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1、安 徽 大 学硕士学位论文沃斯的后现代主义解读A Post-modernistic Reading of Voss姓名费晓璐学科专业研究方向指导教师完成时间英语语言文学澳大利亚文学陈正发2008 年 4 月A POST-MODERNISTIC READING OF VOSSByFei XiaoluUnder the supervision ofProf. Chen ZhengfaA thesisSubmitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Arts to the School of

2、Foreign StudiesAnhui UniversityApril 2008AcknowledgementsI am honored to have this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to thosewho have offered me help in the three years of my graduate study. First of all, I wouldlike to express my gratitude from my heart to my supervisorProfessor ChenZheng

3、fa, who has given me illuminating instructions, invaluable advice and constantencouragement. Without his consistent help, it is very difficult for me to complete mypaper smoothly.I would also like to extend my gratitude to the other teachers from whom Ibenefit a lot: Professor Hong Zengliu, Professo

4、r Chen Bing, Professor Hua Quankunand Dr. Qi Tao.My deep gratitude also goes to my classmates Zhan Lili,Xia Xing and ShaoLianlian for their intelligent advice on my thesis.Finally, Im obliged to my beloved family for their great support andencouragement during these years.IAbstractPatrick White is a

5、 talented and resourceful Australian writer. He is the onlyAustralian writer who has won the Nobel Prize for literature for his great contributionto Australian literature. Throughout his writing career, he has produced 11 novels, 5plays, 3 short story collections, 3 volumes of poetry and an autobiog

6、raphy. Hesubscribes to the modernistic approach in writing and is constantly engaged inexperimenting. His novels are always stamped with modernistic features. He isconsistent in rejecting what he calls the dreary, dun-colored offspring of journalisticrealism. His innovative use of modernistic writin

7、g techniques confirms his status as awell-known modernist writer in the English-speaking world. However, to some degree,because of his rich imagination and unconventional writing techniques, his works areimprinted with some characteristics of postmodernism. This paper, based on thetheory of postmode

8、rnism, discusses the post-modernistic features of the novelVossfrom various aspects. There are ambiguity of the theme, the double sides of thecharacter of the protagonist, change of point of view, combination of reality andillusion, montage, symbolism and the original style of language all apparent

9、in thenovel. It can be concluded that the novel is so endowed with the characteristics ofpostmodernism that the writer can well be regarded as a transitional writer frommodernism to postmodernism.The paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter One introduces the studies in andout of our country abo

10、ut Whites works, especially about his writing style and thenovelVoss. Besides, the main argument of the paper that the novel is stamped withsome post-modernistic features and White is a transitional writer from modernism topostmodernism is put forward in the chapter. Chapter Two contains an introduc

11、tion tothe authors life, his works and overall style, and a brief account of the novel. In hiswriting career, White has written prolifically and is famous in the English literaryworld. Voss is one of Whites representative novels. Chapter Three mainly discussesthe features of postmodernism, which enc

12、ompass the uncertainty of theme,uncertainty of characters, uncertainty of plots and the originality of language. ChapterIIFour is the most important part of the paper meant to prove that Voss is a novel withsome post-modernistic features. First, there are various kinds of interpretation aboutthe the

13、me of Voss according to different theories. Because of the ambiguity of thetheme, it is difficult for the reader to understand the novel completely. Second, theprotagonist of the novel, Voss, shows the changeable nature of his character in theexpedition because he always wavers between the evil side

14、 and the good side. Anexploration is conducted to see the reasons leading to the uncertainty of his character,including social and personal ones. Third, many writing devices and techniques ofpostmodernism can be seen in the novel, such as change of point of view, combinationof reality and illusion,

15、symbolism and montage. These special devices not only createthe atmosphere of mystery but also make great contribution to the theme of the novel.Fourth, there is the originality of language, which shows that White is an imaginativewriter and often indulges himself in language experiments and word pl

16、ays. Based onthe above discussion, the conclusion is made that White is a transitional writer frommodernism to postmodernism.Key Words: Patrick White;Voss;Postmodernism;Writing techniqueIII摘 要帕特里克怀特是一位才华出众、独具风格的现代派作家,是迄今为止第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的澳大利亚作家。他作品浩瀚, 迄今已发表了 11 部长篇小说、三部短篇小说集、五部戏剧和一部自传。瑞士皇家科学院称怀特因为“他诗史般的和擅长于刻画人物心理的叙事艺术,把一个新的大陆介绍进世界文学领域”。他的突出成就是打破了澳大利亚的文学鼻祖劳森着力描写刻画人与外部世界冲突的传统文学形式而转向了人的内心冲突,将他的笔触伸向现代人的内心深处。他的小说基本上以他的祖国澳大利亚为背景,结合了现代主义的创作手法,因而他的作品无论在主题思想上还是写作方法上,都充满了现代主义的色彩,因而怀特也被定性为现代派作家。然



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