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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语真题解析实例-智课教育旗下智课教育托福口语考试中的真题该怎样解题呢?这其中有没有什么技巧和方 法呢?现在就跟着智课教育小编一起来学习一下这则托福口语真题解析 实例吧!希望可以帮助大家提升备考能力! 本次智课教育小编为大家解析了托福口语考试真题,同学们可适当 进行参考,以便更好地解答托福口语 题。 托福口语真题一: Task 1: Talk about a gift you gave to someone. Who did you give this gift to? Why did you give it to this person? Sample

2、I bought a camera for my dad last month. I bought it for him because he recently retired and plans to travel the world. I chose this particular model because its light and compact. It fits easily in his pocket so he doesnt have to carry too much weight. The image quality is very good as well. His we

3、nt to South Africa with this camera last week and took some amazing pictures of wild animals. The best thing about this camera is that it has build-in wifi. It connects to his cellphone so he could keep sending pictures to us during the entire trip.托福口语真题二: 1)女生的:rewrite the play,改在屋里拍。但是她觉得阳光明媚的天气效

4、果会更好。 2)男生的:明天天气会转晴,可以拍摄,但女生说明天拍就太晚了 ,她没有时间修改,作品不会很完美。 Sample answer: In the conversation, the woman s project for the film class will be due in two days, but she hasn finished the last scene because of the rainy weather. Both the woman and the man come up with a solution. One of the solutions the w

5、oman has in her mind is to rewrite the script so that it can be filmed indoors. The other solution the man offers is to film it on the next daybecause the forecast says it will be sunny. I tend to agree with the first solution because rewriting the play is not that hard and she will have one day to

6、go over the final version of the script and details. If there s something wrong, she still has time to re - edit it. However, if she kept the original version and waited until the next day to shoot the last scene, it might be too late to make the project perfect. 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福口语真题解析实例,希 望可以帮助大家提升备考能力和水平!如果想了解更多备考资料,欢迎登 陆智课教育论坛,最后预祝每一位考生都能考出好成绩。


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