Media and entertainment 1.A radio program you like 广播2.A useful website you often browse 网站 3.An advertisement 广告 4.Your favorite piece of music or song 喜欢的音乐或歌曲 以上就是雅思口语话题卡备考策略及话题集锦的详细介绍,希望大 家能够关注,希望本文内容对大家有一定的帮助。最后,祝愿广大考生 备考成功,取得满意的雅思成绩。更多内容请持续关注智课教育雅思站 。



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