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1、12012 届完成句子新题型训练届完成句子新题型训练(一)1I arrived late; I _ the road to be so icy. (expect) 我迟到了;我没料到路会那么滑。2_ to raise the temperature of a liter of pure water by 1C.(take) 把一升的纯净水升高一摄氏度需要多少能量?3It was this incident _ the ethical and moral challenges we are faced with. (aware) 正是这一事件使公众意识到我们所面临的伦理道德挑战。4You wou

2、ld have passed if you _ the exam. (apply) 如果你认真对待了这次考试,你本来会通过的。5He was talking _ that all of us wonder whether he was telling the truth. (manner) 他的讲话方式非常奇怪,以至于我们都在想他是不是在说真话。6Modern cell phones, with _, are more than just a talking machine. (add) 现在的手机由于加进了很多新功能,已不再是一种通话机器了。7What measures _ to preve

3、nt this river from being polluted again? (take) 你认为我们可以采取什么措施来防止这条河流再次遭受污染?8Nowadays choosing what to eat is not as _. (used to) 如今选择吃什么可不像以前那么容易。9My question is _ on every one of us if the population keeps rising. (effect) 我的问题是,如果人口持续增长会对我们每个人有什么影响。10. This sentence doesnt make any sense. They _ o

4、r something. (leave) 这句话不通顺;他们肯定是遗漏了一个单词或什么的。(二)1.The Royal Society finally gave him the opportunity _. (wait) 皇家学院最后给了他一个他一直等待的机会。2.Im not so sure _that made the breakthrough in grouping plants. (who) 我不确定到底是谁在植物分类方面做出的突破。3.Not until the 1960s _ realize the importance of passing laws to strengthen

5、the rights of the Aborigines. (come) 直到 20 世纪 60 年代澳大利亚政府才逐渐意识到制定法律强化土著居民权力的重要性。4.I _ if I had been in your position. (nothing) 如果处在他的位置上我可能什么都做不了。25.When did the ancient Chinese form the belief _than rulers? (important) 古代中国人是什么时候形成观点,认为普通人比统治者更重要?6.No clear evidence _ so far to prove the existence

6、 of aliens. (find) 到目前为止还没有发现明显证据可以证明外星人存在。7.I bet that _ Captain Cook who first discovered Tasmania. (be) 我打赌一定是库克船长最先发现塔斯马尼亚岛的。8.Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a national holiday in 1986 in honor of the contribution Dr. King made to _ for blacks. (win) 1986 年马丁路德金日成为全国假日,以纪念金博士为黑人赢

7、得平等权利所做出的贡献。9._, the fire grew bigger and was spreading much faster. (think) 他还来不及仔细考虑火势就已经烧得更大,蔓延得更快了。10. _ again and again that we cant find pleasure in watching the Chinese national soccer team play. (prove) 已经一次又一次证明了我们看中国足球队的比赛不会有任何乐趣。(三)1.With professor Yuans new planting methods, the farmers

8、have produced_ _ as before. (as) 有了袁教授新的种植方法,农民们的苹果产量是从前的 5 倍。2.Only when all the new houses are completed _. (able) 只有所有的新房子都建成了以后他们才能搬进去。3.Is it in the museum _ for three weeks last year? (show) 那幅名画去年就是在这家博物馆里展出了三个礼拜吗?4.Li na _, but she gave up as her feet hurt a lot. (win) 李娜本可以赢得的,可是她因为脚伤放弃了。5.

9、To learn to speak English well, _. (need) 要把英语说好,需要很多练习。6.This is the first time I _ for months. (relax) 这是几个月来我第一次感觉到真正放松。7.An expert, together with some assistants, _ in the new area. (send) 一位专家和他的几名助手已派到那个新的地方去帮忙了。8.There are a large collection of books in his study, _ are written in English. (m

10、any) 他的书房里收藏有大量书籍,其中很多是英语原版的。39.Not _, the football star left the courts as soon as the match ended. (want) 因为不愿意被打扰,那个球星比赛一结束就离开了赛场。10. By the time you leave school, you _ more than 3000 English words. (learn) 道理毕业的时候,你就已经学到 3000 多个英语单词了。(四) 1.She wondered _ he would become aware of the responsibil

11、ities on his shoulders. (it) 她想知道他究竟什么时候才明白肩上的责任。2.I would be terribly exhausted if he _. (offer) 要是他没让我搭便车,我一定累坏了。3.Im so sorry, sir. Under no circumstances _ in this building. (allow) 不好意思,先生,这幢大楼任何情况下都不能抽烟。4.Last dusk I was driving home when a car quickly passed me. It _ at least 130 miles per ho

12、ur. (run) 昨天傍晚回家时,一辆车飞快超过我。它当时车速一定至少有 130 迈。5.You can not imagine _ they are living and everyone cant resist bursting into tears. (miserable) 你不能想象他们过着多么悲惨的日子,每个人都情不自禁落下泪来。6._ was that several students got the admission to top universities even when they were still in Senior Two. (amaze) 让他们吃惊的是竟有几个

13、学生在高二的时候就录取到了名校。7.Most of the construction work for the 2012 Olympic Games in London is reported _. (complete) 据报道,2012 年伦敦奥运会的大部分工程已经完工。8.Last nights news said that by then the identity of the guy who set the bomb _ yet. (confirm) 昨晚的消息说那个放炸弹的家伙的身份还未确认。9.In Wuhan the splendid East Lake _ “The eye of Wuhan” is a major tourist attraction. (refer) 在武汉,被认为“武汉之眼”的壮丽的东湖是一个主


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