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1、Ex29 1. Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the citys _ green space. A) inefficient B) inaccurate C) inadequate D) indispensable 1. C)inadequate 意为“不充足的”,如:The supply is inadequate to meet the demand. 供不应求。 inefficient 意为“效率低的”,如:A machine that uses too much power is inefficient. 用电过多的机器效率低。

2、而 inaccurate 作“不精确的,不精密的”讲,如:The thermometer is inaccurate. 这个温度计不准。indispensable 意为“必不可少的,必需 的”,如: Air,food and water are indispensable to life. 空气、食物和水是维 持生命所必需的。 2. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _ it closely. A) followed B) following C) to follow D) being followed 2. B)该题旨在考

3、查非谓语动词中的独立分词结构。一般情况下,分词作状语时,应与句子的主语存在一 定的逻辑关系(主谓或动宾关系) ,否则分词就须有自己的主语或逻辑宾语,来构成“名词或代词十分词” 的独立分词结构,用来表示原因、时间、条件、方式或伴随情况 等,如:The experiment being over,the students began their discussion. 做完实验后,学生们开始讨论。 Nobody having any more to say,the meeting was closed. 大家都没有什么可说的了,会议也就结束了。由此可见,B)是最佳选择。 英语语法要求在同一个句号

4、前,不允许存在两个既不是并列关系,也不是从属关系的句子,故 A) 不正确。 “名词十不定式”虽然也是一种复合结构,但它表示将来,如: Here are the first two volumes,the third one to come out next month这儿是头两卷,第三卷下月出版。可见 C)也不正确。D)是分词的被 动语态,不符合题意。 3. Since both he and I work in the same hospital, I can hardly avoid _him. A) being met B) meeting C) to be met D) to meet

5、 3. B)avoid 作“避免”讲。后面不能跟动词不定式,只能跟名词或动名词作宾语,故 C)和 D)错误。又 由于句子主语 I 和动词 meet 在逻辑上是主谓关系,故应使用主动形式的动名词,因此 B)是正确的。 4. Since he lied to me, he will never persuade me _ his sincerity or truthfulness. A) of B) for C) in D) at 4. A)persuade sbof sth是固定搭配,意为“使某人相信某事”,如:No one could persuade him of what she said

6、没有人可以使他相信她的话。for,in 和 at 都不能和动词 persuade 搭配。 5. Since he was involved in the case, the court _ his appearance. A) requested B) asked C) required D) solicited 5. C)require 意为“要求,命令”,为一正式用语,如:They required that the right to vote be given to every adult他们要求每一位成年人都应该赋予选举权。request 意为“恳求,请求”,含有客气的意味,如: Th

7、ey requested us for the attendance他们请求我们出席。ask 意为“请求,要求”,是一个普通用词,指某 人对要求的事期望得到答复, 如:She asked him for of a favor她请他帮忙。 solicit 作“请求,要求” 讲,是正式用语,指毕恭毕敬地、认认真真地请求,如:They are soliciting funds for a new hospital他们 申请基金用来建一座新医院。 6. Since it is such a sunny day, we might _ to the suburb for a picnic. A) as

8、well as go B) as well as to go C) as well go D) as well to go 6. C)may(might)as well do sth用来表示委婉地提出建议,意为“不妨 ,最好 ”如:You might as well tell me the truth你不妨把真相告诉我。 7. Since the; ground is wet, it _last night. A) must have rained B) must be raining C) must rain D) had-rained 7. A)must have done 用来表示对过去

9、某动作的肯定推测,如:He must have been to England for he knows so much about that country他一定去过英国,因为他了解那么多有关那个国家的事情。因此 A)正确。 8. Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have to _ your voice. A) increase B) lift C) raise D) speak up 8. C)raise ones voice 是固定搭配,意为“提高声音,提高嗓音”,如:He raised his voice so

10、 that everyone could hear him他提高声音,以便大家都能听见。increase 意为“增加,增多”,一般后跟比较具体的东西, 如:Factories must do everything to increase production and practice economy工厂必须采取一切措施增产节 约。lift 中意为“举 起,抬起”,如: This box is too heavy for me to lift这箱子太重,我很不动。speak up 意为“大胆地说”,如:Youd better speak up and not go beating about t

11、he bush like that你最好爽爽快快 地说出来,不要这样拐弯抹角。由此可见 C)是正确答案。 9. Small boys are _ questioners. They ask questions all the time. A) original B) imaginative C) peculiar D) persistent 9. D)persistent 意为“坚持不懈的,执意的”,例如: He phoned again this morning. Hes very persistent. 今 天早上他又打电话了。他就是不肯罢休。 original 意为“独创的”,例如: H

12、e won an award for the most original design他因设计最富独创性而获了奖。imaginative 意为“富有想像力的”,例如: All imaginative creation is a reflection of the real world一切有想像力的创作都是真实世界的反映。peculiar 意为“特殊的, 独特的”,例如: He has his own peculiar way of organizing the meeting他主持会议有自己独特的方式。 The ingredients of the ice cream sold in his

13、restaurant are very peculiar他餐馆里出售的冰淇淋的配料很特殊。10. Smoking is not _ here. A) promised B) performed C) allowed D) let 10. C)promise 作“允诺,答应”讲,一般不用于被动语态,如:I promised him to attend to the matter promptly我答应他立即处理这件事。perform 作“履行,执行”讲,如; DrSmith performed the operation史密斯大夫做的这一手术。let 为使役动词,要求跟复合宾语( 即“宾语十宾语

14、补足语”) 。需 要注意的是,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不能带 to,如:Let them do their worst!让他们把最凶恶的绝招 都使出来吧!allow 作“允许,准许”讲,在非正式英语中较为常见,在被动句中可以用人作主语,也可以 用动名词作主语,如:Talking is not allowed in library图书室里禁止交谈。又如:People are not allowed to smoke here这里不允许吸烟。因此只有 C)为正确答案。 11. So-called intelligent behavior demands memory, remembering be

15、ing a primary _ for reasoning. A) resource B) resolution C) requirement D) response 11. C)requirement 意为“要求,必要条件”,如:There are two requirements for successors对接班人有两 个要求。而 resource 意为“资源,谋略”,如:We must exploit the natural resources of our country我们必须 开发本国的天然资源。resolution 作“决心,决议”讲,如:He is a man of great resolution他是一位有决心 的人。 response 意为“反应,回答”,如:My letter of inquiry brought no response我去信询问,却没有得 到回音。 12. Some animals adjust themselves _ their environment by instinct. A) to B) in C) from D) toward 12. A)adjust 意为“调整,调节,使 适应”,后常跟介词 to 作为搭配,如:These desks and seats can be adjusted


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